
  1. 硝基芳烃对黑呆头鱼毒性定量构效关系的研究

    QSAR Study for the Toxicity of Nitroaromatics to the Fathead Minnow

  2. 一条灰烬隆头鱼的眼睛马尔代夫。

    The eye of an ember parrotfish Maldives .

  3. 闽东北外海渔场银方头鱼渔业生物学初步研究

    Preliminary study on fisheries biology of yellow Horsehead Branchiostegus argentatus on the fishing ground off northeast Fujian

  4. 在涌浪区中稚鱼拟态一些海猪鱼属的小型线班隆头鱼或高身雀鲷。

    Juveniles mimic some of the small lined wrasses of the genus Halichoeres or dark damsels in surge zones ( Ref.48635 ) .

  5. 应避免食用大型食肉鱼如鲨鱼、鱼、头鱼及国王鲭,这些鱼含汞量很高。

    They should avoid big predatory fish such as shark , swordfish , tilefish or king mackerel , which have higher mercury levels .

  6. 珠光梳唇隆头鱼一种产于北美洲大西洋海水中的小鱼(珠光梳唇隆头鱼),在美国东部沿海很多见河北沿岸硬骨鱼类鱼卵和仔雅鱼分布

    A small fish ( Tautogolabrus adspersus ) of North American Atlantic waters that is common along the shore of the eastern United States . Distribution of eggs and larvae of osteichthyes in Hebei coast

  7. 法兰克·盖瑞告诉我,他的目标一直是让他的建筑看起来像一条去头去尾的鱼。

    Frank Gehry told me his goal has alwaysbeen to make his buildings look like a fish with the head and the tail choppedoff .

  8. 在桥上我遇到两个人,他们指着河水,摇摇头说,没有鱼了,全吃光了。

    On the bridge I met two men who pointed at the water and shook their heads . No fish , they said . All eaten .

  9. 结果显示,虾的状态(有壳或无壳、有头或无头)和鱼块的厚度对其干燥特性有着显著影响。

    The results showed that the drying characteristics of shrimp and fish cake were significantly affected by the handling conditions ( with shell or without shell , with head or without head ) of shrimp and the thickness of fish cake .