
  • 网络Daunting;intimidating;formidable;fearsome
  1. 管理所有的类将是一件令人生畏的任务;所以,UML提供一个称为软件包的组织元素。

    Managing all the classes can be a daunting task ; therefore , UML provides an organizing element called a package .

  2. 在就职不到3个月的时间内,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)有一系列令人生畏的问题需要处理但这位美国总统最没有预见到的可能就是花生酱问题。

    In the not quite three months since he took office , Barack Obama has had a daunting array of issues with which to concern himself but one the US president may have least expected was peanut butter .

  3. “这听起来是极为令人生畏的艰苦工作。”西比尔后来说。

    ' It sounds the most fearful hard work , ' Sybil said later .

  4. 他是个身材高大、令人生畏的人。

    He was a huge , intimidating figure .

  5. 但愤怒或激动的时候,他也会发狂、会骂人、令人生畏。

    When angry or excited , however , he could be wild , profane , and terrifying

  6. 过去,这个地区令人生畏的地理条件和极端的天气状况使它受到保护。

    In the past , the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and the extremities of its climate

  7. “鬼见愁”这个名字听来令人生畏,但比起我们爬过的一些高山来,简直相形见绌。

    The peak devil 's frown , despite its forbidding name , pales beside some of the mountains we have climbed .

  8. 她说,和其他刚进入令人生畏的高等教育领域的学生一样,她在上大学的道路上遇到了很多困难,"在我的高中并没有真正的大学文化。"。

    Like other student new to the intimidating higher-education world , she often struggled on her path to college , " There wasn 't really a college-bound culture at my high school , " she said .

  9. 这真的是一种令人生畏的技能。

    And that 's a fearsome skill .

  10. A)大规模的,大量的;B)量方面的(与qualitative相对);C)surplus过剩的;D)formidable可怕的,令人生畏的。

    A ) massive B ) quantitative C ) surplus D ) formidable

  11. 如同从沼泽中升起一架X翼战斗机一样,从源代码构建软件乍看起来可能是令人生畏的,特别当您不是软件开发人员的时候。

    Like lifting an X-wing fighter from a swamp , building software from source might seem intimidating at first , especially if you 're not a software developer .

  12. ,Skype成为了一个令人生畏的竞争对手。

    Skype became a formidable competitor .

  13. 但是命令行并不适合所有人,觉得命令行难以理解和令人生畏的Linux用户数量多得令人吃惊,这或许是完全避免使用Linux的理由之一。

    But the command-line isn 't for everyone , and there there 's a surprising number of Linux users who find it unfathomable and intimidating , perhaps even a reason to avoid the Linux completely .

  14. 但在自谦的智慧,以及和蔼可亲的举止背后,是受过哈佛大学(Harvard)训练、令人生畏的头脑,对于运营细节的把握,以及让高盛更具支配力的勃勃雄心。

    But behind the self-deprecating wit and affable manner lies a formidable Harvard-trained mind , a mastery of operational detail and a fierce ambition to turn Goldman into an even more dominant force .

  15. 到访开普敦的“恶魔岛”(Alcatraz)需要提前几个星期预订。罗本岛(RobbenIsland)距海岸5英里(约8.05公里),是令人生畏的流放之地。

    Book a few weeks in advance for a tour of Cape Town 's Alcatraz : Robben Island , the grim penal colony five miles off the coast .

  16. 一个月前,在自斯大林(Stalin)时期以来莫斯科红场举行的规模最大的阅兵式上,一位外国嘉宾与阅兵式上展示的令人生畏的武器一样吸引了世人的关注。

    A month ago , in the largest military parade held on Red Square since the days of Stalin , one foreign guest drew as much attention as the fearsome hardware on display .

  17. 这次图灵应邀参加了会议,在被沃默斯利介绍成令人生畏的“数理逻辑领域顶级专家”之后,他尽量简单地介绍了ACE。

    This time Alan was invited to attend , and after being dauntingly introduced by Womersley as ' an expert in the field of mathematical logic ' , he did his best to explain the ACE as simply as possible .

  18. 我父亲和他的生意合伙人是一对令人生畏的搭档。

    My father and his business partner were a formidable duo .

  19. 大学对新生来说可能是一个令人生畏的地方。

    A university can seem a forbidding place to new students .

  20. 启用年轻的柜台职员有助于消除令人生畏的形象。

    A younger counter staff helps to eradicate the formidable image .

  21. 他们说我曾经是古巴令人生畏的一个总统。

    They say that I was a terrible president of cuba .

  22. 变成了一张令人生畏的名片。

    In what has become a grim , all-too-familiar calling card .

  23. 但失望已导致了针对跨国公司令人生畏的愤怒情绪爆发。

    But frustration has led to frightening outbreaks of anger against multinationals .

  24. 在战场上,亲卫骑兵是令人生畏的重装骑兵。

    On the battlefield they fight as effective heavy cavalry .

  25. 不然我们只好释放出我们令人生畏的力量了!

    Or we shall have to unleash our awesome and terrible power !

  26. 然而,各国央行可能即将丧失这一令人生畏的力量。

    But central banks may be about to lose that awesome power .

  27. 鼎鼎大名、令人生畏的热带大雕又杀生了。

    The famed and feared harpy eagle has killed again .

  28. 这个小队在“沙漠风暴”任务中是令人生畏的。

    It was a nasty little gig during desert storm .

  29. 因此对某些人来说,这是一项令人生畏的任务。

    So this was a very threatening assignment for some .

  30. 对我而言,这是一件令人生畏的工作。

    For me , it was a daunting task .