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  1. 发出对他的通缉令跟搜查令。

    Run his wants and warrants .

  2. 如果你的办公室随便地令人(令你或令你的同事们)不舒服&那么你能改变。

    If your office is too casual for comfort either your own or your colleagues ' you can try to fix it .

  3. 他能颁布王室赦免令或者减刑令,但是他通常只在罪犯在监狱服刑后才这样做。

    He is able to grant Royal pardons and reduce sentences but usually only after the felon has served time in jail .

  4. 调阅案卷令,再审令:一种委任令,处理上诉的法院复查另一个法院的审判过程,并且如果认为有必要还要纠正判决。

    A writ commissioning an appellate court to review the proceedings of another court and correct the judgment given if deemed necessary .

  5. 我国未成年人司法制度顺应这一潮流,进行了与我国有关的方针和政策相吻合的一系列如社会服务令、监管令等突破传统司法模式的制度探索。

    Catering to this stream , some attempts have appeared in the system of juvenile justice , such as community service and supervision order .

  6. 签认单位工程停工令、复工令、工程付款凭证、工程竣工报验单和工程结算书;

    To endorse stop work order and resume work order for unit work , work payment certificate , work completion reporting sheet and project statement ;

  7. 签发单位工程停工令、复工令,审核并签署验工计价表、工程付款凭证和工程结算书。

    Issue stop work order and resume work order for unit work , examine & approve and sign work acceptance and pricing table , project payment certificate and project statement ;

  8. 警察和军队已部署在胡志明市周围,以执行这项居家令或封锁令,并帮助向民众提供食物和用品。

    Police and army troops have deployed around Ho Chi Minh City to enforce the stay-at-home order , or lockdown , and to help get food and supplies to the people .

  9. 但本款不得作限制原法庭就在委席前行的查程序而作出履行令、移令或禁止令的力。

    Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to limit the power of the court of first instance to make an order of mandamus , certiorari or prohibition in relation to proceedings before a commission .

  10. 在惩罚性赔偿制度的程序设计方面,其适用范围应仅限于诉讼程序,可试行诉讼费用后交原则,赋予受害人禁止令和纠正令的请求权,建立先诉人利益保护制度。

    In terms of procedure designing of punitive damage system , its scope of application is confined in proceeding , the principle of paying legal fare later can be tried out , and claim of injunctive and rectifying can be endowed to victim .

  11. 这几乎无法为市区的商家带来晚间的商机,也因此令店家难以为继,令提供城市维护的税收十分困难。

    This generated little commerce for downtown businesses in the evenings , which made business and generating tax revenue for municipal upkeep difficult .

  12. 入境事务处负责处理有关递解离境令和遣送离境令的事宜。

    The department processes deportation and removal orders .

  13. 1706年12月17日,康熙帝下达了驱逐令和领票令。

    December 17th , 1706 , Emperor Kangxi issued the deportation order and votes-get order .

  14. (服兵役的)徵集令,徵召令舰队司令下令舰队开航。

    Summons for military service The Admiral issued a command for the fleet to set sail .

  15. 大约在十年前,大学生毕业后就可以找到令自己满意和令别人羡慕的工作。

    About a decade ago , university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after their graduation .

  16. 癖恋风格的网站会令访客迷惑,令用户和为这网站付了钱的公司受害。如果设计师不是从「这个网站是做给谁用的?」

    When Style is a fetish , sites confuse visitors , hurting users and the companies that paid for the sites .

  17. 当你如此和谐是,一种罕见的内心喜悦令你容光焕发,令身边的人都深深的受到感染。

    When you are aligned in this way , a rare inner delight reflecting a sheer radiance is seen and felt by all .

  18. 此外,英美国家的扣押令、临时限制令、预备禁令、玛利华禁令等临时救济措施亦成为英美法系最主要的保全措施。

    Moreover , the attachment , temporary restraining order , preliminary injunction and the Mareva injunction , are the main temporary remedies in Common law counties .

  19. 就如同时间会令皮肤苍老却令灵魂充实一般,一部平庸之作也会成为鞭策赵薇在今后制作出佳作的动力。

    Just as time wrinkles the skin but enriches the soul , a mediocre film may as well be the best motivation for Zhao to make better ones in the future .

  20. 不做运动减肥:每天只是单单控制饮食、限制食量,不做任何运动,只会令肌肉减少,令身体抑制消耗能量。

    Do slimming campaign : daily diet simply control , restrict food intake , and not to any exercise , it will only reduce muscle , inhibit the body energy consumption .

  21. 嗜人按蚊卵、二令幼虫、四令幼虫、蛹和成虫蛋白质经二维电泳后分别显示多肽斑点160、266、296、266和234个。

    2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis of the eggs , the second and fourth instar larvae , pupae and adults of An , anthropophagus were performed and 160 , 266 , 296 , and 234 polypeptide spots were found respectively .

  22. 就已发出接管令的个案而言,在判决令或简易程序令发出后,债务人即被裁定为破产。

    For cases with receiving orders made , debtors are adjudged bankrupt upon the making of orders of adjudication or summary procedure orders against them .

  23. 如美国制定和修正了一系列法律来惩罚家庭暴力行为,设立了民事保护令制度;英国法律明确规定了两种判令:禁止骚扰令和驱逐令来保护受害者的权益等。

    Such as the United States of America formulate and revise a series of laws to punish acts of family violence , and create the civil protection order system ; British law clearly defines the two decree : prohibit harassment and deportation to protect the rights of victims .