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gā gā
  • quack
  • gaggle


gá ga
  • 同 "尜尜"
嘎嘎 [gā gā]
  • [quack;gaggle] 鸭叫声

  • 咬咬嘎嘎水禽声,露松阴满院清。--唐. 李山甫《方干隐居》

嘎嘎[gā gā]

(鸭子、大雁等的叫声) quack:

  • 鸭子嘎嘎叫。

    The duck quacks.

嘎嘎[gá ga]
  1. 这里“嘎嘎”叫,那里也“嘎嘎”叫,到处“嘎嘎”叫。

    Here a quack , there a quack , every where a quack-quack .

  2. 嘎嘎,孤寂的夜研究某男短期爱情经历,忽然感到很神奇。

    Quack , lonely night of love , a male short-term experience , I suddenly feel very magical .

  3. 他把汽车排挡踩得嘎嘎作响。

    He ground the gears on the car .

  4. 她嘎嘎大笑起来。

    She let out a loud guffaw .

  5. 他们都高兴得嘎嘎地笑。

    They all cackled with delight .

  6. 收音机嘎嘎地响了起来。

    The radio crackled into life .

  7. 为了轻松一下,我们最后讲一个名叫“嘎嘎”的鸭子的故事来结束今天的新闻报道。

    On a lighter note , we end the news today with a story about a duck called Quackers .

  8. 在那片寂静之中,铰链吱吱嘎嘎的声音听起来很响。

    The creaking of the hinges sounded very loud in that silence

  9. 这些木头在吱吱嘎嘎作响,木地板有些摇晃。

    The timbers groan and creak and the floorboards shift .

  10. 他起身时椅子发出吱吱嘎嘎的声音。

    His chair grated as he got to his feet

  11. 这些女裁缝围着模特儿衣架叽叽嘎嘎地讨论衣服这里或那里要做的小改动。

    The seamstresses cluck around a dummy , discussing a tuck here and there .

  12. 这门老叽叽嘎嘎响。

    This door always creaks .

  13. 除此之外,便是一片噪声,一片嘎嘎嘎的叫嚣

    For the rest it was just a noise , a quack-quack-quacking .

  14. 一直听着这场对话的母鹅嘎嘎自语。

    The goose had been listening to this conversation and chuckling to herself .

  15. 嘎嘎姐的第一款个人香水名字叫做Monster,好有嘎嘎姐的风范呀!

    Gaga 's first fragrance will be called Monster .

  16. 朴载相(Psy)的《江南Style》(GangnamStyle)和嘎嘎小姐(LadyGaga)的《荣耀之巅》(EdgeofGlory)也是一样。

    So does ' Gangnam Style ' by Psy and Lady Gaga 's ' Edge of Glory . '

  17. n.嘎嘎声我们习惯于听那清早牛奶瓶的嘎嘎作响声。

    rattle We used to hear the rattle of the mild bottles in the early morning .

  18. 星期二的时候,28岁的雷迪嘎嘎穿了一条高腰热裤,一双大白腿展露无遗。上身搭配着一条KidBandT恤,外面披了一件宽松的亮面夹克。

    The 28-year-old pop star showed off her legs in tiny high-waisted denim shorts , teamed with an oversized black satin jacket and a Kid Rock band shirt on Tuesday .

  19. 争议的焦点:嘎嘎小姐这次的“创新”举动一方面是登上了日本的男性杂志Vogue的封面,一方面的确引起了很大的争议。

    Controversial : Lady Gaga has angered animal rights campaigners by posing in a raw meat'bikini'on the cover of Japanese Men 's Vogue magazine .

  20. 比如,F3DM的汽油发动机会发出嘎嘎声,发动起来的时候噪音可能很大。

    The gasoline engine in the F3DM , for instance , rattles and can be noisy when it kicks in .

  21. 因影片《一个明星的诞生》而提名最佳女演员的嘎嘎,穿着AlexanderMcQueen黑色礼服,戴了一条亮闪闪的黄色钻石项链。这枚宝石奥黛丽赫本曾在《蒂凡尼早餐》宣传海报中佩戴过。

    The A Star Is Born Best Actress nominee teamed the dazzling yellow jewel , famously worn by Audrey Hepburn in her promotional shots for Breakfast At Tiffany 's , with a sculptural black gown by Alexander McQueen .

  22. 流行歌手嘎嘎小姐、3D(电影)、“大萧条”、MTV真人秀节目《泽西海岸》和节目中的一群意裔美籍年轻男女的称号GuidosandGuidettes也进入了2010年榜单。

    Pop singer Lady Gaga , 3D ( as in movies ), the " great recession ," MTV reality show " Jersey Shore " and its Italian-American young Guidos and Guidettes also made the2010 list .

  23. 流行天后嘎嘎小姐凭借她在HBO热门短剧《美国恐怖故事:旅馆》中扮演的反面角色获得了最佳女主角的奖杯。

    Pop superstar Gaga also took home the award for best actress in a limited television series or movie for her role as the villainous Countess in American Horror Story : Hotel . The Born This Way singer made an emotional speech as she was awarded a Golden Globe for her role in the HBO hit .

  24. 他们听见他踉跄撞在树干上,树干嘎嘎剧烈摇晃不已。

    They heard him blunder against the trunk which rocked violently .

  25. 我掐了她一把,沙发弹簧吱吱嘎嘎的响声停了。

    I pinched her and the agitation of the sofa-springs ceased .

  26. 机器发出的不断的嘎嘎声几乎使我发疯。

    The constant whine of the machine nearly drove me crazy .

  27. 如果钻头松动,电钻会嘎嘎作响。

    A power drill will chatter if the bit is loose .

  28. 只有五分钟了,哈利突然听到外面有一些嘎嘎的声音。

    Five minutes to go . Harry heard something creak outside .

  29. 屋子里一出现吱吱嘎嘎的声音就会叫我的心脏静止。

    Each creak of the house made my heart stand still .

  30. 他们被吱吱作响的门警醒了;叽叽嘎嘎响的楼梯。

    They were alerted by the creaking gate ; creaky stairs .