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wāng wāng
  • tearful;woof;bow-wow;tears welling up;barking noise;profuse (tears);vast (water)
汪汪 [wāng wāng]
  • (1) [profuse (tears)]∶形容眼泪盈眶

  • 泪汪汪的

  • (2) [vast (water)]∶深广的样子;广阔的样子;水充盈的样子

  • 汪汪的湖面

  • (3) [barking noise]∶犬吠声音

汪汪[wāng wāng]
  1. 一名眼泪汪汪、不愿透露姓名的妇女说。

    Asked a tearful woman who declined to give her name .

  2. 他哭不出声、两眼泪汪汪地诉说着他的情况。

    With choked throat and tearful eyes , he told his story .

  3. 主菜油汪汪的。

    The main course was swimming in oil .

  4. 那条狗突然开始对我们汪汪叫。

    The dog suddenly started barking at us .

  5. 几只狗跟在他后面汪汪乱叫。

    The dogs yapped at his heels .

  6. 迈克尔满怀乞求地看着他,两眼泪汪汪的。

    Michael looked at him imploringly , eyes brimming with tears .

  7. 她的朋友凯斯(凯茜娃的简称)眼泪汪汪。

    Her friend Kes ( short for Kesewa ) was in tears

  8. 它开始“汪汪”地叫起来。

    She started going ' woof woof ' .

  9. 她在一幅狗的画像前停下来,开始“汪汪”地学起狗叫来。

    She stopped in front of a painting of a dog and she started going ' woof woof '

  10. 一种悲伤、失落感突然袭来,他不由得眼泪汪汪。

    He was suddenly struck with such a sense of grief , of loss , that his eyes filled with tears .

  11. “他的眼神呆滞?”——“还双眼圆睁,泪汪汪的。”——“谢谢!”

    ' His eyes were glassy ? ' — ' And dilated . They were watery . ' — ' Thank you . '

  12. 那名妇女眼泪汪汪,显然很悲伤。

    That woman was teary and clearly in distress .

  13. 那只狗向他汪汪乱叫。

    The dog yapped at him .

  14. 刚下过大雨,地里水汪汪的。

    A heavy rain had fallen , and the fields were flooded .

  15. 狗汪汪地吠了几声。

    The dog gave several fierce barks .

  16. 狗汪汪地叫。

    A dog is barking .

  17. 虽然这部电影已经有30年的历史了,但250个座位上坐满了眼泪汪汪、想对老建筑道别的观众。

    Though the movie is 30 years old , most of the 250 seats were filled with teary-eyed audience wanting to say good-bye to the old building .

  18. 看到儿子时她非常激动,眼泪汪汪地感谢了我们。

    When she saw her son , she was very excited and thanked us with tears in her eyes .

  19. 因为烟熏,她的双眼变得泪汪汪的。

    Her eyes became watery because of the smoke .

  20. 他的狗不知道是他换了衣服,汪汪叫着扑过来。

    He dog did5 not know that he had changed clothes , so it came6 at him barking7 .

  21. 4岁的杰克-科林本来准备要打开iPad玩他最喜欢的游戏《植物大战僵尸》,结果发现自己的iPad上一切都变了,小家伙难过得眼泪汪汪。

    Four-year-old , Jack Colling , is reduced to tears after he turns on his iPad to play one of his favourite games , Plants vs Zombies , only to discover that everything has changed on his Apple device .

  22. 她的小嘴巴一噘,眼泪汪汪。

    Her little mouth puckered up and tears filled her eyes .

  23. 帕尔默两眼泪汪汪地走开了。

    With tears welling in his eyes , Palmer walked away .

  24. 小狗:不,走开,汪汪。

    Dog : No , go away . Woof , woof .

  25. 我的大狗狗很兴奋,它汪汪地叫个不停。

    My big dog got excited . She barked and barked .

  26. 这之后他就坐下汪汪叫起来,直到有人来把它放出往。

    Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out .

  27. 而此时的我,已是满眼水汪汪的泪水。

    And at this time I have a eyeful watery tears .

  28. 看得真呢,它日夜都泪水汪汪?

    That is so vex 'd with watching and with tears ?

  29. 只是一只在外面汪汪乱叫的狗嘛。

    It 's just a dog , for crying out loud .

  30. 母亲在试图安慰眼泪汪汪的小女孩。

    The mother was trying to comfort the tearful little girl .