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  • 网络Wang Zengqi
  1. 本文将全面分析汪曾祺小说的诗性内涵。

    This article will analyze Wang Zengqi ' poem connotation of novel .

  2. 论汪曾祺文化意识的民间性

    Folk Nature of Wang Zengqi ′ s Cultural Conscience

  3. 汪曾祺与五四新文化传统

    Wang Zeng-qi and the New Culture Tradition of the May 4th

  4. 浅论汪曾祺风俗画小说的思想内容

    On Wang Zeng-qi 's Genre Painting Novel 's Content Implication

  5. 论汪曾祺小说创作的情感品质

    On the Emotional Quality of Mr. Wang Zeng-qi 's Novels

  6. 晚翠的诗情&论汪曾祺晚期小说诗化的途径

    On the Poetical Approaches of Wang Zeng-qi 's Later Stories

  7. 汪曾祺小说语言的和谐美

    Harmonious Beauty of WANG Zeng-qi 's Novel Language

  8. 汪曾祺的散文作品不仅注重内容,也极其注重语言艺术。

    His prose works not only focus on content , but also the language art .

  9. 再次,汪曾祺小说具有臻于化境的传统技艺美。

    Finally , there is supreme beauty of traditional writing skill in Wang 's novel .

  10. 情韵醇浓的风情画&论汪曾祺小说的情趣美

    A Landscape of Sentiment & On the Beauty of Sentiment of Wang Zeng-qi 's Novel

  11. 文学书写中的故乡记忆&以汪曾祺笔下的昆明为中心

    Hometown in the Memory of Literature Writing

  12. 政治对汪曾祺造成的伤害是巨大的。

    Huge political damage done to Wang .

  13. 归隐派与名士风度&废名、沈从文、汪曾祺论

    Retirement School and Their Personage Demeanour : From FEI Ming , SHEN Cong-wen to WANG Zeng-qi

  14. 汪曾祺其人其文,在中国现当代文学史上都是一个“异秉”。

    Wang Zengqi and his works are special gifts in the history of modern literature of China .

  15. 其次,从个人经历出发,考察汪曾祺最终选择和谐观的原因。

    Secondly , from personal experience investigate to Wang Zeng-Qi the reason of selecting harmonious sight eventually .

  16. 第三部分阐述了汪曾祺小说传统与现代的艺术整合。

    Part Three expounds the integration of the idea of tradition and modern about Wang 's short stories .

  17. 汪曾祺散文化小说具有如下三种鲜明的特征:通常为一种如诗的意境所笼罩;

    The prose-style novels of Wang Zeng-qi feature as follows : They are usually shrouded by poem-like mood ;

  18. 从工具论到本体论&论汪曾祺对现代汉语小说语言观的贡献

    From Instrumentalism to Ontology

  19. 中国古典哲学美学思想的集中体现&汪曾祺作品蕴含的哲学意味

    The Massive Reflection of Chinese Classical Philosophical Aesthetical Thought ── Philosophical Sense Embodied in Works by Wang Zeng qi

  20. 汪曾祺作品的结构于自由散淡中凸显出和谐统一的特色。

    The feature of harmony and unity in his works is embodied in a leisurely scattering and trivial structure .

  21. 世俗化的观照对象和口语化的叙述框架是汪曾祺小说精神本色化的主要表征。

    Secular characters and colloquial style of narration are the main manifestations of the aesthetics of Wang Zengqi 's novels .

  22. 梦中化城的永恒魅力&鲁迅、汪曾祺童年视角小说创作的梦境探讨

    The Eternal Charm of Illusion Paradise & An Analysis of Childhood Novels from Dream by Lu Xun and Wang Zeng-qi

  23. 汪曾祺主张把外来影响和民族传统溶合起来,纳外来于传统。

    Wang Zeng-Qi view outside influence and national tradition dissolve to suit , fit to be more outside than tradition .

  24. 与现代的新潮小说相比,汪曾祺的作品传统化因子最为丰富,诗情的承袭和画意的追求是其主要精神内核。

    Compared with modern pop novels , Wang 's works with poetic and picturesque qualities contain very rich traditional factors .

  25. 作为一个整体,汪曾祺的文学创作,暗合了淮扬美食文化的诸多方面。

    As a whole , the literary works of Wang Zengqi unconsciously involved quite a few aspects of Huaiyang food culture .

  26. 沧桑人世的温情抚慰&汪曾祺小说内在情感和文化底蕴剖析

    Tender Comfort in Hard Life & An Analysis of the Innermost Feelings and Cultural Implications of Wang Cengqi ′ s novels

  27. 汪曾祺是中国较早、而且有意识运用意识流手法进行小说创作的作家之一。

    Wang Zengqi is rated among the earlier Chinese writers who intentionally applies the technique of stream of consciousness to novels creation .

  28. 本文认为,汪曾祺小说创作的独特之处在于:第一,平等的叙述姿态。

    The thesis holds that the uniqueness of Wang 's fiction lies in the following points : Firstly , the equal narrative position .

  29. 思想意蕴的发掘是汪曾祺小说研究取得较多成果的又一个领域。

    Additionally , he has been struggling with another field of novel study , that is to excavate the novel 's feeling intention .

  30. 汪曾祺作为一位具有独特美学追求和深厚艺术功力的作家,精通中国的绘画之道,并把其中有益的思想成功融入小说创作中。

    As one of the most famous writers with unique comprehension on aesthetics , Wang Zengqi has a good command of Chinese Painting .