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摹仿 [mó fǎng]
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摹仿[mó fǎng]
  1. n.复制品那位年轻的画家照着名画摹仿了一幅。

    replica The young artist made a replica of the famous painting .

  2. 西方诗学是亚里士多德根据戏剧定义文学而建立起来的,是一种“摹仿&情感的”(mimetic-affective)诗学;

    Aristotle who defined literature on the basis of theatre built the Western poetics , which is a kind of mimetic-affective poetics ;

  3. 对练习摹仿签名实验数据的统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of the Experimental Data of Practicing Imitating signature

  4. 摹仿逝者少量字签名的鉴定方法与价值特征分析

    The Identification Method and Characteristic Value Analysis of Imitated Signatures

  5. 浅析练习摹仿签名的识别及检验技巧

    The Analysis for the Identification of Practice Signatures and its Testing Techniques

  6. 而是出于一个不高明的摹仿者之手,并且他做的有点画蛇添足了。

    but by a clumsy imitator who overdid his part .

  7. 仅为一个自然的摹仿者不能产生任何伟大的艺术品。

    Mere copier of nature can never produce anything great .

  8. 其二,揭示了亚氏摹仿观对和谐叙事美的生成特征。

    The characteristics of the beauty of narrative harmony created by imitation .

  9. 一起练习记忆摹仿签名笔迹的鉴定与启示

    Examination of Signature Handwriting Imitated by Practice and memory

  10. 自我摹仿笔迹鉴定研究

    A Study of the Identification of the Imitation of One 's Own Handwriting

  11. 指挥教学中摹仿演练与双钢琴演练比较研究

    A Comparison of Imitating Conducting Drill and Piano Duet Conducting Drill in Teaching

  12. 为喜剧效果而摹仿写作作品或喜剧文章。

    Mimics literary or musical style for comic effect .

  13. 服务虽能增值,但又是极易被摹仿的。

    Service adds value to products , but it can be easily duplicated .

  14. (摹仿着汽门排气的声音。)开启阀门时,躲开调整器和阀门排气口。

    Stand clear of the regulator and valve outlet , while opening the valve .

  15. 语言,宗教都是摹仿的。

    Their language and belief are both copied .

  16. 虽然威尔逊极力摹仿,当地人惯用的一些词语在他嘴里说得还是很不自然。

    However diligently Wilson practised , the slang phrase sounded unnaturally on his lips .

  17. 浅论《诗学》中的摹仿理论

    On The Theory Of Imitation In Poetics

  18. 心动说与摹仿说是中西古代文学创作论的最为重要的学说,它们对中西文论和文学都产生了深远影响。

    Emotion-oriented writing theory and nature-oriented writing theory are two important composing theories in literature .

  19. 论西方古代文艺理论的摹仿论

    Imitation Theory in Ancient Western Literature Theories

  20. 练习摹仿笔迹特征鉴定价值分析及同一认定条件

    The Value of Characteristics of Imitated Handwriting by Practice and the Requirements for Its Identification

  21. 柏拉图认为艺术摹仿必须在消隐人的个体自我的基础上为国家的利益服务。

    Plato considered that individuals must make their personalities invisible to better serve the country .

  22. 自然·镜子·灯&文艺复兴时期的摹仿论与想像论

    Nature , Mirror and Light & The Theory of Imitation and Imagination of the Renaissance

  23. 一般地说,学习语言就要进行有意识的摹仿。

    Language learning usually necessitates conscious mimicry .

  24. 第二大栖息地是摹仿白鲸的自然生活环境而设计的。

    The second largest habitat was designed to copy the natural environment of beluga whales .

  25. 试着摹仿她的风格。

    Try to copy her style .

  26. 多媒体技术应用:从教学摹仿到艺术创造

    The Application of Multimedia Technology : From " Teaching Imitation " to " Artistic Creation "

  27. 对练习摹仿签名的实验研究

    Experimental research on practice imitated signature

  28. 摹仿论者认为幻象不过是客观世界的镜像,是对客观现实的忠实反映;

    In Imitationism illusion is a mirror of the objective world and a true-to-life reflection of the facts ;

  29. 但中、西摹仿理论于相似之中却又有深刻的差异。

    In spite of their similarities , however , there exist profound differences between the two kinds of mimesis .

  30. 物感说与摹仿说&从主客关系看二者的创作论

    An analysis of the creative theories of object-affected and imitating object : On the relationship between subject and object