
  1. 以毛乌素沙地北部边缘的B嘎查为例,本文从环境人类学的角度对草原沙漠化问题进行了考察。

    Taking village B in northern Maowusu Desert as an example , this paper attempts to study the problem of grassland desertification in the perspective of environmental anthropology .

  2. 国家行政权力赋予了嘎查自治组织制度上的权威和合法性。

    The government administrative power endows Kacha autonomous region with institutional authority and legality .

  3. 希塔嘎查的调查表明,许多制度的选择并不是人口资源压力下的唯一选择。

    The research in Xita herding village shows that institutional choice in herding was not a direct result of population growth .

  4. 本文将研究集中于内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市伊金霍洛旗都嘎敖包嘎查&一个处于蒙古族文化传统中的最小行政社区。

    The research and analysis of this dissertation is about yijihuoluo dugui obuga-the smallest administrative region in the Mongolian traditional culture .

  5. 另一方面,当嘎查遇到难以处理的棘手问题时,国家行政权力也成了可以直接诉求的重要依靠。

    On the other hand , when facing intractable problem , the government administrative power can be invoked as an vital foundation .

  6. 中加农业合作项目在呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗的两个苏木四个嘎查搞试点一年多了。

    The China-Canada agriculture development program has been piloted at two sumus and four gachas of Chenbarhu banner , Hulunber city , for over a year .

  7. 南部地区的人们掌握着更多的传统知识,植物丰富度较低、距离城市较近的嘎查掌握的传统知识较少。

    People of southern area own more traditional knowledge , but in the northern area , where there are less plants species and which has convenient transportation and is close to big cities , the people own very limited traditional knowledge .