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lìnɡ zhènɡ
  • your wife
  • your beloved wife
令正 [lìng zhèng]
  • [your beloved wife] 旧时以嫡妻为正室,令正为尊称对方的嫡妻

  • 今闻公主是牛大哥令正,安得不以嫂嫂称之!--《西游记》

  1. 纽约的禁酒令正如火如荼,他难受得好像已经死了,而且因为自己的罪孽下了地狱。禁止向未满18岁的人售酒的法令

    In New York , with Prohibition in full swing , he thought he had died and gone to hell for his sins . prohibition against sales to under-18s of alcohol

  2. 鉴于日本婴儿潮时期出生的近700万人将在未来十年内达到75岁,可能会令正处在赚钱黄金时期的子女退出劳动力大军,这个数字预计还将大幅增长。

    The tally is set to balloon as the nearly 7 million-strong baby-boomer generation reaches the age of 75 in the coming decade , potentially dragging their children from the workforce in their prime earning years .

  3. 无论现在是怎样的表现状态,第八宫的星体不断地再生,令更多正能量能释放。

    No matter what the present level of manifestation , however , planets in the8th undergo a constant regeneration , permitting their more positive qualities to shine through .

  4. 2004年李敏[5]提出下整和图的概念.令Q+表示正有理数集。

    In 2004 , Li min [ 5 ] introduced the concept of lower integral sum graph .

  5. 可以说,令我着迷的正是那些词语本身,而书的内容反倒不在我的考虑之列。

    The words themselves fascinated me ; but I took no conscious account of what I read .