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lìng ài
  • your daughter;your beloved daughter
令爱 [lìng ài]
  • [your beloved daughter] 称对方的女儿的敬辞。也作令嫒

令爱[lìng ài]
  1. 伊恩,死亡不会令爱结束

    Ian , death doesn 't put an end to love .

  2. 令爱长驻的妙法-将爱放飞

    Best Way to Keep Love is to Give It Wings

  3. 您如有意,请惠告令爱情况并请赐寄玉照一帧。

    Should you feel interested , please send me similar information together with a photograph of the girl .

  4. 我决定要勇于面对逆境,不要令爱我的人失望。

    I made up my mind to face up to adversity . I would not disappoint the people who love me .

  5. 失去爱的方法,最快莫过于将其牢牢地抓在手心;令爱长驻的方法,最好莫过于赋予它一双翅膀——将爱放飞!

    The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight , the best way to keep love is to give it WINGS !

  6. 令爱长驻的方法,最好莫过于赋予它一双翅膀&将爱放飞!

    And the best way to make your love stay and alive , is no other than to give it wings , & to free your love !