
lìnɡ pái zǒnɡ xiàn wǎnɡ
  • token-bus network
  1. 本文对符合IEEE802.4和MAP标准的令牌总线网的性能指标评估给出了一种新的计算方法。

    This paper proposes a new algorithm of performance evaluating for fault tolerant token bus network in the standards of IEEE 802.4 or MAP .

  2. 容错型令牌总线网性能评价算法

    A Performance Evaluation Algorithm of Fault tolerant Token Bus Network

  3. 通过数据结构的双向循环链表的插入和删除算法,进一步理解令牌总线网的站点插入和删除,把学科间的内容相互衔接起来,使问题更加简单化。

    This paper , by mastered insertion and deletion of node algorithm in double circle linked list , goes a step further to understand the insertion and deletion of station , achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject so that abstract problem becomes easy and simple .

  4. 门限式令牌总线局部网协议性能分析

    Performance Analysis of a Gated Polling and Token Bus Protocol for LANS

  5. 令牌总线型工业测控网中令牌的管理

    Management of the Token in Token-bus Network for Industrial Measurement & Control System