
  • 网络Optical Passive Devices;optical passive components
  1. 光无源器件测试系统设计和测试误差分析

    Optical Passive components Measurements System Designed and testing Error Analysis

  2. 光无源器件温度冲击过程中光功率的实时监测

    Real-time Measurement to Optical Power for Optical Passive Components under Temperature Shock Testing

  3. 本文详细介绍光无源器件在WDM网络中的主要作用及其基本现状,以WDM网络为光导,对网络中应用的光无源器件作逐一介绍。

    The paper describes in detail the main roles and essential status of optical passive devices in WDM network . Then based on the survey of WDM network , applications of optical passive devices in WDM network are serially introduced .

  4. 光纤光栅是一种极有应用前途的新型光无源器件,为此简述了光纤光栅的光学特性以及光纤光栅在DWDM全光网络中的一些应用。

    Fiber grating is a kind of novel optical passive component with a prospective future . Consequently , the optical properties of fiber grating , as well as the applications of fiber grating in DWDM all optical networks are described .

  5. 光无源器件产业的发展和扩建的建议

    Suggestion of Developing and Extending for the Optical Passive Devices Industry

  6. 我国光纤光缆及光无源器件产业的现状与发展

    Optical Fiber and Passive Device Industries in China : Now and Future

  7. 而光无源器件是构成光网络的基础。

    Optical passive devices are the basis of optical networking .

  8. 光无源器件的现状及其发展动向

    Present Status and Technological Trends of Passive Fiber Optic Components

  9. 光无源器件是光纤通信产业的组成部分。

    The optical passive device is part of the optical fiber communication industry .

  10. 光无源器件理论研究的进展

    The Progress of Theory Research in Optical Passive Devices

  11. 光无源器件国内市场分析

    Analysis of Interior Market on Optical Passive Elements

  12. 摩尔光纤光栅是一种新型光无源器件。

    Moire fiber grating ( MFC ) is a new kind of passive components .

  13. 随着光纤的发展,各种光无源器件,也得到了长足的发展,日渐成为光纤通信系统及光纤传感系统中必不可少的重要器件。

    The photic apparatus are becoming important part in the communication system and fiber sensors .

  14. 光无源器件在军事中的应用

    Application of optical passive devices in military

  15. 本文综述了近年来光无源器件理论研究的进展。

    The present progress of theory research in optical passive devices was described in this paper .

  16. 光无源器件测试系统研究

    Research of passive optical component testing

  17. 长周期光纤光栅作为一种重要的光无源器件,在光纤通信、光纤传感及光纤激光器等领域发挥着非常重要的作用。

    Long period fiber grating is a kind of the most important passive devices in optical fiber communications , optical fiber sensing and optical fiber lasers .

  18. 光纤光栅是一种波长调制型光无源器件,近些年随着它的制作技术的发展与成熟,光纤光栅的研究逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。

    Fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) is a kind of wavelength modulated optical fiber passive device . With the development of its production technology , FBG research has gradually become the focus .

  19. 随着光纤网络的推广普及,作为光无源器件中使用量位居第二的光纤耦合器将在光通信、光检测和光传感技术等的领域得到广泛的应用。

    With the improvement of fiber-optic network , the usage amount of optical fiber coupler , as an optical passive component , ranks second place in optical communication , optical detection and sensing technology .

  20. 针对光无源器件的特点,对其插入损耗、偏振相关损耗等主要性能指标的测试方案、测试仪器的选择等方面进行了分析。

    Aiming at the specialties of the passive optical component , the proper testing scheme and instruments were provided to verify the component 's insert loss , polarization dependent loss and other main indices .

  21. 长周期光纤光栅是近年来出现的一种新型光无源器件,它实现了同向传播的纤芯基模和包层模之间的耦合。

    Long period grating fiber ( LPFG ) is a new type of optical passive device which is developing rapidly in recent years . It promotes coupling between the propagating core mode and co-propagating cladding modes .

  22. 随着光纤通信网络的快速发展,对光无源器件包括光开关的需求越来越大,光开关是用来重新配置光网络或增加其可靠性的。

    The rapid growth of optical fiber communication networks has created a large demand for many optical components , including optical switches . Fiber optical switches are used to reconfigure the network and / or increase its reliability .

  23. 利用熔融拉锥技术制作的单模光纤耦合器,是光纤通信、光纤传感、光纤检测系统中重要的光无源器件,但其用作光纤传感元件方面的报道尚不多。

    The single-mode optic fiber coupler made by using the technique of fused biconical taper is an essential optical passive element in optical fiber communication , optical sensing and optical testing system , while its usage as optical fiber sensor is rarely reported .

  24. 光通信无源器件的现状和展望

    Present Condition and Distant View of Optical Fiber Passive Devices

  25. 无源光网络与无源光器件

    The Passive Optical Network and Passive Optical Device

  26. 主要介绍了光学薄膜在光通信的无源型器件中的原理及应用,并与光纤光栅和平面光波导型的无源器件作简单比较。

    The technology and applications in non-source device of optical communication of optical films are described .

  27. 在光子晶体光波导和光学无源器件的应用中,光子晶体的能带结构的可调谐性成为光子晶体在光通讯中广泛应用的瓶颈。

    And for the application of photonic crystal waveguide and optical passive devices , the tunability of band structure of photonic crystal has been the bottleneck of wide application in optical communication for photonic crystals .

  28. 光开关是全光通信网络中的一种重要的光无源器件。

    Optical switch is a kind of important passive optical components in all-optical communication network .

  29. 光纤分路器是光通讯领域应用的最为广泛最为基础的光无源器件。

    The optical fiber splitter is the most extensive and basic passive component in the field of optical communication .

  30. 光衰减器是光纤通信中控制与平衡光功率的重要无源器件,在光纤通信系统中具有难以取代的位置,光衰减片是光衰减器的核心元件。

    Optical attenuator is vital passive device to control and balance luminous power which is replaced hardly in fiber-optical communication . Optical attenuation slice is core component of optical attenuator .