
  • 网络photolithography;lithography;photolithograph;photolithographic
  1. 相位错动强度叠加光刻法

    Phase dislocation strength superimposed photolithography

  2. 提出了氧离子注入的新型平面器件结构,用普通接触式补偿光刻法制作了亚微米栅条,所得器件比普通台式器件具有更低的微波噪声。

    The new planar devices using oxygen implantation are developed . Submicron gate lengths have been fabricated , by using conventional compensated contact photolithography . The microwave noise of the resulted device is much lower than that of the general mesa device .

  3. 一般的量子光刻法可以获得N倍于经典光刻方法的分辨力。

    It is also pointed out here that the resolution obtained in general quantum lithographic methods is only N times larger than that achieved in classical lithography .

  4. 采用软光刻法制作带有微反应腔和微通道的PDMA盖片。

    Adopting soft lithography method , we make a PDMA cover piece with the reaction chamber and micro channel .

  5. 透镜阵列光刻法消差原理分析

    Analysis on error-eliminate by lens array photolithography method

  6. 基于软光刻法的新型Y分叉光功率分配器

    A Compact Soft-lithography Based Y-branch Optical Power Splitter

  7. 本文提出了应用双镀层光刻法制作高温全息光栅的新工艺。

    A new method fir producing holographic gratings for high temperature is developed in this paper .

  8. 实验表明透镜阵列光刻法,可以较好的消除衍射误差,研制出高质量的光栅。

    The experiments show that the diffraction error can be eliminated with lens array photolithography method and high-quality grating can be developed .

  9. 并对两种制备方法做了比较,在分析了制作的凸点的质量后,认为经过改进的蒸发结合光刻法可以制作高质量的阵列凸点。

    The analysis of the quality of the bumps fabricated by using these two methods shows that the improved evaporation plus lithography method can be used to fabricate bumps with high quality .

  10. 新型快速成型技术包括立体光刻法、选择性激光烧结、熔融沉积成型、分层实体制造、三维立体喷涂等。

    The rapid prototyping technology includes stereolithography ( SLA ), selective laser sintering ( SLS ), fused deposition modeling ( FDM ), laminated object manufacturing ( LOM ) and three-dimensional print ( 3D-printing ), and so on .

  11. 由体材料制备纳米材料有很多方法,包括电子束光刻法,原子力显微镜操作,聚焦离子束抛光和激光直写法等,但是利用这些方法将体材料切片至纳米尺度仍存在一些问题。

    There are several methods used to build the nanoscale materials from the bulk which include e-beam lithography , AFM manipulation , focused ion beam milling , and direct laser writing . There are problems associated with these methods in reducing the bulk materials to the nano level .

  12. 透镜阵列光刻法用一个柱面阵列透镜代替常规光刻法中的柱面透镜形成光程差,将由衍射所引起的瞬变图形错开,消除由于光刻模板与被刻光栅之间因间隙引起的衍射误差。

    The optical path difference formed by replacing the cylindrical lens in common photolithography with a cylindrical lens array in lens array photolithography shall stagger the transient image caused by diffraction , thus eliminating the diffraction error caused by the gap between the photolithographic template and the etching grating .

  13. 光刻蚀法改性硫化镉半导体光催化剂及对其放氢活性的影响。

    The second was the study on enhancement of photocatalytic activity of cadmium sulfide for hydrogen evolution by photoetching .

  14. 在对临界角效应定性研究的基础上,提出了用阶梯光刻热熔法来扩展热熔型微透镜阵列的数值孔径范围。

    Based on the study of the critical angle effect , a new method named step heat-forming photoresist method to expand the N.A.range of microlens array is presents .

  15. 采用缩短显影时间法改善了光刻胶热熔法制作微透镜阵列的工艺,提高了折射型微透镜阵列的F数(F)与填充因子。

    The fill factor and F number of refractive microlens array fabricated by melting photoresist are increased by reducing developing time .

  16. 介绍了利用光刻胶热熔法制作微透镜阵列这种简单、实用的技术。

    The technique of fabrication of microlens array by means of melting photoresist is introduced in this paper .

  17. 针对光刻胶熔融法中的一些不足,发展了光刻胶的最佳熔融条件,探讨了熔融光刻胶与石英基片的接触角对微透镜阵列的表面面形形成的影响。

    The influence of the best contact angle between the melting resist and substrate to the surface formation of microlens is discussed .

  18. 提出采用离子注入方法提高主掩膜光刻胶的耐干法腐蚀和腐蚀窗口磋的腐蚀速率,实现了在比较简陋的干法腐蚀设备上采用反应离子腐蚀模式进行深/浅硅槽工艺。

    A new method to enhance the dry etch-resistant of the main mask photoresist and the etch rate for etching Si as window is presented . Deep / shallow trench technology has been realized on simple and crude dry-etch equipment .