
  • 网络optical transport network;OTN;optical transport network, OTN
  1. R上自相似迭代表示的等价性(英文)光传送网中的虚级联技术

    The Equivalence of Iterated Systems on R The virtual concatenation technology in OTN

  2. 光传送网中信号速率自动识别的方案研究

    Signals rate auto - perception schemes in OTN

  3. 光传送网中光监控通道信号Q值在线监测技术

    On-Line Supervisory Technology for Q-Factor in the Optical Supervisory Channel of Optical Transport Network

  4. WDM光传送网中的关键技术研究

    A Study on Key Technologies of WDM-based Optical Transmission Network

  5. 基于WDM技术光传送网的生存性分析

    Research on Survivability of Optical Transmission Network Based on WDM

  6. 一种新的WDM光传送网保护设计算法

    A New Algorithm of Design Protection for Optical Transport Networks

  7. 基于遗传算法的WDM光传送网恢复优化算法

    Optimization Restoration Algorithm Based on Genetic Algorithm in WDM Optical Transport Network

  8. 低密度WDM系统在光传送网扩容中的应用

    The application of low-density WDM systems in optical networking

  9. WDM光传送网保护设计的研究

    Research on Design Protection for WDM Optical Transport Networks

  10. 光传送网中的虚级联技术SDH虚级联中的最优化路径选择

    Optimal Path Selection for Virtual Concatenation in SDH Networks

  11. 业务IP化触发了新一代光传送网&分组传送网的兴起,业务IP化对光传送网提出了更大带宽传送、更加灵活组网等新挑战。

    The requirements of IP-based services bring a new generation technology of Optical Transport Network ( OTN ), which named packet transport networks .

  12. WDM城域光传送网的网络管理

    Network Management of WDM Metro Optical Transmission Network

  13. WDM光传送网的设计与操作

    Design and operation of WDM optical transport networks

  14. SDH光传送网的保护倒换

    Protection Switching of SDH Optical Transport Network

  15. DWDM光传送网中选路和波长分配

    Routing and assignment of wavelength in DWDM optical transport networks

  16. 考虑链路负载均衡和容量限制的WDM光传送网保护设计

    Protection Design for WDM Transport Networks Considering Load Balance of Links and the Constraint of Link Capacity

  17. WDM光传送网中基于链路状态等级的动态路由与波长分配算法

    Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithms Based on the State Level of Links in WDM Optical Transport Networks

  18. 网络的生存性是WDM光传送网设计时必须考虑的问题。

    Network survivability is an important problem for WDM ( Wavelength division multiplexing ) transport network design .

  19. 叙述了准同步数字传送网向同步数字传送网,同步数字传送网向波分复用(WDM)光传送网的演进过程。

    The evolution of transport network from PDH to SDH , and from SDH to WDM is discussed .

  20. 而这也就对底层的光传送网提出了新的要求和挑战。特别是新兴业务的两个趋势,一是IP化,二是宽带化。

    But it pose a new challenge to the optic transmission networks in the bottom , because the two requirements of the new service : IP and broadband .

  21. 介绍了网格状结构波分复用(wavelength-divisionmultiplex,WDM)光传送网中增强网络生存性的两种恢复策略-链路恢复和通道恢复。

    Two network restoration schemes are presented for network survivability enhancement , link based restoration and channel based restoration .

  22. 针对WDM光传送网的特点,提出了多业务传输条件下恢复路由优化的设计思路,同时采用基于遗传算法的快速搜索启发式算法解决了多约束多目标优化的问题。

    A heuristic algorithm based on genetic algorithm is presented to solve the fast searching problem of optimal restoration .

  23. 介绍了波分复用(WDM)光传送网计算机辅助设计(CAD)工具。

    CAD tools of WDM optical transport networks are introduced . Key problems are analyzed in design of CAD tool for WDM optical networks .

  24. 光传送网(OTN)节点的路由模型

    Route Modeling of Optical Transport Network ( OTN ) Nodes

  25. 另一个是规划了基于MSTP技术的城域光传送网在3G组网中的应用。

    Another designs the network application of transmission optical network of Metro in the construction of 3G based on MSTP .

  26. 文章介绍了QoS管理的概念,以及和网络管理之间的关系,提出了一种光传送网QoS管理的框架。

    This paper introduces the concept of QoS management , and it 's relation to network management , and presents a QoS management framework on optical transfer network .

  27. 面向未来的光传送网&(OTN)技术

    A Future-Oriented Optical Transfer Network ( OTN ) Technology

  28. 在未来的光传送网中,密集波分复用(DWDM)技术将得到广泛的应用。

    The future transmission network will be an overall optical network , in which DWDM is to be applied widely .

  29. 自1998年开始,ITU和其他标准化组织就开始了对光传送网标准化的研究;

    In 1998 , the ITU and other standardization organizations initiated research programs in OTN 's standardization ;

  30. 本文第二章研究WDM光传送网中支持优先级的波长分配问题,提出一种支持优先级的波长分配算法&动态门限法。

    Priority based wavelength assignment algorithm in WDM transport networks Each node has a dynamically configurable optical switch , which supports fiber switching and wavelength switching .