
  • 网络optical parametric oscillator;OPO;Optical Parametric Oscillator OPO;CW-OPO
  1. 高功率可调谐激光器&光学参量振荡器的新进展

    The Recent Development of High Power Tunable Lightsources & OPO Laser Systems

  2. 利用准相位匹配光学参量振荡器获得可调谐强度差压缩光

    Generation of tunable intensity difference squeezing light from a quasi-phase-matched OPO

  3. 被动调Q人眼安全内腔光学参量振荡器

    Passively Q-switched Laser with Intracavity Optical Parametric Oscillator for Eye-safe-output

  4. 57μm被动调Q光学参量振荡器

    1.57 μ m Passive Q-switched intracavity optical parametric oscillator

  5. YAG激光器泵浦钛宝石激光器和光学参量振荡器

    Q & Switch Nd : YAG Laser Pumped Ti : Sapphire Laser and Optical Parametric Tunable Laser

  6. (Paperinpreparing)4.利用运转于阈值以上的非简并光学参量振荡器,制备了强度高达22row的频率非简并纠缠态光场。

    ( Paper in preparing ) 4 . The frequency-nondegenerate entangled beams with total intensity of 22 mW were produced from a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator operating above threshold .

  7. KTP光学参量振荡器输出激光的空间模式和光束质量

    Study of the Spatial Beam Quality of KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator

  8. 纳秒近红外KTP光学参量振荡器的理论设计

    Theoretical design of nanosecond near infrared KTP optical parametric oscillator

  9. 红宝石相位共轭激光器泵浦的KTP光学参量振荡器

    KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator Pumped by Phase Conjugate Ruby Lasers

  10. 对调Q激光器泵浦的光学参量振荡器(OPO)的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of Optical Parametric Oscillator ( OPO ) Pumped by Q - - switched Lasers

  11. 利用KTP光学参量振荡器获得可调谐人眼安全激光

    Tunable Eye-safe Laser Based on KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator

  12. 宽波段温度调谐MgO∶LiNbO3光学参量振荡器

    Wide Range Temperature Tunable MgO ∶ LiNbO_3 Optical Parametric Oscillator

  13. KTP单共振光学参量振荡器

    KTP singly resonant optical parametric oscillator

  14. 可调谐钛宝石激光抽运的KTP单谐振光学参量振荡器的研究

    Study of KTP Singly Resonant Optical Parametric Oscillator Pumped by Pulsed Tunable Ti ∶ Sapphire Lasers

  15. 对非共线泵浦KTP光学参量振荡器的相位匹配过程进行了理论分析和实验研究。

    KTP Optical Parametric Oscillator with Noncollinear Pump The phasematching condition in noncollinear pump OPO is analyzed .

  16. 单纵模BBO光学参量振荡器

    Single Axial Mode BBO Optical Parametric Oscillator

  17. 利用被动调Q内腔光学参量振荡器动力学模型,求解了包含内腔光学参量振荡器的被动调Q速率方程,讨论了被动调Q内腔光学参量振荡器的动力学过程。

    On a basis of passively Q switched laser dynamical model , a rate equation of a passively Q switched intracavity optical parametric oscillator ( OPO ) was calculated and the dynamical process of internal OPO was discussed .

  18. 讨论了激光二极管阵列(LDA)侧面泵浦声光调QNd∶YAG内腔式光学参量振荡器(OPO)的阈值特性;

    The threshold formula of a acousto-optically ( AO ) Q-switched Nd ∶ YAG intracavity optical parametric oscillator ( OPO ), side pumped by laser diode arrays , is studied .

  19. 运转于阈值以上的非简并光学参量振荡器(NOPO)可以很容易产生几毫瓦、几十毫瓦、甚至更高功率的纠缠光束。

    NOPO operating above threshold can generate several milliwatts or even higher intensity entangled beams easily .

  20. 采用电光调Q脉冲Nd∶YAG激光的二次谐波(532nm)抽运温度调谐的MgO∶LiNbO3晶体光学参量振荡器,调谐范围达800nm~1750nm。

    A temperature tuned MgO ∶ LiNbO 3 optical parametric oscillator ( OPO ) pumped by a Nd ∶ YAG-SHG pulse laser with the wide tunable range of 800 nm ~ 1750 nm is demonstrated .

  21. 本文报导了基于周期性极化铌酸锂(PPLN)波长调谐准相位匹配(QPM)的光学参量振荡器,该光学振荡器是由一个声光Q开关连续二极管泵浦的Nd:YVO4激光器所泵浦。

    We report wavelength tunable quasi-phase-matching ( QPM ) optical parametric oscillators ( OPOs ) based on periodically poled lithium niobate ( PPLN ) pumped by an acousto-optically Q-switched CW-diode-end-pumped Nd : YVO_4 laser .

  22. 介绍了700nm~980nm的脉冲可调谐钛宝石激光抽运的KTP单谐振光学参量振荡器。

    A singly resonant KTP-optical parametric oscillator ( OPO ) pumped by a pulse tunable Ti ∶ sapphire laser is experimentally demonstrated and analyzed .

  23. 3~5μmZGP光学参量振荡器的泵浦波长在2μm附近,产生2μm方式主要有两种:一种是掺Tm,Ho等YAG,YLF激光器;

    The pump laser of the 3-5 μ m ZGP optical parametric oscillator was near 2 μ m. There were two main generation methods : one was the YAG , YLF solid lasers doped Tm or Ho ;

  24. 与光学参量振荡器(OPO)和染料激光器(DL)相比,SRS有很多优点:拉曼频移确定、线宽很窄、方向性好和成本相对较低等。

    Comparing with optical parametric oscillation ( OPO ) and dye laser ( DL ), SRS has many advantages : the Stokes output beam properties of tenability , narrow line-width , high spatial purity and relatively low cost .

  25. 中红外光学参量振荡器(OPO)作为一种宽调谐相干光源,具有其它固体激光器不可替代的优点,已成为许多研究领域不可或缺的光源。

    As broadly tunable laser source , mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator ( OPO ) have become indispensable laser source for many research fields by virtue of its many merits which other solid-state lasers have not .

  26. 本文讨论了对于人眼安全KTP光学参量振荡器存在一个最佳泵浦脉宽,此时OPO阈值的变化最小,尤其是对于剩余泵浦光被完全反射回去的单谐振OPO。

    It is shown that for pulsed eye-safe KTP optical parametric oscillators . there is an optimum pump pulse width at which the OPO threshold fluence is a minimum especial for single resonator OPO with pump reflection .

  27. 推导了描述以Cr~(4+):YAG作为饱和吸收体和激光增益介质、被动Q开关运行的Nd:YAG激光器谐振腔内泵浦的Cr~(4+):YAG激光器和单共振光学参量振荡器的动力学特性的速率方程。

    The dynamic equations have been derived to describe the characteristics of Cr4 + : YAG laser and intracavity singly resonant optical parametric oscillator pumped intracavity by a passively Q-switched Nd : YAG laser . The Cr4 + : YAG is used as the saturable absorber and laser gain medium .

  28. 建立了描述内腔连续波单共振光学参量振荡器(ICCWSRO)的功率特性的高斯光束理论。

    The Gaussian beam theory has been developed to describe the power characteristics of intracavity continuous-wave singly resonant optical parametric oscillator ( ICCWSRO ) .

  29. 本文对纳秒OPO的理论设计进行了详细分析,从理论上对主、被动调Q内腔光学参量振荡器(IOPO)的运行动态过程做了深入研究,从实验上实现了高效率的OPO相干光输出。

    Some special designs of nanosecond OPOs have been analyzed theoretically in detail in the thesis . The dynamic processes of intracavity optical parametric oscillators ( IOPOs ) pumped by lasers actively Q-switched as well as passively Q-switched have been studied both theoretically and experimentally .

  30. 本工作以Nd:YAG激光器的三倍频输出(355nm)泵浦光学参量振荡器作为激发源,研究了污染气体NO分子的高激发态A~2∑~+态与E~2∑态。

    The output of the Optical Parameter Generator / Amplifier pumped by Nd : YAG was used to excite NO molecule to study its high-excited electronic states A2 Σ + and E2 Σ .