
  • 网络Photoionization detector;Photo Ionization Detector;PID
  1. 在利用光离子化检测器监测单推三推进剂贮存环境时,必须首先要知道单推三相对于光离子化检测器校准气体的校正系数。

    When the photo ionization detector used to detect the stockpile environment of the liquid propellant , the measure calibration must be held .

  2. 脉冲放电氦光离子化检测器分析有机化合物的性能研究

    The Performance of Pulsed Discharge Helium Photoionization Detector for Organic Compounds

  3. 气相色谱用微波诱导氩等离子体光离子化检测器的研究

    A Study on Microwave Induced Argon Plasma Photoionization Detector for Gas Chromatograph

  4. 光离子化检测器及其在环境监测中的应用

    Photoionization Detector and Its Applications in Environmental Monitoring

  5. 开发了基于高灵敏度电离室检测技术的通用型光离子化检测器。

    On the basis of high-sensitive testing technique of the ionization chamber , a general purpose photoionization detector is developed .

  6. 对光离子化检测器的核心部分进行了分析与设计,着重阐述了系统设计的原则、结构及特性。

    The key part of photoionization detector is analyzed and designed . The principle , structure and characteristic of the system design is especially demonstrated .

  7. 设计了新型的色谱柱加热装置和光离子化检测器,该离子化检测器包含一种自清洁系统,可以实时的对检测器进行清洁,避免了传统光离子化检测器在连续工作后灵敏度下降和峰漂移等现象。

    New fast-heating device for Chromatographic column and photoionization detector were developed . A self-cleaning system included in could prevent the sensitivity decreased as the electrodes and window of VUV lamp contaminated .

  8. 2001年夏季,利用便携式光离子化检测器以及采样仪器对于内蒙古草原的一些优势草种进行了测量,得到了对内蒙古草原挥发性有机物的初步认识。

    In summer of 2001 , the VOC measurements on dominant grasses by hand-held photoionization de-tector in Inner Mongolia grassland are made , and primary understanding for VOC in Inner Mongolia grassland is obtained .

  9. 简要介绍了光离子化检测器的工作原理,研究分析了利用光离子化检测器对火箭液体推进剂贮存环境进行实时监控的可能性,并设计出了切实可行的液体推进剂监测控制系统。

    Photo-Ionization Detector 's Basic principle is introduced in brief , and it 's possible practical application in liquid propellant stockpile environment monitoring is also analysed and discussed , the real design of the system project is drawn in this paper .

  10. 本文研究了使用光离子化检测器便携式气相色谱仪,在环境温度下手工摇荡的快速顶空法测定水中苯系物(苯、甲苯、乙苯、邻、间、对位的二甲苯及异丙苯)的分析方法。

    The fast field determination method of aromatic hydrocarbons ( benzene , toluene , ethyl benzene , o xylene , m xylene , p xylene and I propyl benzene ) has been studied by headspace using portable gas chromatograph with photoionization detector ( PID ) .

  11. 便携式光离子化气相色谱仪两种光离子化检测器的性能特点

    A Portable Photoionization Gas Chromatograph The characteristics of two types of photoionization detectors