
duō chóng xìnɡ
  • Multiplicity;multiciplity
多重性 [duō chóng xìng]
  • [multiplicity] 复杂的性质或状态,多种多样或形形色色的性质或状态

  1. CIK细胞表面CD分子的多重性及生物学活性研究

    Studies on CD molecules and its biological activities of CIK

  2. ~(100104)Sn核在裂变过程中发射的轻粒子多重性

    Particle Evaporation in the Fission Process of Nuclei ~ ( 100,104 ) Sn

  3. 每个角色都有一个名称(name)、一个多重性(multiplicity)和一个向后引用

    Each role has a name , a multiplicity , and a source , which refers back up to an EJB in the

  4. 第三章讨论f在无穷远处共振情形下方程周期解的存在性与多重性,运用类似的方法,也得到方程存在多重周期解的若干充分条件。

    Using the similar method , we also obtain some sufficient conditions for the existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions of the equation .

  5. 对于CIM评价的多重性特点,则用AHP法(层次分析法)来处理。

    The multiple criteria aspect of CIM justification is treated with Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) method .

  6. p-Laplacian算子边值问题解的存在性与多重性

    Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for Boundary Value Problems with p-Laplacian

  7. 如果没有指明,默认的多重性是从0到n,这表示映射尽可能多,在这里这是无关的,因为主键意味着唯一。

    If not specified , the default multiplicity is0 * n , which means as many mappings as are possible , and which is not relevant here , since a primary key is meant to be unique .

  8. 但是,关联的多重性经常不是任意的,而依赖于属性值,这不能用图形建模语言,例如UML类模型来表示。

    However , the multiplicity of associations often is not arbitrary , but depends on attribute values , which cannot be expressed with graphical modeling languages such as UML class models .

  9. 带p-Laplacian算子三点边值问题拟对称正解的多重性

    The multiplicity of positive pseudo-symmetric solutions to a three-point boundary value problem of p-Laplacian equations

  10. 通过对偶变分方法证明了一个带Hardy项和临界非线性的非线性椭圆方程的非平凡解的存在性和多重性。

    Via dual variational principle , we show the existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions for a nonlinear elliptic equations with Hardy term and critical nonlinearity .

  11. 在UML中,关联与模型中的两个或多个类有关,关联由带数字的单箭头表示,数字意味着该关联的多重性。

    In UML , an association relates two or more classes in a model and is indicated by an arrow on one end along with a number implying the multiplicity of that association .

  12. 一类C-K模型稳态解的存在性、唯一性和多重性

    The Equilibrium Existence , Uniqueness and Multiplicity of A Class of C-K Model

  13. 含有Sobolev-Hardy临界指数的拟线性椭圆方程解的存在性和多重性

    Existence and multiplicity results for Some Quasilinear Elliptic Equation with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent

  14. Roe代数起源于非紧流形上的指标理论,是反映度量空间粗结构的一类具体的C~-代数。某类单连通紧流形上的闭测地线的多重性(英文)

    Roe algebras'arose from the index theory on noncompact complete Rieman-nian manifolds , and is a class of concrete C-algebras associated to the coarse structure of metric spaces .

  15. 指定此属性的类型和多重性(基数):单击Select类型并将date键入到搜索框,然后从可用选项中选择date(而非dateTime)并单击OK。

    Specify the type and multiplicity ( cardinality ) of the attribute : Click on Select type and type date into the search box , and then select date ( not dateTime ) from the available options and click OK .

  16. 修正后的DEA,如DEA-Window,特别是最优权多重性问题的解决,能较好地识别战略组。

    Modified DEA , such as DEA-Window , especially DEA without any multi - optimal weights , can identify strategic group preferably .

  17. 针对C2R模型下DEA有效决策单元多重性问题,给出C2R模型一种新的线性等价形式。

    This paper gives a new linear equivalent form of C ~ 2R-model for the multiple solutions problems of C ~ 2R-model .

  18. 协同均衡与纳什均衡一样具有多重性以及算法的复杂性,而寻找Pareto最优协同均衡局势的方法在某种程度上解决了协同均衡局势的多重性问题。

    The coordination equilibrium and the Nash equilibrium both have multiplicity and complexity of the algorithm . To a certain extent , the method of finding Pareto optimal coordination equilibrated situation solves multiplicity problems .

  19. 共振的半线性椭圆方程Dirchlet问题解的多重性(英文)

    Multiple Solutions of Dirichlet Problem for Semilinear Elliptic Equations at Resonance ;

  20. 使用无失真极化转移增强技术(DEPT)可获得13C&NMR谱中CH,CH2和CH3各基团子谱,应用此法测定了若干石油样品C谱线的多重性。

    Elemental groups of CH , CH2 and CH , can be obtained from C-NMR spectra with the method of distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer ( DEPT ) . Multiplicities of C-spectra from some petroleum products were determined with the method .

  21. 在高能碰撞中,e+e-湮没的电荷多重性可用负二项分布很好地描绘.阶乘矩F2、F3和F4仅由3k表示出来。

    Charged particle multiplicity distributions for e + e-annihilation are shown to be very well described by a negative binomial distribution in high energy collisions . The factorial moments F2 , F3 and F4 are given in terms of 3k .

  22. 采用分段几何法解决关节规划逆运动学的求解问题,避开了Jacobian矩阵及其伪逆的计算,也避免了D-H矩阵变换法随手臂冗余度的增加表现为解的多重性或不存在性的不足。

    In order to avoiding the shortcomings of traditional D-H transformation matrix in resolving the inverse kinematic equations , and the complexity of using the pseudo-inverse of Jacobian matrix , a partition geometric algorithm was implemented .

  23. 本文介绍BGO探测元的制作技术和性能,并用~(60)Co源两级联γ线符合和多参数获取技术模拟测量了晶体球对级联γ簇射的γ总能量和γ多重性的探测响应。

    The assembly technique and performance of the BGO units are presented . Responses of the ball for sum energy and multiplicity of cascade γ - rays have been simulated by the coincidence of two cascade γ rays of a 60Co source and the multi-parameter acquisition technique .

  24. 这里(NZ)n和(NZ)frag分别是核子发射(气相)和碎片发射多重性(液相)的中子质子比。

    The ( N / Z ) _n and ( N / Z ) _ ( frag ) are the neutron proton ratio of the nucleon emission ( gas phase ) and that of the fragment emission ( liquid phase ) respectively .

  25. 用扩散模型研究了壳对幻数附近的核,即204Pb,208Pb,212Pb和128Sn,132Sn,136Sn,在裂变过程中蒸发轻粒子多重性的影响。

    The shell effects on the particle evaporation for those nuclei near magic number , namely , 204 Pb , 208 Pb and 212 Pb as well as 128 Sn , 132 Sn and 136 Sn , are investigated via a diffusion model .

  26. 描述高能强相互作用的荷电粒子多重性分布

    Description of Charged Particle Multiplicity Distribution in High Energy Strong Interaction

  27. 欧洲医药产品管理局关于临床研究中多重性的考虑要点

    European Medical Agency 's points of consideration on clinical multiplicity issues

  28. 情感体验的特征构成青年学生人格的多重性。

    Emotional experience forms the alternating personality of the youth students .

  29. 您需要确定如何对待关系的多重性。

    You will need to determine how to treat relationship multiplicities .

  30. 文章对大学使命的转变、多重性和复杂性进行了分析。

    Mission transformations , multiplicity , and complexity are analyzed .