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lìng láng
  • your son;your beloved son
令郎 [lìng láng]
  • [your beloved son] 称对方儿子的敬词

  • 我今须与你令郎同去。--《西游记》

令郎[lìng láng]
  1. 如果是真的,令郎可没有给我提供什么安慰。

    If it is , your son gave me no consolation .

  2. 你可以安心,令郎并没有白白牺牲。

    You can rest assured your son didn 't die in vain .

  3. 妈妈请允许我给您介绍Crawley夫人及其令郎

    Mama , may I present Matthew Crawley and Mrs Crawley ?

  4. 至好折中指定令郎为继承人。

    So he compromised and made your son takemaru his heir .

  5. 令郎喜结良缘谨此致以诚挚的祝贺并请转达最美好的祝愿。

    Sincere congratulations on your son wedding please convey our best wish .

  6. 令郎可有证据证明这一无理指控?

    Does your son have any evidence to support this outrageous accusation ?

  7. 这件事和令郎有关?

    Your son had something to do with this ?

  8. 得悉令郎已通过入学考试,我十分高兴。

    I was gratified to learn that your son had passed the entrance examination .

  9. 令郎死时是23岁?

    Your son was23 when he died ?

  10. 我对令郎不太熟悉,只知道他叫什么名字。

    I knew your son vaguely , which is to say I knew his name .

  11. 你能告诉大家令郎身亡时是多少岁吗?

    Can you tell us how old your son was at the time of his death ?

  12. 令郎的武艺我是领教过的,在下甘败下风。

    I 've encountered your son 's martial arts skills , and I sincerely acknowledge his superiority .

  13. 是以寒第高人颇聚。令郎常去谈会谈会,则学问可以日进矣。

    Hence my poor abode is frequented by eminent men , and conversation with them should improve his knowledge .

  14. 陛下,如果令郎是因为害怕与在下决斗而抨击我,那我愿意接受他的退出。

    My lord , if your son made these accusations because he 's afraid to fight me , then I will graciously accept his withdrawal .

  15. 他这首诗全部的意思是说:“举人榜上的最后一名是我孙山,而令郎的名字却还在我孙山的后面。”

    The meaning of his poem is : " Sun Shan is the last on the successful candidates list , but your son falls behind Sun Shan . "