
lìng táng
  • your mother;your beloved mother
令堂 [lìng táng]
  • [your beloved mother] 称对方母亲的敬词

  • 请令堂上坐,贫僧奉拜。--《西游记》

令堂[lìng táng]
  1. 得知令堂去世的消息我们都很难过。

    We were ever so sad to hear that your mother had died .

  2. 我想他的意思是你能把这个口信传达给令堂大人。

    I think he means you to convey the same message to your mother .

  3. 代我向令堂问候,别忘了。

    Say hello to your mother for me , don 't forget it .

  4. 妮可∶不过还是没有令堂做的好吃,对吧?

    Nicole : But not as good as your mother 's , right ?

  5. “就是您从令堂那儿继承来的那一笔。”

    " That you inherit from your mother . "

  6. 令堂曾是我心目中爱与美的皇后。男子轻声说。

    Your mother was my queen of beauty once , the man said quietly .

  7. 有一次,令堂对他说。

    Once your mother said to him .

  8. 《亚洲名人聊天室》摩根·尼尔:令尊是伊朗人,令堂则是日本人。

    MORGAN NEILL , TALK ASIA : Your father is Iranian , your mother is Japanese .

  9. 不知令堂近况如何,实为惦念,随信另寄上什锦饼干一盒,并致最良好的问候。

    Under a separate cover I am sending her a box of assorted biscuits with my best regards .

  10. 我从没听过这种事令堂光是教育你们一定忙坏了

    I never heard such a thing . Your mother must 've been a slave to your education .

  11. 现在,老老实实地告诉我,令堂真的非常反对这桩婚事吗?

    Now , speaking without any exaggeration , is your mother really so very much averse to this marriage ?

  12. 那么样,令堂就会对我产生厌恶感,而那正是我绝对不愿意看到的事;

    In that case your mother would hold me in aversion , and I do not at all wish that ;

  13. 今天获悉令堂逝世,使我为之震惊。遭此剧痛,自非言语所能慰籍。

    I was shocked to learn of the death of your mother today . I have no words to console you .

  14. 听到令堂大人去世的消息,我非常难过,因为她是我最尊敬、最爱戴的人。

    I 'm sorely grieved to learn of the death of your mother , for whom I had the greatest admiration and regard .

  15. 我买了东西给令堂,还有给弗雷多的领带,给汤姆的钢笔。

    I got something for your mother and for Sonny and a tie for freddy , and Tom Hagen got the Reynolds pen .

  16. 要是你不这样稍许推委一下,我反而不会觉得你这么可爱了。可是请你允许我告诉你一声,我这次跟你求婚,是获得了令堂大人的允许的。

    You would have been less amiable in my eyes had there not been this little unwillingness ; but allow me to assure you that I have your respected mother 's permission for this address .

  17. 他大为狼狈,又不得不装出满脸的殷勤神气叫道:你始终都那么可爱!我相信只要令尊令堂作主应承了我,你就决不会拒绝。

    You are uniformly charming ! cried he , with an air of awkward gallantry ; and I am persuaded that when sanctioned by the express authority of both your excellent parents , my proposals will not fail of being acceptable .