首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 美国人告别时很少握手,除非在公务场合。

    Americans rarely shake hands to say good-bye , except on business occasions .

  2. 在公务场合,男人经常在初次见面时要握手。

    In business situations men always shake hands when they first meet each other .

  3. 现在我在私人及公务场合,可以坚定并温和的为自己挺身而出。

    Now I can stand up for myself – firmly but gently – in personal and work situations .

  4. 在公务场合,我们很容易忘记对别人说一声“谢谢”,然而,表达谢意是与他人互动的重要部分。

    In business settings , it 's really easy to forget to take the time to say thank-you , and yet , it 's an important part of interaction with others .

  5. 不论是在私人生活,还是在公务场合,她所作的选择招致了种种批评。而最受诟病的是,她似乎没办法保持一种特定的风格,这也是诸多批评声音的焦点。

    Above and beyond any criticism of the choices she may have made in either her personal or professional life , it has been her seeming inability to commit to any given style that has been the focus of much disapproval .