
gōng dí
  • public enemy;common enemy
公敌 [gōng dí]
  • [public enemy] 共同的敌人;对社会构成威胁的人

公敌[gōng dí]
  1. 公敌一号或社会上的一名尊贵成员?理查琼斯保护这种夏天的有刺动物。

    Public enemy number one or a valued member of society ? Richard A Jones defends the striped stinger of summer .

  2. 一言以蔽之,不诚实的人会被人看轻的而且被看公敌。

    In a word , a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and ( be ) regarded as a public enemy .

  3. 他的好色放浪使他成为全县所有自尊自重的丈夫和父亲的公敌。

    His lechery made him the enemy of every self-respecting husband and father in the county .

  4. 2009年“全民公敌”中的CarolSlayman

    Carol Slayman in " Public Enemies " ( 2009 ) ,

  5. 而就在这短短时间里,他已经成了WisteriaLane所有女性的公敌。

    and in that time , he had become the enemy of every woman on Wisteria Lane

  6. “全民公敌”的制作人KevinMisher认为电影业正日益两极分化。

    Kevin Misher , the producer behind " Public Enemies ", believes the film business will become increasingly polarised .

  7. 优步(Uber)可能是当今时代最令人敬畏的企业之一,但它也是有怨气的人都喜欢抨击的某种意识形态公敌。

    Uber may be one of the most formidable businesses of our times but it is also something of an ideological pi ñ ata , which everyone with a grievance loves to whack .

  8. 这样的人民公敌应当除掉。

    Such enemies of the people ought to be got rid of .

  9. 正因如此,这三大公敌更是危险。

    This is one reason why these three enemies are so dangerous .

  10. 我是你们的头号公敌吗?

    So am I public enemy number one with you ?

  11. 她被弄得感觉自己像是头号公敌。

    She was being made to feel like public enemy number one .

  12. 这个公司倾倒废物的政策使之成为头号人民公敌。

    Their policy on dumping waste has made the company public enemy no.i.

  13. 人民公敌说:不是。

    The enemy of the people says " No " .

  14. 他们将会称我为一个小妖精,一个阻隔进步的公敌。

    They 'll call me a vamp , a public enemy obstructing progress .

  15. 你已经是头号公敌了。

    You ` re public enemy number one .

  16. 他曾是哥伦比亚的头号全民公敌。

    He was Public Enemy No.1 in Colombia .

  17. 塔利班成为我们的艺术品、文化和历史的公敌。

    The Taliban became the enemy of fine arts , culture and our history .

  18. 其它的一些电影,例如《午夜巴黎》和《人民公敌》都非常受欢迎。

    Other movies like Midnight in Paris and Public Enemies were very well received .

  19. 他们把我投入监狱并把我视作社会的公敌。

    They put me in jail and marked me as an enemy of society .

  20. 腐败已经成为头号公敌。

    Corruption has become enemy number one .

  21. 英勇的奥瑟罗,我们必须立刻派你去向我们的公敌土耳其人作战。

    Valiant Othello , we must straight employ you / Against the general enemy Ottoman .

  22. 我感觉自己像是一个全民公敌。

    " I feel like I am an enemy of the state ," Guo said .

  23. 改变和不确定是你的头号公敌。

    Change and uncertainty are your enemies .

  24. 将组织变成公敌

    positioning Division as a common enemy .

  25. 现在成为问题的,是这个人民公敌,要打内战了。

    The problem now is that this enemy of the people wants to start a civil war .

  26. 没人能够理解阿什利又一次让自己扮演人民的公敌的初衷何在。

    Quite why Ashley wanted to make himself public enemy number one again is anyone 's guess .

  27. 绿色易卜生与胡适的《易卜生主义》&《人民公敌》在中国一百年

    The Green Henrik Ibsen and Hu Shi 's Ibsenism & Centennial of An Enemy of the People in China

  28. 而他(克里)的那些反复无常的言论必将使他成为国家公敌的公开的靶子。

    Kerry disputed-and whose record of inconsistent statements would make him an inviting target for the nation 's enemies .

  29. 有时你可能是红极一时的宠儿,有时又可能成为千夫所指的公敌。

    Sometimes you will be flavor of the month ; other times you might be public enemy number one .

  30. 鉴于这些挟持国家的共和党人刚刚在选举中获得压倒性胜利,把他们叫做人民公敌是需要勇气的。

    Since these hostage-taking Republicans had just won a sweeping election victory , calling them public enemies was brave .