
  • The Princess Diaries;Princess Diary;Royal Engagement
  1. 但是她太瘦了,Lord说,并且Lord的女儿,一位海瑟薇2001年电影《公主日记》的粉丝,也帮助母亲认出了这个演员。

    ' but thought she was too skinny , Lord said , adding that her daughter , a fan of Hathaway 's 2001 film The Princess Diaries , helped her spot the actress .

  2. 最适合约会的角色:2001年”公主日记中”和2004年“公主日记2”中的MiaThermopolis

    Definitive role to date : Mia Thermopolis in " The Princess Diaries " ( 2001 ) and " The Princess Diaries 2 : Royal Engagement " ( 2004 )

  3. 相信大家都对电影《公主日记》中Genovia国的女王努力培养小孙女的公主气质的场景记忆犹新吧。

    Everyone was impressed with the scene in The Princess Diaries where the queen of Genovia tries to turn her granddaughter into a " lady " .

  4. 作家MegCabot在2015年出版了第一本青少年书籍《公主日记》,名为《皇室婚礼》,所以这部新电影很有可能会追随米娅首次尝试婚姻幸福的脚步。

    Author Meg Cabot released the first adult Princess Diaries book in 2015 , named The Royal Wedding , so there 's every chance the new film will follow Mia 's first foray into marital bliss .

  5. 曾因出演《公主日记》而走红的女星安妮海瑟薇近日宣布已经订婚。

    Princess Diaries star Anne Hathaway has announced she is engaged .

  6. 相比较而言,《公主日记》就有些无趣了。

    In contrast , will be a little bit boring .

  7. 《公主日记3》马上就要上映了。

    The Princess Diaries 3 is on its way folks .

  8. 对电影《公主日记》对白的语用分析

    Pragmatic analysis on conversations in film Princess Diary

  9. 朱莉还在电影《公主日记》(2001年)迎来了事业的第二春,并继续在青少年电影中大放异彩。

    Her career was revived by The Princess Diaries ( 2001 ) and she continues to enjoy box office success with voice work in youth-oriented films .

  10. 海瑟薇一直扮演着属于她的光鲜亮丽的角色:从《公主日记》中那个天真无邪的少女到《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的白皇后。

    Hathaway has played her fair share of glamorous roles : from a young ingenue in The Princess Diaries to the fair queen of Alice in Wonderland .

  11. 我们已经有15年没看《公主日记》了,但我们可能很快就能看下一部了。

    It 's been 15 years since we were last treated to a Princess Diaries film , but it might not be long until we get another .

  12. 《天堂》一片在新西兰的制作启动之前,海瑟薇参加了由加里•马歇尔执导的电影《公主日记》中的主人公“米娅•泰梅波莉斯”的试镜。

    Before production of Heaven began in New Zealand , she auditioned for the lead role of Mia Thermopolis in The Princess Diaries , directed by Garry Marshall .

  13. 2001年的《公主日记》让她一炮走红,而在2006年《穿普拉达的女王》中,那个更加成熟、老练的海瑟薇则使得她一跃成为国际巨星。

    After acquiring fame through The Princess Diaries ( 2001 ); a more mature and sophisticated Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada ( 2006 ) made her a worldwide hit .

  14. 如果迪士尼不能给我们拍完整的《公主日记3》,那退而求其次——告诉我们,我们的初恋情人迈克尔?莫斯科维兹(《公主日记》剧中角色)这些年都经历了什么。这样也许我会买账。

    If Disney can 't deliver on a full third movie , I 'd probably settle for a spin-off about whatever happened to everyone 's first love , Michael Moscovitz .

  15. 根据已故电影导演加里·马歇尔在2016年透露的一些线索,第三部《公主日记》可能会以纽约为背景。

    And according to some previous hints from the late film director Garry Marshall back in 2016 , the third instalment of The Princess Diaries might be set in New York .

  16. 海瑟薇曾因2008年的一部《蕾切尔的婚礼》而获得奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,还曾出演喜剧《公主日记》和《时尚女魔头》。

    Hathaway earned a best-actress Oscar nomination for 2008 's " Rachel Getting Married " and starred in such comedies as " The Princess Diaries " and " The Devil Wears Prada . "

  17. 请为吉诺瓦女王殿下安妮?海瑟薇起身!女王殿下于本周庆祝了这部史上伟大的电影——《公主日记》的17周年纪念日。

    Please stand up for her royal highness , Queen of Genovia Anne Hathaway , who this week celebrated the 17th anniversary of the greatest movie of all time , The Princess Diaries .

  18. 曾因出演《公主日记》而走红的女星安妮·海瑟薇近日宣布已经订婚。29岁的海瑟薇昨日在布鲁克林被拍到和男友亚当·舒尔曼在一起时手戴戒指,随后确认了订婚消息。

    Princess Diaries star Anne Hathaway has announced she is engaged . The actress , 29 , confirmed the news after she was photographed wearing a ring in while with her boyfriend Adam Shulman in Brooklyn yesterday .

  19. 安妮被邀请饰演爱丽丝,但她拒绝了,因为她已厌倦扮演花瓶公主(暗指《公主日记》中著名的角色米娅)。

    Anne was offered the chance to play Alice herself , but she refused to , saying that she had had enough of portraying good-looking princesses ( referring to her famous character Mia from The Princess Diaries ) .