
gōng yòng
  • public;communal;for public use
公用 [gōng yòng]
  • [public;communal;for public use] 社会全体成员都可以得到或分享;共同使用

  • 人类公用的语言

  • 公用供水

  • 公用操场

  • 公用电话

公用[gōng yòng]
  1. 获取个人财产以为公用。

    Depriving an owner of property by taking it for public use .

  2. 地下室的卫生间和厨房设备是公用的。

    The washroom and the kitchen in the basement are for public use .

  3. 昨天警方的蛙人在公用草地上的一个小池塘里打捞。

    Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common .

  4. 供水以及其他公用事业受到了严重影响。

    Water supplies and other public utilities were badly affected .

  5. 道路标志图是同公用通道法规一致的。

    Pictures of road signs are matched with their Highway Code meanings .

  6. 我在酒吧入口处附近的公用电话亭给她打了电话。

    I called her from a public phone booth near the entrance to the bar

  7. 他在公用电话亭给我打了电话。

    He phoned me from a kiosk .

  8. 这个操场是两校公用的。

    This sports ground is shared by the two schools .

  9. 在稠环和桥环化合物中,两个碳原子是两个环公用的。

    In fused-ring and bridged-ring compounds two carbons are common to the two rings .

  10. 胡同顶头有个公用电话。

    There is a public telephone ( booth ) at the end of this lane .

  11. 公用地的圈占意味着普通人不能再使用了。

    The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people could no longer use it .

  12. 她在公用电话亭打电话没有带硬币,所以只好叫对方付费。

    She hadn 't got the coins for the phone box , so she had to reverse the charges .

  13. 保守党计划采取这一策略,让公用事业公司把当地的平均用电量和用气量印在人们的账单上。

    The Conservatives plan to adopt this strategy by making utility companies print the average local electricity and gas usage on peopled bills .

  14. 目前,公用的MPI实现有CHIMP、lam等。

    Popular realizations of MPI standard are CHIMP and LAM and so on .

  15. USB安全套是一种改进过的USB适配器,当移动设备的USB连接线插进公用充电装置时,USB安全套可以防止数据被盗或被黑。

    USB condom is a modified USB adapter that prevents data from being stolen or malware from being installed when a mobile device ’ s USB cable is plugged into a public charging station .

  16. 公用事业的费用有限。

    Utility bills didn 't amount to much .

  17. 请问公用电话在哪里?

    Where is the public telephone ?

  18. 据摩根士丹利资本国际的数据,涨幅居后的包括公用事业和电信类股,分别涨了约%和12%

    The laggards include utilities and telecommunications , up about % and 12 % respectively , to MSCI .

  19. 双盆卫生间把卫生间中的许多公用设备和家具分开,每个人都有自己的一套,通常包括洗手台、药柜、淋浴系统甚至马桶。

    His and her bathrooms separate many of the shared fixtures1 and furnishings in the bathroom so that each person has their own . Common items include vanities , medicine cabinets , shower systems and even toilets .

  20. 公用和城建等单位在修建道路以及停电、停水、截断通信线路时有可能影响消防队灭火救援的,必须事先通知当地公安消防机构。

    Public utility units or urban construction units , when building road and cutting off power , water supply and communication lines that may affect fire brigade in fire fighting and rescue work , must inform local public security fire control institutions in advance .

  21. 各级人民政府教育财政拨款的增长应当高于财政经常性收入的增长,并使按在校学生人数平均的教育费用逐步增长,保证教师工资和学生人均公用经费逐步增长。

    The people 's governments at various levels shall see to it that their appropriations for education shall increase at a faster rate than their regular revenues , that the average expenditure and that the teachers ' salaries and the average public expenditure per student shall increase steadily .

  22. 选择要迁移到exchange公用文件夹的论坛。

    Select the forums to migrate to exchange public folders .

  23. 贝尔还在吸引国家电网(StateGrid)等公用事业公司的业务。

    Bell has also been attracting business from utility companies such as State Grid .

  24. WINDOWSnt设备驱动程序中对公用电话网信号的识别

    Recognization for Signals of Public Phone Network in Windows NT Device Driver

  25. 这些公司是否需要在公用的WebSpherePortal环境中部署他们自己的代码?

    Do these companies need to deploy their own code to this common WebSphere Portal environment ?

  26. 利用WindowsAPI函数和公用控件用活VFP编程

    Flexible Use of VFP Programming with Windows ' API Function and Sharing Control Widget

  27. 如果发生故障转移,则这种改进的层次结构将允许exchange邮箱存储、公用文件夹存储和exchange协议服务同时启动。

    If a failover occurs , this improved hierarchy allows the exchange mailbox stores , public folder stores , and exchange protocol services to start simultaneously .

  28. 公用网ATM交换系统

    Public Network ATM Switching System

  29. 利用卫星互联网系统在农村地区提供接入服务时,还需要提供能够接入公用电话网的IP电话业务。

    We have discussed the requisition for utilizing satellite internet to offer IP telephone service in chapter five , introduced the suitable numbering scheme .

  30. 简单地说,SOA是一种软件体系结构,它更多地集中于业务而不是公用的、技术驱动的解决方案。

    In brief , SOA is a software architecture that focuses more on the business than the common , technically driven solutions .