
nónɡ chá
  • strong tea
  1. 浓茶可以醒酒。

    Strong tea can help to dispel the effects of alcohol .

  2. 我喝过浓茶就几乎睡不着觉。

    I seldom get any sleep after I drink strong tea .

  3. 深夜喝浓咖啡或浓茶可能会导致失眠。

    Strong coffee or tea late at night may cause sleeplessness

  4. 她喝了一口热浓茶,又擦了擦眼睛。

    She swallowed a mouthful of the hot strong brew , and wiped her eyes .

  5. 有些人早上起来需要喝一杯浓咖啡或浓茶才能清醒,没有这些饮料中的咖啡因他们就会感觉无精打采,而且烦躁易怒。

    Some people need a cup of strong coffee or tea in the morning to wake them up , without the caffeine in the drinks they will feel listless and irritable . Example :

  6. 请给我来一杯浓茶,放三匙糖。

    A strong one with three spoons for me , please .

  7. 我喜欢浓茶,然而我爸爸却喜欢咖啡。

    I love strong tea while my father loves coffee .

  8. 浓茶烈酒,大西北的风格!北欧风情新家具,众望所归新享受。

    Nordic-style furniture meets the popular expectations of new enjoyment .

  9. 我要浓茶,加两勺糖。

    A strong one with two spoonfuls for me .

  10. 单宁:有让口腔和舌头干涩的效果。(喝浓茶时也有相同的效果。)

    Tannins : have a drying effect on the gums and the tongue .

  11. 那位老人喜欢喝浓茶。

    The old man likes his tea strong .

  12. 你有什么不好的习惯吗?比如说,喜欢睡前吃巧克力、喝浓茶,或者做剧烈的运动等等。

    You got any bad habit like eat chocolate , drink strong tea or energetic exercise before bed ?

  13. 苦味具有一个干涩的感觉,如同喝浓茶之后的感觉。

    Bitterness has a drying , astringent feeling , like the sensation you get after drinking very strong tea .

  14. 另送法国红酒,软饮,果汁,奶昔,浓茶任两杯。

    Your choice from wine , soft drink , fruit juice , milkshake or tea one for each free !

  15. 然而,哈利却没有听结果,他和罗恩、荷米恩回到哈格利的小屋,享受一杯浓茶。

    He was being made a cup of strong tea back in Hagrid 's hut , with Ron and Hermione .

  16. 浓茶烈酒,大西北的风格!正在刮着强劲的西北风。

    Strong tea and spirits & the custom in northwestern China . There 's a northwester blowing great guns now .

  17. 听听浪漫的音乐,品尝一杯热浓茶,点上两支蜡烛。

    Listen to a romantic audio tape , fix a cup of hot flavored tea , and light two candles .

  18. 生物药剂因素,如浓茶、咖啡、兴奋剂、戒断反应等,或是其他神经精神疾病所引起。

    There were many reasons induced insomnia such as physical body , environmental factors , biomedical drugs and other nervous psychosis .

  19. 换句话说,在千钧一发之际,喝一杯咖啡或浓茶也许能立杆见影地缓解哮喘患者的紧急症状。

    In other words , in a pinch , a cup of coffee or strong tea might provide some momentary relief .

  20. 浓茶和同情对于丧亲之痛总是必不可少的抚慰,但很快人们也会拥有蛋糕、奶酪面包以及对于死亡的一份坦然。

    Tea and sympathy traditionally accompany bereavement but soon you could also have cake , cheese toasties and frankness about mortality .

  21. 动物园园长再三道歉,并亲自给佩妮姨妈泡了一杯加糖的浓茶。

    The zoo director himself made Aunt Petunia a cup of strong , sweet tea while he apologized over and over again .

  22. 而大部分功能饮料里咖啡因的含量几乎和一杯咖啡或浓茶相当。

    The amount of caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as high as in a strong cup of coffee or strong tea .

  23. 去吧,去吧,让我镇静一下。噢,拜伦,你告诉玛丽亚说我现在想要一点浓茶。

    Yes , go ahead , let me collect myselfdoh , and byron , tell Maria I 'd like some strong tea right away .

  24. 具有过量,不均衡单宁的葡萄酒尝起来如同浓茶一样会在口中留下相同的烘干,毛茸茸的感觉。

    Excessive , un balanced tannin can taste bitter and leaves the same drying , furry sensation in the mouth as very strong tea .

  25. 你刚开口说由那儿来的时候,—杯很热的浓茶,就递在你的下巴边上。

    Scarcely have you begun to tell them where you come from when a cup of hot and strong tea is handed over to you .

  26. 进食过冷、过热、过硬的食物,暴饮、暴食、饮用烈酒、浓茶、浓咖啡等,导致胃粘膜炎性病变。

    Eating too cold , hot , excellent food , Baoyin , overeating , drinking alcohol , tea , espresso , etc. , leading to gastric inflammation .

  27. 这时她两腿累得开始发抖,于是坐了下来,喝了一杯浓茶。与此同时,看门的人给警察挂了电话。

    By this time her legs were beginning to tremble , so she sat down and accepted a cup of very strong tea , while he telephoned the police .

  28. 草本茶有效代替其他如浓茶,咖啡,可乐等刺激性的饮料,助你放松心情,舒缓紧张,而且有益健康。

    Substituting herbal teas for other stimulating drinks such as tea , coffee , and cola is beneficial to your health and will help you relax and reduce tension .

  29. 这时,你最好的选择就是小眯一会(半个小时以内)。它比喝咖啡或是浓茶效果更好。

    When this happens , you 're better off taking a short nap ( less than 30 minutes ) than resorting to caffeine or strong tea to keep you awake .

  30. 尽管茶叶中所含的咖啡因会使得身体出现脱水情况,但一杯浓茶使得身体所吸收的水分却远远大于脱水作用所消耗的水分。

    Although caffeine does remove water from your system , even a strong cup of tea or coffee , for that matter is introducing more water to your body than it may remove .