
  • 网络Luzhou;luzhou-flavor liquor;aroma
  1. 若将它的优化基因转入栽培菊花中,获得浓香型品种,就可以达到培育新品种的目的。

    At present if we can transform the optimizing gene into the cultivation chrysanthemum , acquire the varieties of aroma , and achieve the new cultivating kinds .

  2. 浓香型曲药中霉菌的初步分类和A2-3菌株的选育

    The Preliminary Typing and Breeding Mildew A3-2 of Luzhou Daqu

  3. 这种葡萄酒色泽深暗悦目,是中等浓郁至浓香型的。

    With a nice dark colour , the wine is medium to full bodied

  4. 浓香型大曲原核微生物群落的PCR-SSCP解析

    PCR-SSCP Analysis of the Pronucleus Microbial Communities in Luzhou-flavor Daqu

  5. 浓香型大曲微生物群落结构的PCR-SSCP分析条件优化

    Optimal Conditions of PCR-SSCP Technology for the Analysis of Microbial Communities in Luzhou-flavor Daqu

  6. 浓香型白酒糟醅中可培养酵母18Srdna全序列的系统学分析

    Systematic Analysis of 18S rDNA Total Sequence of Cultivable Yeast in Luzhou-flavor Fermented Grains

  7. 水稻浓香型优质不育系宜香1A产量配合力分析及香味遗传研究

    Analysis of Yield Combination Ability for Rice Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line & Yixiang1A and Its Scent Inheritance

  8. 14°Bx浓香型黑米啤酒的研究

    Research on 14 ° Bx Aroma Black Rice Beer

  9. 采用BIOLOG微平板技术研究浓香型大曲微生物多样性

    Application of BIOLOG Microplate Technique to the Study of Daqu Microbial Diversity

  10. 通过在湘泉浓香型白酒的混蒸混烧工艺中添加TH-AADY和糖化酶,进行多季节连排生产试验。

    TH-AADY and saccharifying enzyme were added during mixed-steaming and mixed-heating of Xiangquan Luzhou-flavor liquor for multiple-seasons consecutive production test .

  11. 为了弄清中国浓香型白酒发酵糟醅真菌微生物优势菌群的系统发育规律,对不同发酵时间糟醅样品的微生物18Srdna进行了PCR克隆分析和同源性比较。

    To probe the fungal communities in fermented grains , clone analysis and phylogenetic tree of 18S rDNA fragments were taken after using PCR amplification on samples of the fungal community in center of fermented grains from different fermentation time .

  12. 研究制备了PEG柱,将其应用于浓香型白酒检测酒中己酸乙酯和乳酸乙酯含量,实践证明,PEG柱分离效果较好,检测速度快,结果准确,且经济耐用。

    The preparation of PEG column and its application in the determination of the contents of ethyl caproate and ethyl lactate in Luzhou-flavor liquors had proved its superiorities including comparatively better separation effects , rapid determination operation , accurate determination results and economic durability .

  13. 在浓香型大曲酒丢糟中添加TH-AADY、糖化酶和纤维素酶酿造食醋,同时配合应用生香ADY。

    TH-AADY , glucoamylase and cellulase were added in spent grains of Luzhou-flavor Daqu coupled with the use of aroma-producingADY to produce edible vinegar .

  14. 从发酵7d的浓香型白酒发酵酒醅中分离到84株酵母茵,通过形态特征、生理特性检测及18Srdna分子生物学水平鉴定方法将其归为6个类群,并建立系统发育树。

    84 strains of yeasts were isolated from Luzhou-flavor fermented grains ( fermentation for 7 d ) . All the strains were classified into 6 groups and phylogenetic tree was established through morphological feature analysis , physiological characteristics detection and 18S rDNA molecular biology identification .

  15. 结果发现:当浓香型窖池中酒醅发酵60d后,由于生存环境恶劣窖池中发酵前期和中期中常见的微生物已不复存在,而仅存一些耐受力强的微生物。

    The results indicated that these microorganisms which prevail on in the cellar during the first half part of the fermentation are not present because of bad environment when fermenting for 60 days , but some others can survive and grow regardless of cellar environmental conditions .

  16. 湘泉兼香型白酒在浓香型白酒中的应用

    Application of Xiangquan Mixed-flavor Liquor in the Production of Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  17. 浓香型白酒的配料与窖内升温排水沥青路面的材料组成及特性

    Analysis on the Material Composing and Characteristics of Porous Asphalt Pavements

  18. 浓香型白酒货架期稳定性研究

    Research on the Stability of Luzhou-flavor Liquor in the Selling Period

  19. 中国浓香型白酒生产过程的技术质量控制与管理

    Technical Quality Control & Management in the Production of Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  20. 生命动力素在浓香型白酒中的应用实验

    Application Test of " Life Vitality Elements " in Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  21. 影响浓香型酒甜味因素的探讨

    Investigation on the Contributing Factors of Sweetness of Luzhou-flavour Liquor

  22. 浓香型酒的四大酯类比例稳定;

    Stable proportion among the four esters for Luzhou-flavor liquor ;

  23. 提高浓香型大曲酒特优品率的几点措施

    Measures of Improving the Premium Product rate of Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  24. 浅谈浓香型曲酒入池水分的调节

    Discussion on Regulation of Entry Pit Moisture of Luzhou-flavour Liquor

  25. 浓香型白酒可控蒸馏技术的研究

    A Study on the Controllable Distillation Technique of Luzhou-flavour Liquor

  26. 微生物技术在浓香型白酒业的发展方向

    Developmental Direction of Microbial Technology in the Luzhou-flavor Liquor Industry

  27. 浓香型白酒贮存过程中四大酯减少特点的分析

    The Change Rule of Four Mass Ester During Storage of Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  28. 浓香型大曲中一株产红色素细菌的分离和初步鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of A Red Pigment-producing Bacteria Strain From Luzhou-flavor Daqu

  29. 浓香型白酒计算机辅助勾兑系统的开发与应用

    The Development and Auxiliary Application of Computer Blending in the Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  30. 初步探讨了影响低度浓香型白酒的因素,总结了一些低度酒制作的实践经验。

    The factors influencing the production of low-alcohol Luzhou-flavor liquor were discussed .