
  • 网络Concentrated apple juice;apple juice concentrate;aJc
  1. 中国加入WTO以后,进口国对我国浓缩苹果汁的质量要求越来越苛刻。

    After China ' entry to WTO , import country give our AJC more and more rigorous demands .

  2. 棒曲霉素和农药残留是浓缩苹果汁质量安全的首要问题。

    Patulin and pesticide residues are main factors which are responsible for the safety of AJC .

  3. 加一点蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁,让菜带点甜味。

    Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey , or concentrated apple or pear juice .

  4. 基于Internet的浓缩苹果汁在线质量监测和远程诊断系统

    On-line quality inspection and remote diagnostic system for concentrated apple juice based on Internet

  5. PLC在浓缩苹果汁生产系统自动控制上的应用

    Application of PLC in the Autocontrol of the Apple Concentrated System

  6. 浓缩苹果汁生产中HACCP的建立和运用

    Application of HACCP in concentrate apple juice production

  7. 采用离子交换和SDS-PAGE分离纯化浓缩苹果汁中蛋白质,并对其进行性质分析。

    Proteins in concentrated apple juice were isolated and purified by ion-exchange chromatography and SDS-PAGE .

  8. GC–μECD测定浓缩苹果汁中6种拟除虫菊酯类农药残留量

    Determination of Six Kinds of Pyrethroid Pesticide Residues in Apple Juice by GC - μ ECD

  9. 浓缩苹果汁生产中基于HACCP的棒曲酶毒素控制方法

    The Method for Controlling the Clavacin Toxin in the Production of the Concentrated Apple-juice Based on HACCP System

  10. 基于SPE-HPLC的浓缩苹果汁中棒曲霉素检测方法的研究

    Study on determine method of patulin in the apple juice concentrated based on SPE-HPLC

  11. 采购:浓缩苹果汁,IQF草莓,中国柑桔,中国苹果。

    Buy : Apple juice concentrated , IQF strawberry , Chinese orange , Chinese apple .

  12. 因此,研究和掌握浓缩苹果汁加工链中棒曲霉素和主要有机磷农药残留分布规律,对更有效的进行危害分析(HA)和关键点(CCP)制定有重要意义。

    Therefore , the research which aims to study the residual distribution regularity of patulin and pesticides during the Apple Juice Concentrate processing plays a significant role in the hazard analysis ( HA ) and the determination of the critical control points ( CCPs ) .

  13. 浓缩苹果汁生产过程中嗜酸嗜热菌的分离及相关生物学特性研究

    Isolation and Characterization of Thermo-acidophilic Bacteria from Concentrated Apple Juice Processing

  14. 浓缩苹果汁主要技术指标控制的研究

    Study of control on major technological indexes in concentrated apple juice

  15. 浓缩苹果汁加工中酶作用及贮藏稳定性研究

    Effect of Enzyme Treatment on Storage Stability of Concentrated Apple Juice

  16. 浓缩苹果汁生产中控制褐变的研究

    Study on browning control in the production of concentrated apple juice

  17. 浓缩苹果汁酶促褐变及其控制

    Mechanism and Control of the Enzymatic Browning in Apple Juice Concentrate

  18. 高效液相色谱测定浓缩苹果汁展青霉素的残留量

    Determination of Patulin in the Inspissated Apple Juice by HPLC

  19. 浓缩苹果汁中棒曲霉素的来源及检测

    The origin and determination of patulin in concentrated apple juice

  20. 中美浓缩苹果汁贸易中的问题及对策

    Issue and Strategies to Sino-US Trade of Concentrated Apple Juice

  21. 拉曼光谱法快速检测掺入梨汁的浓缩苹果汁

    Rapid Determination of Apple Juice Mingled with Pear Juice by Raman Spectroscopy

  22. 中国浓缩苹果汁反倾销案标本透视

    A Perspective on Chinese Condensed Apple Juice Anti-dumping Case Sample

  23. 浓缩苹果汁中嗜酸耐热菌的分离及检测条件探讨

    Study on isolation and detection of thermo-acidophilic bacteria in apple juice concentrate

  24. 贮存过程中添加剂对浓缩苹果汁非酶褐变的影响

    Additive affecting nonenzymatic browning of apple juice concentrate during storage

  25. 浓缩苹果汁生产中褐变因素及其控制措施的探讨

    Study on browning reason and control method in concentrated apple juice processing

  26. 浓缩苹果汁高浓度有机废水处理工程的改造

    Modification of Treatment of High-concentration Organic Wastewater from Concentrated Fruit Juice Production

  27. 浓缩苹果汁加工链中棒曲霉素的动态分析研究

    Dynamic analysis of patulin during apple juice concentrate processing

  28. 气相色谱-质谱法测定浓缩苹果汁中丁酰肼残留量

    GC-MS Determination of residual daminozide in apple juice concentrate

  29. 大孔吸附树脂吸附浓缩苹果汁中棒曲霉素的研究

    Study on the adsorption capability of macroreticular resin for patulin in apple juice

  30. 浓缩苹果汁加工中耐热菌的分析与控制

    Control of Thermo-Acidophilic Bacteria in Processing Apple Juice Concentrate