
nónɡ suō ɡuǒ zhī
  • Concentrated fruit juice;concentrated juice
  1. 杨梅腌渍液脱盐及制备浓缩果汁的研究

    Study on the Desalination of the Red Bayberry Preservation Juice and the Production Art of Concentrated Juice

  2. 目前,以浓缩果汁为原料酿造苹果酒的研究工作取得了成功,为苹果的深加工开辟了一条新途径,大大提高了苹果的附加值,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    At present , the study on cider which is brewed with concentrated juice has succeed and a new way to improve the apple extra value has been established , which has good economic and social benefits .

  3. 可去除浓缩果汁中的TAB菌,减少果汁热力杀菌的强度,同时提高果汁的各项理化指标。

    Can remove the TAB fungus in the concentration fruit juice , reduces the thermal sterilization intensity , simultaneously enhances each physics and chemistry target .

  4. 用于除去浓缩果汁中微量重金属的螯合纤维的研制&(Ⅰ)PP无纺布紫外接枝丙烯酸的条件及性能

    Study on complex fiber used for Removal Trace Heavy Metals from concentrated juice & (ⅰ) study on reaction conditions and properties of PP nov-woven UV grafted with AA

  5. SPE-HPLC法同时测定多种浓缩果汁中的噻菌灵和多菌灵

    Simultaneous Determination of Thiabendazole and Carbendazim in Concentrated Fruit Juices by SPE-HPLC

  6. 浓缩果汁生产中嗜酸耐热菌的控制

    Control on acidophilic and heat-resistant bacteria in fruit juice concentrate processing

  7. 采购:食用色素,浓缩果汁,罐头食品。

    Buy : Food colorants , Fruit concentrate , Canned food .

  8. 采购:大豆蛋白,浓缩果汁,纯果浆。

    Buy : Soy protein , Juice concentrate , Pure fruit pulp .

  9. 山楂草莓复合浓缩果汁饮料的研制

    Study and manufacture on compound inspissated juice drink of hawthorn and strawberry

  10. 采购:淀粉,柠檬酸,浓缩果汁。

    Buy : starch , citric acid , juice concentrate .

  11. 国产三效板式蒸发器在浓缩果汁生产中的应用

    The application of domestic three-stage plate evaporators to the production of concentrated fruit juices

  12. 如果你用的是浓缩果汁,将之稀释到23升。

    If you are using a concentrate , top up with filtered water to23 liters .

  13. 大型浓缩果汁生产线

    A large condensed fruit juice production line

  14. 建立了测定浓缩果汁中乙醇含量的自动进样顶空气相色谱分析方法。

    A headspace and auto injection gas chromatographic method for determination of ethanol in concentrated fruit juice was established .

  15. 一开始的浓缩果汁,以及最后装瓶的厂家,他们甚至可以是在不同的国家。

    The original concentrate does not even have to be made in the same country as the final bottler .

  16. 采购:包装材料,什锦水果罐头,菠萝罐头,果汁饮料,浓缩果汁,乳制品。

    Buy : package , canned fruit cocktail , canned pineapple , juice drink , juice concentrate , dairy product .

  17. 香料人工风味化合物、天然香料提取物和浓缩果汁均可添加到软饮料中去。

    Flavorings Synthetic flavor compounds , natural flavor extracts , and fruit juice concentrates are used to flavor soft drinks .

  18. 她会弹奏钢琴,酷爱轮滑,为保持通心粉、芝士和超浓缩果汁冲剂在经济危机期间的销量,不惜在广告上一掷千金。

    This pianist and avid Rollerblader has advertised heavily during the recession to keep sales of macaroni and cheese and Kool-Aid flowing .

  19. 在消费者准备要使用产品之前,冷冻浓缩果汁应置于贮藏库中并使之保持冷冻状态。

    The frozen juice concentrate is placed in storage and is maintained in the frozen state until the consumer is prepared to use the product .

  20. 为了调味,他们可能会在其中加入浓缩果汁,液体经过滤装入容器,就得到能马上喝的啤酒。

    Fruit concentrates may have been added to the mix for flavour , before the liquid was filtered into special vessels and ready to drink .

  21. 天山花楸果实的有效成分的初步研究对渭南市果业发展及浓缩果汁加工情况的调查

    Preliminary Study on the Effective Constituents of the Fruit of Sorbs tianschanica The Effective Approaches to Increase Benefits of Fruit - Processing Industry in Weinan

  22. 另外,该方法简便、快速、准确,应用于浓缩果汁的测定结果满意。

    In addition , the new method was simple , fast , exact and was used in the determination of ethanol in concentrated fruit juice with satisfactory results .

  23. 采购:果汁,浓缩果汁等饮料;蘑菇罐头,甜玉米罐头等罐头食品;冷冻西兰花,冷冻豆子等冷冻蔬菜。

    Buy : Beverages : Juices , drinks , juice concentrated ; Canned foods : canned mushrooms , canned sweet corn ; Frozen vegetables : frozen broccoli , frozen beans .

  24. 本文对猕猴桃浓缩果汁、果粉、果晶、果酱、果冻、罐头、果脯等7种制品的工艺流程和操作要要点作了介绍。

    The present paper introduces the technological processes and key points of 7 processing products including concentrated fruit juice , powder , fruit grain , jam , jelly , can and preserved fruit in kiwifruit .

  25. 纯果汁牛奶的最佳配方为:复合稳定剂0.5%、乳化剂0.1%、品质改良剂0.11%、蔗糖8.0%、浓缩果汁7.14%、混合有机酸0.6%;

    The optimum formula for shelf-stable pure fruit juice milk was 0.5 % stabilizers , 0.10 % emulsifier , 0.11 % improver , 8.0 % sucrose , 7.14 % fruit juice and 0.6 % citric acid .

  26. 结果提示,口服中华猕猴桃浓缩果汁有明显增强家兔血液红细胞的邻苯三酚自氧化抑制效应,抑制率比正常值提高1倍。

    The results indicated that the inhibition rate on the pyrogallol autoxidation reaction by blood erythrocytes superoxide dismutase of rabbit of orally administrated concentrated fruit juice for continuous 1-5 weeks was significant increased ( see table 1 ) .

  27. 果汁豆奶饮料是以豆奶、浓缩果汁为主要原料,辅以适量甜味剂、酸味剂、乳化稳定剂,经调配、均质、杀菌、灌装等工序制备而成。

    Fruit juice soymilk was composed of soybean and concentrated juice as the major materials , with the addition of moderate sweeteners , acidulants , emulsifiers and stabilizers . The beverage was produced via mixing , homogenizing , sterilizing and filling .

  28. 还有在冷冻浓缩的果汁中,微生物引起的变质过程是在添加水之后发生的。

    Also , microorganisms in the frozen concentrated juices can begin the spoilage process after addition of water .

  29. 高压脉冲杀菌集成冷冻浓缩加工果汁的工艺超高压对草毒浆杀菌效果及微生物菌落形态的影响

    Integration of freeze concentration and PEF in the processing of fruit juices Effect of high pressure on natural microorganisms and the colonial morphology changes in strawberry pulp

  30. 虽然浓缩的果汁能使其质量稳定一段时期,但是进一步延长保质期要通过降温至水的冰点以下来完成。

    Although a juice concentrate could be shelf-stable for a period of time , the shelf-life is extended further by reducing the temperature to well below the freezing point of water .