
dì tiáo zi
  • send (one's friend, acquaintance, subordinate, etc. ) a note asking a favour
递条子 [dì tiáo zi]
  • [send a brief informal note] 喻指利用职权或私人关系写短信示意别人给予照顾

  1. 在考试过程中杰克向莉萨递条子时被发现了。

    Jack got caught slipping a note to Lisa during the exam .

  2. 他帮助犯人们写信,递条子,捎带衣物和书籍。你上邮局的话,捎带给我买几张纪念邮票。

    He would write letters for them , carry messages , fetch clothing or books . If you happen to be going to the post office , please get me some commemorative stamps .

  3. 我设法偷偷给他递了张条子。

    I managed to sneak a note to him .

  4. 我设法偷偷给他递了张条子。

    I managed to sneak him a note .

  5. 告诉他有人刚递来一个条子,说有一个紧急电话,或者说你需要参加一个会议。

    Explain that someone just handed you a note for an urgent call or that you need to be in a meeting .