
dì guī
  • recursion;recurrence
递归 [dì guī,dì tuī]
  • [recursion] 按照某一包含有限步数的法则或公式对一个或多个前面的元素进行运算,以确定一系列元素(如数或函数)的方法

递归[dì guī]
  1. 一种并行计算K阶线性递归N方程组的新方法

    A new method for solving the system of k-th order linear recurrence equations in parallel

  2. golf设计的一个递归构造

    A Recurrence Construction of golf Design

  3. 有些人提倡另外一种简单的解决方案:根本就不要递归使用make。

    Some writers advocate a simpler solution : don 't use recursive make at all .

  4. 广义PID实时递归学习算法

    The Generalized PID Real Time Recurrent Learning Algorithm

  5. 用非理想频率特性模型设计线性相移非递归型(FIR)数字滤波器的探讨

    Study of linear phase FIR digital filters using non-ideal frequency characteristic models

  6. 线性递归序列模q

    On Linear Recurrent Sequence Modulo q

  7. 一种WDM光网络中的递归式子通路保护算法

    A Novel Recursive Shared Segment Protection Algorithm in Survivable WDM Networks

  8. 然后,以各个算法生成Cn个编码所需要的平均递归调用次数作为时间复杂度对比的尺度,对几个主要的编码生成算法进行了对比分析。

    We will compare some of the algorithms using the number of recursive calls to enumerate C_n sequences as a measure of time complexity .

  9. 基于新型的递归BLUE滤波器的IMM算法

    Interacting Multiple-Model Algorithm Based on New Recursive BLUE Filter

  10. 如果仔细观察printreporti,您会发现在函数中递归调用之后没有再进一步发生任何事情。

    If you evaluate print_report_i , you will see that there is nothing further that happens in the function after the recursive call .

  11. K阶常系数线性递归数列的通项公式与通项的计算机算法

    The general term formula of order k constant cofficient linear recursive sequence of number and the computer algorithm of the general term

  12. 基于递归修正Hough变换域的舰船多尾迹检测方法

    Multi-ship wakes detection method based on recursive modified Hough transform field

  13. 用递归算法实现BOM展开的树型结构操作

    An implementation of operation of BOM with tree structure using recursive strategy

  14. 移动Spider的非递归爬行方法设计

    Design of Method for Non-Recursive-Climb of Mobile Spider

  15. 目前的移动网络蜘蛛往往采用递归爬行的方法,该方法会造成系统资源开销大、爬行速度慢,而且可能会因为被搜索Web页面本身结构的原因造成死循环。

    Mobile Spider always uses the Recursive-Climb method , which expends more system resource and climbs slowly and may cause endless loop due to the reason of web page itself .

  16. 高速MCM中互连线时域宏模型的递归算法

    Recursive Algorithm for the Time Domain Macromodel of Interconnects in MCM

  17. 用于HDTV的非递归正交镜像滤波器设计

    The design of nonrecursive QMF for HDTV signal processing

  18. 本例中递归选择了“src”目录下的所有文件。

    In this case , you 're recursively selecting all files starting with the'src'directory .

  19. 并针对BP神经网络的不足,引进了带偏差的递归神经网络来改进故障诊断的有效性。

    At last aiming at the shortage of BP NN , the thesis introduces the recurrent neural network with bias ( R NN B ) .

  20. wget命令(代表Webget之义)是一个获取Web内容的有用工具,它可以递归遍历Web站点并从中提取感兴趣的内容。

    The wget command , which stands for Web get , is a useful command for recursively working through a Web site and grabbing content of interest .

  21. 在NA相依样本条件下,对未知分布函数F(x)的递归核估计进行研究。

    In this paper , we study a recursive kernel distribution estimator of unknown distribution function F ( x ) for negatively associated samples .

  22. Hanoi塔问题非递归算法的形式推导

    The Formal Derivation of a Nonrecursive Algorithm for the Tower-of-Hanoi Puzzle

  23. 您将学到Lambda表达式、递归和宏。

    You 'll see Lambda expressions , recursion , and macros .

  24. 改进型内部递归神经网络在QSAR中的应用

    Modified internal recurrent neural network and its application in QSAR

  25. 要想复制整个目录结构,可以使用-r选项递归地把整个目录结构从一个位置复制到另一个位置:$cp-rsourcedestination。

    To copy an entire directory structure you can use the-r option to recursively copy an entire directory structure from one place to another : $ cp-r source destination .

  26. 在递归查询中,客户端预期服务器响应完整的答案(即,将某个名称解析为IP地址)。

    In a recursive query , the client expects the server to respond the full answer ( i.e. , to resolve a name to the IP address ) .

  27. 采用递归方法将故障树转化为BDD。

    Adopting the recursive method to convert fault tree into a BDD .

  28. 形式化开发Hanoi塔问题非递归算法

    Formal development of non-recursive algorithm for Hanoi tower

  29. Hanoi塔问题一种非递归算法的C++实现

    Implementation of C + + to Make A Non-recursive Algorithm about Tower of Hanoi

  30. 基于Elman递归神经网络的汽车牌照定位方法研究

    Vehicle License Plate Locating Using Elman Recurrent Network