
  • 网络Graded bedding;grading bedding
  1. 石灰岩建造常为黑色、灰黑色碎屑石灰岩、燧石层、粉砂质泥板岩和礁灰岩组成,常夹递变层理。

    The latter consisting of dark gray clastic limestone , chert beds , siliceous mudstone and massive reef and usually with graded bedding .

  2. 该风暴沉积的底面侵蚀构造清楚,板片状泥晶灰岩砾石呈菊花状排列,发育丘状交错层理、负载构造、递变层理和小波纹层理等沉积构造,为典型的浅海风暴岩。

    Typical depositional structures of tempestite , such as radically arrangement of plate-like micrite gravel , hummocky lamination , load structure , grading bedding and ripple bedding are presented in the succession , indicating its accumulation in an offshore environment .

  3. 风暴沉积主要包括4种岩相类型:A-具口袋构造的递变层理砂岩段。

    The storm deposits consist of 4 types of lithofacies : a-sandstone with gutter casts and graded bedding , b-sandstone with hummocky or sunken cross bedding , c-siltstone and mudstone with homogeneous bedding , and d-argillite with horizontal bedding .