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nóng yù
  • rich;strong;fullness;dense
浓郁 [nóng yù]
  • (1) [strong]∶香气、色彩、气氛等浓厚

  • 浓郁的芳香

  • 色调浓郁

  • (2) [dense]∶浓密;繁密

  • 枝叶浓郁

浓郁[nóng yù]
  1. 这个地区产的葡萄酒浓郁醇香。

    The wine from this region is rich and fruity .

  2. 这道菜用鲜肉沫加洋葱和浓郁的番茄酱做成。

    It is made with fresh minced meat , cooked with onion and a rich tomato sauce .

  3. 空气中弥漫着浓郁的花香。

    The air was heavy with the scent of flowers .

  4. 这种奶酪多孔松脆,风味浓郁。

    This cheese has an open , crumbly texture with a strong flavour

  5. 这种奶酪口感松脆,味道浓郁。

    This cheese has a crumbly texture with a strong flavour

  6. 香槟酒的香味会特别浓郁。

    Champenois wines can be particularly fragrant and perfumed .

  7. 这种葡萄酒色泽深暗悦目,是中等浓郁至浓香型的。

    With a nice dark colour , the wine is medium to full bodied

  8. 这种加工过程可酿造出果香更加浓郁的葡萄酒。

    The process results in a much fruitier wine .

  9. 清风吹拂,浓郁的花香向她飘来。

    A slight breeze rose , wafting the heavy scent of flowers past her .

  10. 不知为什么,这个地方竟透出一种浓郁的怀旧气息。

    Somehow the place even smelt wonderfully nostalgic .

  11. 与他们其他的白葡萄酒相比,这种葡萄酒的口味显然更加浓郁醇厚。

    This wine has an altogether stronger , more pronounced flavour than their other white wines .

  12. 压力将咖啡的油脂挤出,这些油脂经乳化带给咖啡一种浓郁、柔滑的口感。

    It is the pressure which releases the coffee oils ; these emulsify and give the coffee its rich , velvety texture

  13. 桂花发出浓郁的芳香。

    Osmanthus blossoms give off [ exhale ] a rich perfume .

  14. 这些作品具有浓郁的农村生活气息。

    These works have a strong flavour of rural life .

  15. 咖啡是一种香味浓郁的饮料。

    Coffee is a fragrant beverage .

  16. 这酒有浓郁的香味。

    The wine has a rich bouquet .

  17. 有些花气味浓郁。

    Some flowers have strong fragrances .

  18. 地毯也是绿颜色的,地毯上白色小兔在浓郁树荫中嬉戏的图画使人想到是受了威廉·莫利斯的影响。

    The green carpet , in the pattern of which pale rabbits frolicked among leafy trees , suggested the influence of williammorris .

  19. 景区内有游船码头、动物园、渔场、牧场、敖包、别墅和具有浓郁民族风情的蒙古包、欧式风格的修养所等。

    Scenic areas within a cruise ship terminal , a zoo , fishing , grazing land , aobao , villas and a strong national style yurts , continental style of cultivation and so on .

  20. 此酒是开胃酒,可配合甜品及味道较浓郁的芝士食用。

    It is as an aperitif or with strong cheeses and desserts .

  21. 他欣赏它的浓郁和可口的味道。我则欣赏它的便宜

    He goes for its full , delicious flavors . I go for its economy .

  22. 这种葡萄酒有浓郁的香气。

    This wine has a rich bouquet .

  23. 浓郁的黑浆果和李子的香味混合糕饼的香味

    Richly scanted dark berry and plum aroma with complex fruitcake , richness and resonantly depth .

  24. 画一般的雪国,飘溢着浓郁的日本风情,给人以美的享受

    The picture-like XueGuo , wafting dense flavor of Japan , gives us a kind of artistic enjoyment .

  25. 节庆期间的POP广告在浓郁的节庆氛围下能起到促进商品销售的作用。

    The POP advertisement during the festival promotes the distribution of products under the atmosphere of festival .

  26. W:好的,不加糖不加奶油,浓郁的纯咖啡,我这就把它给您拿过去。

    W : Ok , no sugar no cream , black coffee and very strong . I will bring it to you right away .

  27. 野莓乳木果花蕾膏掺杂着浓郁的怀旧气息,混合了野莓、香草、蜂蜜的香甜,乳木果、维他命E的滋润。

    " Brambleberry Rose Lip Balm " is a nostalgic blend of wild berry flavors with overtones of honey and vanilla and moisturized with Shea Butter and Vitamin E.

  28. 但糖类发酵导致(Z)-2,3-丁二醇、(E)-2,3-丁二醇的含量明显增加,这是佛手腌制后具有浓郁香甜风味的原因。

    However , the fermentation of sugar significantly increased the content of ( Z ) - 2,3-butanediol ,( E ) - 2,3-butanediol which is the reason of bergamot 's strong sweet flavor after curing .

  29. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbiauniversity)的资深学者格里•柯蒂斯(GerryCurtis)去年在日本生活了半年。他证实,东京弥漫着浓郁的怀旧气息,而不是危机感。

    Gerry Curtis , a seasoned academic from Columbia University who spends half the year in Japan , confirmed that , instead of a sense of crisis , Tokyo is laden with the heavy scent of nostalgia .

  30. 还有些人喜欢阿马罗内(Amarone)或浓郁的仙粉黛葡萄酒(zinfandel),这两种酒具有浓郁的水果味,可能不是很干。

    Some people like Amarone or powerful zinfandels , wines that are richly fruity and maybe not quite dry .