首页 / 词典 / good

  • short;brief
  • lack;owe
  • weak point;fault
  • 长度小,与“长(cháng )”相对:~期。~暂。~促。~途。~命。~讯。~浅。~兵相接。~小精悍。

  • 缺少,欠:~少。~缺。

  • 缺点:~处。护~。取长补~。


(空间、时间两端之间的距离小) short; brief:

  • 冬季日短夜长。

    In winter the days are short and the nights long.

  • 那外衣的袖子稍短了些。

    The coat is a little short in the sleeves.

  • 他说话简短。

    He is brief of speech.

  • 我给他写了封短信。

    I dropped him a few lines.

  • 这条路最短。

    This is the shortest way.


(缺少; 欠) lack; owe:

  • 不短他钱

    do not owe him money;

  • 理短

    lack sound argument;

  • 别人都来了, 就短他一个。

    All the others are here; he's the only one missing.


(缺点) weak point; fault:

  • 护短

    shield a shortcoming or fault;

  • 揭人的短儿

    pick on sb.'s weakness;

  • 说长道短



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 短仲

    Duan Zhong

  1. 他们在短时间内取得了很大的成绩。

    They had achieved a lot in a short space of time .

  2. 我打算去法国度个短假。

    I 'm going to France for a short break .

  3. 我上班得穿短上衣打领带。

    I have to wear a jacket and tie to work .

  4. 这件短上衣有两层衬里。

    The jacket was lined with a double thickness of fabric .

  5. 十一月气温下降,白天变短。

    In November the temperatures drop and the days shorten .

  6. 你有没有想过剪个短发型?

    Have you thought about having your hair in a shorter style ?

  7. 她脖子后面的头发剪得很短。

    Her hair was cut short at the nape of her neck .

  8. 通常雄鸟体形较大,喙较短。

    The male is generally larger with a shorter beak .

  9. 幼儿的注意力持续时间很短。

    Small children have a very short attention span .

  10. 短声波即使遇到小物体都会产生回音。

    Short sound waves bounce off even small objects .

  11. 仅以此短笺感谢您安排的美好的夜晚。

    Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening .

  12. 他头发理得真短。

    He 's had his hair cut really short .

  13. 一年中哪一天最短?

    Which is the shortest day of the year ?

  14. 人生很短,不能整天坐在那儿自寻烦闷。

    Life 's too short to sit around moping .

  15. 这家公司要采用较短的周工作时间。

    The firm is introducing a shorter working week .

  16. 现在有一段短时间的幕间休息。

    There will now be a short interlude .

  17. 她把她的短上衣丢到床上。

    She tossed her jacket onto the bed .

  18. 把最短的花放在花束的靠前位置。

    Put the shortest flowers in the front .

  19. 他穿上短上衣出去了。

    He donned his jacket and went out .

  20. 本季又重新时兴较短的衣裙。

    Shorter hemlines are back in this season .

  21. 他脱去了短上衣。

    He divested himself of his jacket .

  22. 冬季白天较短。

    The days are shorter in wintertime .

  23. 他有一头短鬈发。

    He had short curly hair .

  24. 那件短上衣很合身。

    That jacket fits well .

  25. 你忘了拿你的短上衣,不过我可以在明天上班的路上顺便捎给你。

    You left your jacket , but I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow .

  26. 这种动物的毛又短又密、丝般柔滑。

    This creature 's fur is short , dense and silky .

  27. 我用一把大锤子把短桩打进地里。

    I used a sledgehammer to drive the pegs into the ground

  28. 我在那儿呆的时间很短,没弄清楚。

    I didn 't stick around long enough to find out .

  29. 冬季天短,有些人会变得抑郁消沉。

    When the days shorten in winter some people suffer depression .

  30. 她正在试穿一件价值8,000美元的短外套。

    She was trying on an $ 8,000 jacket for size