
duǎn ɡùn
  • short stick
  1. 2。强磁场作用下,共晶Al-Si组织由无磁场处理时的长条状,变为短棍、点状、细条状的混合组织。

    Under high magnetic field , the appearance of Al-Si long stick structure will change into the structure mix of short stick and thin bar .

  2. 李小龙是个多面手,除了精通各种拳术外,还擅长长棍、短棍和双节棍等各种器械,并研习气功和硬功。

    Bruce Lee was versatile : In addition to his proficiency in all kinds of Kuen ( fist ) martial arts , long stick , short stick , and nunchaku , he also studied Qigong and Yinggong .

  3. 他将一根根短棍木柴扔进巨大的石壁炉里。

    He dumped the logs on the big stone hearth .

  4. 我还有两把桨和那个舵把和那根短棍。

    I have the two oars and the tiller and the short club .

  5. 这家商店出售玩手技杂要用的球和短棍。

    The shop sells juggling balls and clubs .

  6. 热段可选配压力辊压载系统、短棍压载系统、热压板压载;

    Pressing roll , cosh pressing roll or EUTAC system are used in heating section .

  7. 这种比赛是用一种末端带有一个小网的短棍进行的。

    The game is played with a stick that has a small net at one end .

  8. 哎,你不会挨短棍帮臭揍,大河王后,滚滚奔流。

    Now , won 't you batter down by Baton Rouge , River Queen , roll it on .

  9. 抢劫列车的匪徒用短棍袭击列车长.申请安装电话者的名单有长长的一列。

    The train robbers coshed the guard . There 's a long waiting list of people who want telephones .

  10. 短棍:指挥家用来指挥乐队的细长木棒。

    Baton : a slender wooden stick or rod used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or band .

  11. 209.小卵石上的大部分红宝石废料在用有球状突起的橡胶短棍搅动是会起泡。

    209 . The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club .

  12. 卡车司机被害,一车香烟被抢走。抢劫列车的匪徒用短棍袭击列车长。

    A lorry driver was killed and his load of cigarettes hijacked . The train robbers coshed the guard .

  13. 这人身材高大,穿一件长大衣,胳膊底下夹着一条短棍。

    The man was of lofty stature , clad in a long frock-coat , with a cudgel under his arm .

  14. 但是只要我有桨和短棍和舵把,我就要试试。

    But I will try it as long as I have the oars and the short club and the tiller .

  15. 一个排的持剑的宪兵和拿着大头捧、短棍的警察,听到沙威喊,一齐涌进来了。

    A squad of policemen , sword in hand , and agents armed with bludgeons and cudgels , rushed in at Javert 's summons .

  16. 在那场暴力和随后的冲突中使用的武器主要限于短柄斧、棒子、短棍、刀、针、牙签和大头针。

    The weapons used in that mayhem and subsequent clashes were largely confined to hatchets , sticks , cudgels , knives , needles , toothpicks and pins .

  17. 我现在还有那根鱼钩,“他说。”不过它没什么用处。我还有两把桨和那个舵把和那根短棍。

    I have the gaff now ," he said . " but it will do no good . I have the two oars and the tiller and the short club .

  18. 作为一名格斗专家,沃尔夫在跆拳道、自由搏击、自由摔跤、巴西格斗、截拳道短棍格斗、刀战和其它格斗领域都训练有素。

    It was all collecting dust , ' says Mr. Wolf , a combat specialist trained in Taekwondo , kickboxing , freestyle wrestling , Brazilian capoeira , Filipino stick and knife fighting and other combat skills .

  19. 原因:一是农会会员漫山遍野,梭镖短棍一呼百应,土匪无处藏踪。

    The reasons are : First , the members of the peasant associations are everywhere spread out over the hills and dales , spear or cudgel in hand , ready to go into action in their hundreds , so that the bandits have nowhere to hide .