
  1. 做生意要有买卖不成情义在的气度。

    When we do Business we should remain friendly even if the Business fails .

  2. 病人曾到过有买卖活体动物的市场。

    She has a history of exposure in a market where live animals are sold .

  3. 有买卖一地皮的选择权我对那件事没有选择权。

    Have an option on a piece of land I have no option in the matter .

  4. 如果价格恒定不变,则将不会有买卖价差,最终会没有交易。

    If the price is constant , there would be Bid-ask spread , and eventually there would be no deal .

  5. 货物买卖合同在法律上意味着有买卖活动和销售协议。

    A contract for the sale of goods is defined by the legislation to include a sale and an agreement to sell .

  6. 闹市上人来人往,熙熙攘攘,通宵不绝。在京都市场上,各地货物琳琅满目,甚至日本、朝鲜、阿拉伯等国的商品亦有买卖。

    The busy street of the Dongjing was crammed with various kinds of goods from all over the country even from Japan , Korean and Arab .

  7. 证券内幕交易罪的行为方式有买卖证券、泄露内幕信息、明示或暗示他人从事证券交易活动三种。

    The crime of insider trading in the securities acts have there ways : securities deal , disclose the insider information , explicitly or implicitly engage others in the securities trading .

  8. 汉代买卖契约种类已经比较齐全,既有买卖土地房屋的不动产买卖契约,也有动产买卖契约。

    The sale of the type of the Han Dynasty have been relatively complete contract , the sale of land and housing both the real estate sale and purchase agreement as well as movable property sale and purchase agreement .

  9. 他原先在城里有个买卖。

    He used to have a shop in the city .

  10. 即使是下午,这里也有很多买卖。

    Even before noon there was a considerable patronage .

  11. 一些人抱怨有如买卖商品的感觉。

    Some have complained of feeling like a commodity .

  12. 有些人似乎生来就知道哪儿有好买卖可做。

    Some people seem to have an instinct for knowing where a good bargain is to is find .

  13. 一些消费者已经把重要的消费支出项目推迟得很久,最终当他们看到商店里有好买卖时,肯定会开始购买。

    Some consumers put off key purchases for so long that eventually they must come around when they see good deals on store shelves .

  14. 除上述规定的设计联络会议外,若有需买卖双方进行研究和讨论的重大问题,经双方协商后可另行召开联络会议解决。

    Except the prescribed design liaison meetings , more liaison meetings can be held after consultation of the two parties if important problems still exist to be studied and discussed .

  15. 只要再拉一下,石头准能给拉到要放的地方。吃完,有好买卖呢就再拉一两个;

    Just one more heave , and the stone will be in the right place . then if he could pick up another good fare or two , so much the better ;

  16. 在今夏早期,我得到过俱乐部这样的承诺&如果转会交易都有利于买卖双方,那么我可以离开。此刻,这里就有利物浦的报价。

    Earlier in the summer I received a promise from United that I could leave if the deal was good for both parties and at the moment there is an offer from Liverpool .

  17. 作为代理人,一旦有划算的买卖你恐怕能近水楼台先得月。

    As an agent , you may have an inside track when good deals become available .

  18. 现在有宗大买卖给你,你做不做?

    I have a big one for you , interested ?

  19. 如果你把公司迁到城外,就会有失去许多买卖的危险。

    You risk losing a lot of business if you relocate outside the city .

  20. 以上这些印度人或有自己的买卖,或有自己的劳动工具,或有一门手艺。

    All above Indians have their own business , or own tools or a craft .

  21. 哦,我到市场上,那里有收集者在买卖收藏品。

    Well , I go to the market place where collectors buy and sell their collections .

  22. 这个世界,不该有女孩被买卖或杀害。

    We don 't have to expect a world where girls are bought and sold or killed .

  23. 目前国际上防范汇率风险的主要工具有远期外汇买卖、外汇期权、外汇期货和货币互换等。

    The tools of risk management in the international market usually include forward contract , futures , options and swap .

  24. 若投资者成功预测相关资产价格走势,则无论看好或看淡后市,亦有机会透过买卖权证获利。

    By successfully predicting the price direction of underlying assets , investors can profit from trading warrants on positive and negative views .

  25. 因此,有必要对买卖合同标的物的风险负担进行深入研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to the subject matter of the contract for the sale of risk burden further research and study .

  26. 这些资料性质被界定为理性的投资者在做购买,出售或保留股票或其它有价资产买卖决策时的重要考量因素。

    Material nature is defined as important to a reasonable investor in deciding whether to buy , sell or hold securities or other valuable property .

  27. 有人认为买卖双方可以在房屋转让合同上低报价格替卖方逃避级差利得税,从而将卖方的税负转嫁给买方。

    It was felt that the transfer of the contract the seller and the buyer in housing prices for the low profits tax evasion , the tax burden onto the buyer to the seller will .

  28. 要符合比较标准,在餐馆获奖后的一年里,其周边至少要有6000笔买卖交易&并且在某些情况下,上涨幅度需超过5%。

    To qualify , there needed to be at least 6,000 sales surrounding the restaurant in the year following the award & and , in some cases , the uplift was calculated at being more than 5 per cent .

  29. 你还可以购买在被称作是可能成为并购牺牲品的公司,并且已经有一笔买卖在桌上的公司。

    You could also buy stock from a company that 's being mentioned as a buyout victim with a deal already on the table . You 'll almost always make money this way , because the deal is inevitably sweetened .

  30. 有一个交易所买卖基金购买期货合同的PowerSharesDB贱金属,购买铝,锌,铜,和不同的合同购买,以尽量减少价差。

    There is one ETF that buys futures contracts & PowerShares DB Base Metals , which purchases aluminum , zinc and copper and varies the contracts it buys to minimize contango .