
  • 网络organic herbicide
  1. 按照以下步骤,你可以自己用醋制作有机除草剂。

    Follow these easy steps to find out how to make an organic weed killer out of vinegar .

  2. 有机磷除草剂草甘磷(GPS)对作物细胞遗传学毒性效应的研究

    Effects of Organo - Phosphine Herbicide Glyphosate on Cyto - Genetical Toxicity in Grasses

  3. 草甘膦是一种施用于叶片的、广谱的、非选择性的、后现性的有机磷类除草剂,它对于许多一年生和多年生杂草和双子叶植物都有极强的控制能力。

    Glyphosate is a foliar applied , broad spectrum , post-emergence herbicide capable of controlling annual and perennial grasses and dicotyledonous weeds .

  4. 利用瓦勃式微量呼吸检压仪对有机杂环类除草剂&草除灵的废水的可生物降解性进行快速测定,并对添加葡萄糖基质的废水共基质代谢进行生物降解特性研究。

    Rapid determination of the biodegradation by Warburg - respire - instrument and cometabolism of the wastewater added with glucose has been researched in this experiment .