
  • 网络ACETOCHLOR;metolachlor;acetochor
  1. UV/草酸铁/H2O2法处理乙草胺废水的研究

    Treatment of acetochlor wastewater by UV / ferrioxalate / H_2O_2

  2. 建立了一种用于检测土壤中乙草胺残留量的间接竞争酶联免疫分析(ELISA)方法。

    The method of indirect ELISA for monitoring acetochlor residue in soil has been established successfully .

  3. 该方法的检测范围在1×10-9~100×10-9mgmL之间,且和化学结构相似的甲草胺和乙草胺无交叉反应。

    Mg / mL without cross reactions with the structurally similar chloroacetanilide herbicides , alachlor and acetochlor .

  4. 结果表明,H2O2对水中乙草胺具有光敏化降解作用,其敏化作用效应与·OH有关;

    The results showed that H_ 2 O_ 2 exhibited photosensitive effects related to · OH .

  5. 乙草胺原药及其杂质GC-MS分析研究

    Analytical Method for Acetochlor and its Impurities in Technical Material by GC / MS

  6. H2O2通过光解产生·OH,从而对水中乙草胺表现出显著的光敏化降解作用。

    H2O2 produced hydroxyl radical ( OH ) upon UV irradiation , then - OH proceeded to react with acetochlor , so that the photodegradation of acetochlor was greatly promoted .

  7. 利用高粱芽培法,研究了增效剂对乙草胺(Acetochlor)在土壤中吸附性影响。

    Bioassay by bud incubation method shows the influence on the adsorption of acetochlor in soil .

  8. 乙草胺对水稻的伤害及CGA(123407)对其伤害的保护作用

    Preliminary Study on the Effect of Protectant CGA_ ( 123407 ) in Protecting Rice Seedlings from Injury by Acetochlor

  9. 同时在H2O2存在的情况下,10℃时乙草胺的敏化光解半衰期为5.94min,即此时H2O2的催化光敏能力最弱;

    At the same time , the photolysis T1 / 2 of acetochlor at the present of H2O2 in 10 ℃ aqueous solution was 5.94 min , which meaned that H2O2 had the least photosensitive ability at this time .

  10. 研究了乙草胺在100W中压石英汞灯的光照下的光解动态。

    The photolysis of acetochlor in water was studied under a 100W medium pressure quartz mercury vapor lamp illuminating .

  11. 在实验室条件下,采用平衡振荡法在288K2、98K和308K温度下对乙草胺在土壤中的吸附进行了研究。

    The thermodynamic adsorption of soil to acetochlor was studied .

  12. 为了探究2种不同类型农药联合施用对土壤微生物的复合生态影响,以除草剂乙草胺和杀菌剂硫酸铜为例,采用传统毒理学方法和BIOLOG法对其进行评价。

    In order to explore the combined ecological effects of acetochlor and copper sulphate on soil microorganisms , the traditional toxicological methods and BIOLOG were employed .

  13. 土壤中乙草胺用甲醇提取,提取液经减压过滤,浓缩,石油醚定容用GC-ECD测定。

    Acetochlor in soil was extracted by methanol , with pressure reduction and pressure filtration and constant volume of petroleum ether , and was subjected to gas chromatography with ECD .

  14. 水稻植株、稻米中乙草胺用二氯甲烷提取,提取液经减压过滤,浓缩,弗罗里硅土柱净化,定容后用GC-ECD检测。

    Acetochlor existed in rice plant , rice was extracted by dichloromethane , with pressure reduction and pressure filtration , the extracts were concentrated , purified and detected by rotary densifier , Florisil column and GC-ECD respectively .

  15. 主要结论如下:(1)研究建立了乙草胺在稻米、水稻植株、稻田土壤及稻田水中的残留量提取方法,纯化萃取方法,GC-ECD检测方法。

    The main results were as follows : ( 1 ) The paper established the residual extraction method , the purification extraction method and GC-ECD detection method for acetochlor in rice , rice plant , soil , and water samples .

  16. 微生物及环境因子对土壤中乙草胺持效性的影响

    Persistence of Acetochlor as Influenced by Soil Microorganism and Environmental Factors

  17. 不同瓜类对施田补和乙草胺的耐性存在着差别。西瓜耐性最强黄瓜耐性最弱。

    Watermelons had the highest tolerance and cucumber had the lowest .

  18. 90%乙草胺乳油中杂质的气相色谱分析

    Analysis of Impurities in 90 % Acetochlor EC by Gas Chromatography

  19. 除草剂乙草胺对非洲爪蟾性腺发育的影响

    Effects of Herbicide Acetochlor on the Gonadal Development of Xenopus laevis

  20. 乙草胺对水稻幼苗乙烯释放速率的影响

    Effect of Acetochlor on the Ethylene Release Rate of Rice Seedlings

  21. 水稻对丁草胺和乙草胺抗性的比较研究

    Comparative study on the resistance of rice to Butachlor and Acetochlor

  22. 乙草胺与苄嘧磺隆混剂对水稻安全性研究

    Study on Safety of Mixture of Acetochlor and Bensulfuron to Rice

  23. 除草剂解毒剂减轻乙草胺对玉米残留药害的研究

    Study of Herbicide Antidote on Protecting Maize Residual Injury from Acetochlor

  24. 职业性接触乙草胺农药对男工精液质量的影响

    Effects of acetochlor exposure on the semen quality of occupational workers

  25. 土壤湿度对乙草胺药害的影响

    Study on Influence of Soil Humidity to Injury of Acetochlor

  26. 增效剂影响土壤吸附乙草胺的研究

    Study on influence of adjuvant to acetochlor adsorption in soil

  27. 醚磺隆·乙草胺可湿性粉剂在水稻上的残留消解动态研究

    Study on Residue Dynamics of Cinosulfuron · Acetochlor Wettable Powder in Rice

  28. GC/ECD分析生物组织中的乙草胺

    Analysis of Acetochlor in Biological Tissue by GC / ECD

  29. 乙草胺对小麦生理机能的影响与生物标记物识别

    Effects of Herbicide Acetochlor on Physiological Mechanisms in Wheat and Biomarkers Identification

  30. 不同大豆品种对乙草胺的敏感性研究

    Studies on Acetochlor Effects on Yields and Quality of Different Soybean Varieties