
  • 网络Ethephon;ethephone;Ethrel;ethylene;cepa
  1. 乙烯利对甘蔗茎内IAA氧化酶活性动态变化的影响

    Effect of ethephon on the IAA oxidase activity in sugarcane internode

  2. 乙烯利和ABA处理对‘金魁’猕猴桃果实后熟软化的生理效应

    Effects of Ethephon and ABA Treatments on Physiology of ' Jinkui ' Kiwifruit During Its Ripening and Softening

  3. 因此,乙烯利与光强对水稻节间的伸长有显著的协合效应(SynergisticEffect)。

    Hence , ethylene and light intensity have synergistic effect on the elongation of rice inter - node .

  4. GA3和乙烯利处理对杏花败育的影响

    Effects of GA_3 and Ethylene on Abortion of Apricot Flower

  5. GA3对乙烯利抑制黄瓜苗生长的逆转效应

    The Reversion Effect of GA_3 on Cucumber Seedlings Growth Inhibited by Ethylene Solution

  6. 用激素处理的橡胶种子,其SOD活性有所提高,以乙烯利较为明显。

    The SOD activity increased when the seed was treated with hormones , especially with ethrel .

  7. 施用乙烯利等控冬梢措施明显提高了重回缩修剪树叶片的Mg、Zn含量。

    Mg and Zn contents in the leaves of trees of heavy retractive pruning + winter flush controlling increased remarkably .

  8. 而乙烯利处理后贮放2d或3d再用1-MCP处理已失去对果实后熟的抑制作用。

    The inhibition was ineffective when 1-MCP was applied at 2 or 3 days after Ethrel treatment .

  9. 瓠瓜幼苗的乙烯释放与ACC、乙烯利的吸收和运转

    The Liberation of Ethylene and Absorption of Ethrel and ACC in gourd Seedlings

  10. ABA和乙烯利处理下番茄的生理反应和Nr基因的表达

    The Stress-related Responses of Tomato and Expression of Nr Gene Caused by Ethephon and Abscisic Acid

  11. 高浓度FC对脱落酸(ABA)、赤霉酸(GA3)和乙烯利(CEPA)促进脱落效应有拮抗作用。

    Higher concentrations of FC antagonized the stimulatory effect of ABA , GA_3 and CEPA on abscission .

  12. 为研究外源激素对这一过程的影响,用不同浓度的GA和乙烯利生长素处理贵阳菜椒。

    We treated the cultivars with GA and ephon in different concentrations in order to understand the hormonal effect on sex transformation .

  13. RNA的含量,乙烯利和6-BA处理组分别比对照组增加60%和18%。

    RNA contents in mung beau sprouts increase by60 % ( Ethrel ) and18 % ( 6-BA ) .

  14. 2,4-D和乙烯利对玉米幼苗抗旱性效应的研究

    Study on effects of 2,4 D and Ethrel on drought resistance in Maize Seedlings

  15. 乙烯利及NAA对红富士疏花疏果的效应

    The Effect of Ethephon and NAA as a Flower and Fruit Thinning Agent in Red Fuji Apple

  16. 结果表明:1.乙烯利(ET)处理及乙烯利结合赤霉素(ET+GA)处理均不同程度优化了两个甘蔗品种冠层结构,而又以后者为好。

    Both the ethephon treatment and ethephon plus gibberellin treatment optimized the canopy architecture as compared with the control . The latter was bit better .

  17. 增产效应为H1>H2>乙烯利>富镧稀土。

    The effects of yield promotion were : H_1 > H_2 > ethephon > lanthanum-rich rare earth .

  18. 乙烯利处理红掌佛焰苞,诱导PAL基因表达,促进花色苷和总黄酮的含量的增加。

    It can induced PAL gene expression and promote the synthesis of anthocyanins and flavonoids of Anthurium andraeanum spathe by ethephon .

  19. str和dat基因表达量随乙烯利浓度升高呈现先降后升的规律。

    Expressions of gene str and dat were " down then up " with ethephon concentration elevating .

  20. IAA、ABA和乙烯利对梨枣采后某些生理指标的影响

    Effects of IAA , ABA and Ethephon on Some Physiological Indexes of Postharvest Li Jujube ( Zizyphus jujuba cv . lizao ) Fruit

  21. 外源ABA和乙烯利对冬枣果实采后呼吸强度、乙烯生成量及品质变化的影响

    Effects of Exogenous ABA and Ethephon on the Respiration Rate , Ethylene Production and Quality Changes of ' Dong Jujube ' Fruit after Harvest

  22. ABA处理略微增加了乙烯生成量和ACO活性,而乙烯利处理作用显著;

    The effects of ethephon treatment on the increasing ethylene production and ACO activity were more notable than that of ABA treatment .

  23. 研究了外源乙烯利、GA3和硼酸对石蒜生理及开花的影响。

    The effect of exogenous ethrel , GA_3 and boric acid on physiology and anthesis of Lycoris radiata were studied .

  24. 乙烯利、ACC、AOA和AgNO3对绿豆下胚轴插条不定根形成的作用

    Effects of Ethephon , ACC , AOA and AgNO_3 on Adventitious Root Formation in Mung Bean Hypocotyl Cuttings

  25. 蛋白质含量比不使用植物激素的对照组都有显著增加(乙烯利处理的增加26%,6-BA处理的增加8%)。

    Total protein content is increased by 26 % in Ethrel treatment and 8 % in 6-BA treatment as compared with the control .

  26. 在考察反应条件的基础上,对邻氯硝基苯CO选择还原反应的动力学进行了研究。根据试验结果,增强成熟期间的物质代谢,是乙烯利催熟的重要生理原因之一。

    The acceleration effect of surfactant on the reaction was discussed . According to the experimental results , the acceleration of metabolic activity during the maturity period is one of the physiological causes of the ripening effect .

  27. 施用乙烯利和6-苄基腺嘌呤(BA)都不能引起创伤周皮形成,但BA能促进伤害诱导的创伤周皮细胞层数目增加。

    Experiments also showed ethrel and N 6 - benzyl-adenine ( BA ) did not induce wound periderm , but the cell layer number of wound periderm increased when BA was applied .

  28. 外源乙烯利(100010-6)处理提高了贮藏前期果实内源ABA含量,促进了内源IAA和GA含量的下降。

    The exogenous ethephon ( 1000 × 10-6 ) treatment at the early storage enhanced the increase of endogenous ABA level and mean while decreased the endogenous IAA and GA level .

  29. 外源的GA3和乙烯利对内源ACC水平的影响可能是其对黄瓜性别表达作用的生理学原因。

    The effects of exogenous of GA 3 or ethrel on the levels of ACC seem to be the physiological cause of sex shift of cucumber plant .

  30. 在甘蔗的分蘖初期用乙烯利、富镧稀土及其添加营养元素的复合制剂H1、H2进行叶面喷施。

    Sugarcane was sprayed with ethephon , lanthanum-rich rare earth , H_1 , H_2 ( the mixture of ethephon and lanthanum-rich rare earth with some nutrient elements ) .