
fěn liào
  • powder;powder lot
粉料[fěn liào]
  1. 粉料筒仓实时料位显示系统简介

    Brief Introduction of Realtime Level Display System for Powder Lot Drum Bin

  2. 喷雾干燥塔粉料水份的自动控制

    Automatic Control of Powder Lot Humidity for Spary Dryer Tower

  3. 含硼酸的氧化锆粉料中相变的X射线衍射分析

    XRD Analysis of Phase Transformations in FSZ Powder Containing H_3BO_3

  4. 用Ti3SiC2粉料连接反应烧结SiC陶瓷

    Joining of reaction bonded SiC ceramic using Ti_3SiC_2 powder as filler

  5. 喷雾造粒SiC粉料在成型过程中的破碎行为

    Crushing behavior of SiC granule prepared by spray pelletization during compaction

  6. 液相法制备ZnO压敏电阻器粉料

    Preparation of powders for ZnO varistors by liquid phase process

  7. Al2O3/SiC纳米复合陶瓷中SiC粉料的氧化现象

    Oxidation of SiC powder in Al_2O_3 / SiC nanocomposite

  8. PVC粉料负压上料机的设计研究

    Design of a Machine Transporting PVC Powder by Vacuum

  9. 研究了SiC粉料的空隙率对晶体生长的影响。

    Influences of different porosities in SiC powder source on as-grown crystal are investigated .

  10. ABS装置粉料回收系统改造

    Revamp of the powder recovery system of ABS Plant

  11. 液相沉淀法制备球状Bi2O3粉料

    Preparation of spherical Bi_2O_ 3 powder by precipitation process

  12. 废旧PTFE粉料作为填料对PTFE性能影响的研究

    Effect of Waste PTFE as a Stuffing on the Properties of PTFE

  13. 高频等离子体合成Si3N4超细粉料

    Preparation of Ultrafine Si_3N_4 Powders with Radio Frequency Plasma

  14. 通过湿法沉积工艺实验室合成了Ca/P摩尔比为1.67的磷酸钙粉料,其物相纯正,结晶良好。

    By wet-precipitation method , pure calcium phosphate powder with Ca / P P molar ratio of 1.67 and good Crystallization is synthesized in lab.

  15. 湿-干法合成超细颗粒PZT固溶体粉料及陶瓷

    Preparation of Super-fine PZT Powder and Ceramic by Wet-dry Method

  16. PVC粉料的混合

    Mixture of PVC Powder

  17. 高胶ABS粉料的研制ⅠABS乳液接枝聚合的研究

    Study on ABS powder of high rubber content ⅰ Study on ABS of emulsion graft polymerization

  18. 适当提高凝胶热处理温度可以大大提高HA粉料的结晶度。

    The crystalline of HA could be obviously improved with increasing the temperature of heat treatment on gels .

  19. 以PVDF为基添加微米无机粉料的聚合物电解质隔膜的研究

    A study on PVDF-based micro inorganic fillers-containing polymer electrolyte membranes

  20. 在高岭土和碳的混合物中,加入适量氧化铁作催化剂,在N2气氛下,通过还原-氮化反应,制得β-sialon粉料。

    β - sialon powder was synthesized by adding ferrous oxide as a catalyzer in the mixture of kaolin and carbon black through carbothermal reduction-nitridation reaction .

  21. 掺杂PZT粉料的制备及其性能研究

    Preparation and Properties of Doped PZT Powders

  22. 该机组采用锥形双螺杆挤出机,可生产粉料PVC波浪板制品。

    This production line adopts conical double-screw extruder , and it is capable of producing wavy products with PVC powder material .

  23. PTC陶瓷用二氧化钛超细粉料制备条件的研究

    The Studies on the Preparation Conditions of the TiO 2 Micropowder Used in PTC Ceramics

  24. LLDPE装置粉料输送系统安全性论证

    Safety demonstrations for powder material conveying systems on LLDPE units

  25. 由高岭土合成高纯β-Sialon粉料的探讨

    Research on Synthesis of High Purity β Sialon Powder From Kaolin

  26. 综合叙述了接枝ABS粉料和AS珠粒料树脂掺混生产ABS树脂技术。

    This paper describes comprehensively the technology of ABS resin production by blending graft ABS powder and AS pearl pellets .

  27. 在SiC粉料顶部加入活性炭抑制了Si夹杂的形成,从而减少了微管缺陷的密度。

    Si inclusions can be restrained by adding active carbon on the top of SiC source powder , which decreases the density of micropipes .

  28. 在Fe-Ni-Cu-Mo-C系合金中添加羰基铁粉,改善了粉料的压制性能和粉坯的烧结性能。

    By the addition of carbonyl iron powder in Fe-Ni-Cu-Mo-C Series alloy , the compactibility of powder and the sintering properties of compacts have been improved .

  29. 介绍了在VC悬浮聚合中添加碳酸钙填料和热稳定剂,合成可直接用于加工成型的PVC专用粉料的开发工作。

    By adding calcium carbonate filler and thermal stabilizer in the VC polymerization processing , PVC special-use resins ready for processing were synthesis .

  30. 经对比研究同浓度同时间,使用氯化铝作凝聚剂,所得的AIM粉料的表观密度大,有利于工业生产。

    The comparative study of the same concentration at the same time , using aluminum chloride as do cohesion , AIM received the apparent powder density is conducive to industrial production .