
  • 网络Grape Downy Mildew;plasmopara viticola
  1. 葡萄霜霉病菌卵孢子特性及其侵染预测模型的研究

    Study on Characteristic and Infection Prediction Model of Oospores of Plasmopara Viticola

  2. 葡萄霜霉病原卵孢子的越冬存活及其影响因素

    Overwintering Survival and Influencing Factors of Oospores of Plasmopara Viticola

  3. 酿酒葡萄霜霉病季节流行动态与爆发成因

    Outbreak Causes and Seasonal Epidemic Dynamics of Wine Grape Downy Mildew

  4. 葡萄霜霉病预测模型及预警技术研究进展

    Progress in Prediction Model and Warning Technology of Grape Downy Mildew

  5. 有机卤化锌试剂合成白藜芦醇的研究葡萄霜霉病·白粉病药剂防治试验简报

    Bulletin of Reagent Control Test on Grape Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew

  6. 防治葡萄霜霉病的药剂筛选试验

    Experiment in the Control of Downy Mildew of Grape with Several Chemicals

  7. 3种杀菌剂对葡萄霜霉病的田间防治试验

    Field Trials of Three Fungicides for Controlling Grape Downy Mildew

  8. 数学分析玫瑰香葡萄霜霉病防治效果

    Mathematic Analysis of Antiseptic Effect for Preventing Plasmopara viticola on Muscat Hamburg Grape

  9. 葡萄霜霉病发病情况的调查和研究

    Investigation and Study on Plasmopara Viticola of Grape

  10. 本研究比较了葡萄霜霉病抗性鉴定中反应型与严重度两种鉴定标准。

    Two standards to identify the resistance to P.viticola are compared in this paper .

  11. /hm2的处理剂量下,对葡萄霜霉病的防效可达69% ̄94%以上。

    / ha gave at least 69 to 94 % control of grape downy mildew .

  12. 大生M(45)防治牛奶葡萄霜霉病试验

    Experiment on the Control of Dithane M_ ( 45 ) to Milk Grape Downy Mildew

  13. 贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄霜霉病流行规律及测报技术

    Studies on the epidemical regularity and prediction technology of grape downy mildew disease in Eastern Helan Mountain

  14. 全球红葡萄霜霉病防治及病菌生物学特性研究

    Study on the control of " quan Qiu hong " grape downy mildew and its pathogen biological characteristics

  15. 东北山葡萄霜霉病防治技术研究

    Study on the Technology to Prevent and Control Grape Disease Downy Mildew on Vitis Amurensis Rupr in the Northeast

  16. 红地球葡萄霜霉病系统型病株的田间分布型和抽样技术研究

    The Spatial Distribution Patterns and Methodology of Sampling of the Red Globe Grape Downy Mildew Disease Plant in Filed

  17. 本文对葡萄霜霉病抗性鉴定的分级标准和鉴定方法进行了初步探讨。

    A preliminary research has been carried out on the scales and methods of evaluating grape resistance to downy mildew .

  18. 同时,葡萄霜霉病的始发期与6月上中旬的气象资料密切相关。

    Meanwhile , initial period of grape downy mildew is associated with meteorological of early June and middle of June .

  19. 在此,从病害流行系统的监测、因子选择、结构及应用等方面综述了利用农业气象模型预测葡萄霜霉病的研究应用进展,并对其存在的问题及发展前景作了讨论。

    In this paper , research progress , including epidemic system monitoring of disease , factor selection , structure and application of agrometeorological model in prediction of grape downy mildew is presented , and its problems and prospect were also discussed .

  20. 试验表明,氟吗啉在100~200mg/L(相当于100~200ga.i./hm2)剂量下对卵菌纲病原菌引起的黄瓜霜霉病、白菜霜霉病、番茄晚疫病、辣椒疫病、葡萄霜霉病等具有优异的活性。

    Tests indicated that flu-morph has perfect activity against the diseases caused by oomycetes such as downy mildew of cucumber , downy mildew of Chinese cabbage , late blight of tomato , late blight of potato , downy mildew of grape at the dosage of 100 - 200g a.

  21. 葡萄感霜霉病基因RAPD标记的序列分析

    Analysis of sequencing the RAPD marker linked to the downy mildew-susceptible genes in grapes

  22. 观察了5个葡萄品种霜霉病发病情况。

    Symptoms of 5 different grape cultivars to Plasmopara viticola were observed .

  23. 葡萄感染霜霉病菌叶片中一些酶活性的变化

    Effect of Plasmopara viticola infection on activity of related enzymes in grapevine

  24. 可利用这3种酶的活性作为葡萄品种霜霉病抗性鉴定的辅助评价指标。

    The results suggested that these three enzyme activities could be used as one of the standard for resistance estimation of grape to downy mildew . 3 .

  25. 不同葡萄品种对霜霉病抗性的观察

    Observation on the Disease Resistance to Plasmopara viticola in Different Grape Cultivars

  26. 不同酿酒葡萄品种对霜霉病的抗性分类

    Classification on the Resistance of Different Wine Grape Cultivars to Downy Mildew

  27. 本文对利用欧亚种葡萄品种间霜霉病感病性的差异进行优质抗病育种途径进行了探讨。

    Approaches for breeding of resistance by employing the varietal differences of resistance are discussed .

  28. 这些结果表明,不同抗性的酒葡萄品种感染霜霉病后的抗病机制不同。

    The results showed that different grapevine varieties have different resistant theory after infection Plasmopara viticola .

  29. 几个欧亚种葡萄品种对霜霉病的抗性鉴定


  30. 不同酿酒葡萄品种感染霜霉病菌后几种信号分子和相关酶活性的变化

    Variation of Signal Substances and Activity of Related Enzymes in Grape Cultivars on Response to Plasmopara Viticola