
yǒu yǎnɡ dài xiè
  • aerobic metabolism;aerobic catabolism
  1. 此外,细菌在有氧代谢过程中产生的ROS(reactiveoxygenspecies)是诱发自发突变的原因之一。

    Moreover , reactive oxygen species ( ROS ), generated as by-products of aerobic metabolism , are thought to be the inducers of spontaneous mutations of bacteria .

  2. 从提高有氧代谢能力谈800m跑训练

    Discussion about the Improvement of Aerobic Metabolism Ability in 800m Running Training

  3. 氧自由基是局灶性脑缺血-再灌注过程中有氧代谢、花生四烯酸代谢以及脂质过氧化的主要毒性产物,它可以造成DNA碱基损伤,进而导致DNA单链断裂和双链断裂。

    Oxygen-derived free radidicals , which are major products of aerobic and arachidonic acid metabolism , lipid peroxidation , can initiate base mutagenesis and produce single - and double-DNA strand breaks .

  4. 研究结果显示:长拳自选套路供能特点是由CP、糖酵解和有氧代谢三种供能形式供能;

    The results indicated that the characteristic of energy supply in practice chang-quan is made up of CP ? glycolysis and aerobic metabolism .

  5. 它参与了机体的氧气运输以及细胞有氧代谢过程中的电子传递,还参与了一些重要的神经递质和髓鞘的合成,以及DNA的复制过程。

    In these organisms , iron is involved in a series of very important biochemical functions that include oxygen transport , electron transport , glucose metabolism , and the synthesis of neurotransmitters , myelin , and DNA replication .

  6. 在脑缺血、缺氧状态下,有氧代谢可转化为无氧代谢,ATP生成的效率仅为正常时的1/18。

    After cerebral ischemia aerobic metabolism is converted to anaerobic metabolism and the production of ATP in the ischemic cells is only as much as 1 / 18 in the non-ischemic cells .

  7. 由此,本文阐明了Lb.brevis在有氧代谢时伴随额外ATP产生的乳酸乙酸转化途径,从而为其高密度发酵和抗氧胁迫提供了理论依据。

    This thesis clarified the ATP-yielding pathway from Iactate to acetate in the aerobic metabolism of Lb. brevis , which provided a theoretical basis for the high density fermentation and its resistance against the oxidative stress . 4 .

  8. 采用文献资料法,总结和分析了ACE基因多态性与人体有氧代谢能力、肌肉力量及对人体运动能力机制等方面影响的研究成果。

    Using the methods of literature summary , it summarized and analyzed the results of the researches on the effects of polymorphism of ACE gene on the aerobic metabolic capability of body , muscular strength , physical exercise ability etc.

  9. 平肝熄风汤能维持线粒体关键酶CCO活性,改善细胞有氧代谢,减少细胞凋亡,此可能为本方对脑出血继发性神经元损伤保护机制之一。

    Maintenance of CCO activity , improvement of cell aerobic metabolism , decrease of apoptosis and protection of mitochondrial function are the neural protection mechanisms of the decoction .

  10. 机体承受负荷时的能源供给以ATP-CP代谢为主,负荷后的间歇期里ATP-CP的恢复主要依靠有氧代谢供给能量。

    Before training , the energy needed depends mainly on ATP-CP , but after training the energy needed depends on oxygen providing energy .

  11. 心肌和骨骼肌中的琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)、细胞色素氧化酶(CCO)在IHT后,活性显著提高,表明IHT可通过促进氧的利用能力来提高机体有氧代谢能力;

    After IHT , the activity of succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) and cytochrome oxidase ( CCO ) in myocardium and skeleton muscle , increase remarkably , which indicates that IHT can enhance the utility of oxygen so that to improve the aerobic capacity ;

  12. 间歇性低氧训练对机体有氧代谢能力影响的研究

    The Research of Interval Hypoxic Training on Aerobic Metablism Power

  13. 有氧代谢运动及其健身机制的探讨

    Discussion on Aerobics and Its Physical Mechanism to Keep Fit

  14. 而人体会从有氧代谢转变为无氧代谢来应对。

    To cope , the body switches from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism .

  15. 对间歇性低氧训练提高机体有氧代谢能力的机制分析

    The Mechanism Analysis of Interval Hypoxic Training Improving the Oxygen Metabolism Ability

  16. 优秀跆拳道运动员有氧代谢能力的特征

    On the Features of Aerobic Metabolism Capacity of the Elite Taekwondo Athletes

  17. 科学的高原训练计划可以提高运动员的有氧代谢能力;

    Scientific altitude training can enhance the aerobic metabolic capacity of swimmer .

  18. 无氧阈已经被广泛应用于游泳训练实践中,并成为提高运动员有氧代谢能力的主要训练手段。

    Anaerobic threshold has been used in swim training widely .

  19. 评定运动员有氧代谢能力指标的实验研究

    Research on Evaluation of Athlete 's Aerobic Metabolism Ability Target

  20. 中长跑有氧代谢的生理基础及其训练

    Physiological Basis of Oxygenic Supersession in Middle-and Long-distance Running and Its Training

  21. 动物体维持正常的有氧代谢,需要获得足够的氧气。

    Animals need great amount oxygen to maintain aerobic metabolism .

  22. 有氧代谢是耐力运动时的基本能量供应途径。

    Aerobic metabolism system is the basic energy-supplying way in endurance movements .

  23. 营养干预对高校高水平健美操运动员有氧代谢能力的影响

    Influences of nutrition intervention on oxygen metabolism capacity of excellent university aerobics players

  24. 用近红外光谱方法定量评估骨骼肌有氧代谢功能

    Using near infrared Method to assess the aerobic metabolism ability on quadriceps muscle

  25. 足球运动员必须加强有氧代谢能力的训练

    Football player should pay stress on training the ability of metabolism with oxygen

  26. 围手术期患者应用加温液体输液可保障脑组织的有氧代谢。

    To make warmed-up infusion to perioperative patients in practice can ensure cerebral metabolism .

  27. 有氧代谢能力的优劣并不是影响专项成绩的主要因素。

    Aerobic metabolism capacity is not the key factor affecting the performance of cyclists .

  28. 不同训练方案对武警战士有氧代谢能力的影响

    Study on the aerobic capacity in armed - police soldiers with different training methods

  29. 底线?有氧代谢使用二种能源,脂肪和葡萄糖。

    Bottom line ? Aerobic metabolism utilizes both fat and glucose as energy sources .

  30. 不同低氧训练模式对大鼠腓肠肌有氧代谢酶活性的影响

    Effects of Different Hypoxic Training on Aerobic Metabolic Enzymes in Gastrocnemius Muscle of Rats