
  • 网络concentrated pill
  1. HPLC同时测定六味地黄浓缩丸中4种主要成分的含量

    Simultaneous determination of four main components in Liuwei-Dihuang concentrated pills by HPLC

  2. 目的成立参白浓缩丸的质量尺度。

    Objective To set up the quality standard of Shenbai concentrated pills .

  3. 保和丸(浓缩丸)的RP-HPLC指纹图谱研究

    RP-HPLC fingerprint chromatogram of Baohe Pill

  4. 此外,青香丸(浓缩丸)明显降低血清E2水平,明显增加SOD活性,抑制胸腺系数减少。

    It could also decrease E-2 level in serum , and increase serum SOD activity and the coefficient of thymus .

  5. RP-HPLC法测定万氏牛黄清心丸(浓缩丸)中盐酸小檗碱的含量

    Determination of the Content of Berberine Hydrochloride in Wanshi Niuhuang Qingxin Pill ( Concentrated Pill ) by RP-HPLC

  6. 浓缩丸的平均回收率为101.5%,RSD为1.8%。

    The average recovery of concentrated bolus of LDP was 101 . 5 % and the RSD was 1.8 % .

  7. 目的评价摩罗丹浓缩丸治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎(chronicatrophicgastritis,CAG)的安全性及有效性。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Muo-luo-dan concentrated pill ( MLDCP ) in treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis ( CAG ) with the stomach-yin of deficiency and stagnated blood of stomach meridian in traditional Chinese medicine .

  8. 目的:研究丹槐银屑浓缩丸对豚鼠银屑病模型IL-8和IL-10的影响,探讨其治疗银屑病的相关作用机制。

    Objective : To explore the effects of DAN HUAI YIN XIE Concentrated Pill on the Expression Levels of IL-8 and IL-10 in Psoriasis-like Lesions of Guinea Pigs Caused by Propranolol . Explore the mechanism related to the treatment of psoriasis .

  9. 目的:观察芩百清肺浓缩丸含药血清(S-QQCP)对甲型流感病毒的抑制作用。

    Objective : To observe the inhibitory effects of the serum containing drugs of Qinbai Qingfei Concentrated pellets ( S-QQCP ) on influenza A virus .

  10. 目的:建立消痤丸(浓缩丸)的质量标准。

    Objective : To establish the quality standard for Xiaocuo Pills .

  11. 前言:目的:修订舒肝丸(浓缩丸)的质量标准。

    Objective : To revise the quality standard for Shugan pills .

  12. 二紫赞育浓缩丸促排卵作用的机制研究

    Effective Mechanism of Erzi Zanyu Concentrated Pills in Promoting Ovulation

  13. 目的完善党参理中浓缩丸的质量控制方法。

    OBJECTIVE To improve the quality control method for Dangshen Lizhong concentrated pills .

  14. 气管炎浓缩丸是由气管炎丸(水丸)改变剂型研制而来。

    Bronchitis Condensate Pill was changed from Bronchitis Pill by modified the form .

  15. 目的:研究建立参白浓缩丸的质量标准。

    Objective : To study the qualitative and quantitative methods of Shenbai concentrated pills .

  16. 逍遥丸(浓缩丸)质量标准的研究

    Study on Quality Standard for Xiaoyao Concentrated Pills

  17. 目的建立归脾丸(浓缩丸)的质量标准。

    Objective To establish the quality standard of Guipi pills ( concentrated pills ) .

  18. 结论方法可靠、准确,专属性强,本法可有效控制党参理中浓缩丸的质量。

    It can be used for the quality control of Dangshen Lizhong concentrated pills .

  19. 结论:二紫赞育浓缩丸可用于治疗无排卵性不孕症。

    Conclusion : Erzi Zanyu Concentrated Pills can be used to cure anovulatory infertility .

  20. 结果:二紫赞育浓缩丸对无排卵性不孕症大鼠有明显的治疗作用。

    Result : This medicine was effective in the treatment of anovulatory infertility in rats .

  21. 目的完善脑得生浓缩丸的质量标准,控制药品质量。

    Objective To perfect the quality standard of Naodesheng concentrated pills and to control its quality .

  22. 血府逐瘀浓缩丸防治家兔经皮血管腔内成形术后再狭窄的研究

    Prevention and Treatment of Re - stenosis after PTA in Rabbit with Xuefu Zhuyu Concentrated Pills

  23. 目的观察白癜风浓缩丸与澳能乳膏治疗白癜风的疗效。

    Objective To observe the efficacy of vitiligo concentrated pill and halometasone cream in treatment of vitiligo .

  24. 目的:为补中益气丸(浓缩丸)质量控制提供新方法。

    Objective : To develop an effective quality control method for Buzhong Yiqi Wan ( Nongsuo Wan ) .

  25. 呼畅清肺浓缩丸对肺炎支原体感染鼠肺组织钙黏附分子表达的研究

    Effect of Huchang Qingfei concentrated pellets on E-cadherin expression in lung tissue of mice infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae

  26. 目的:探讨益中蠲毒浓缩丸对免疫功能的影响,揭示其抗胃癌的作用机制。

    Objective : To study the effects and possible mechanism of Lingqijuangan Liquor on acute and chronic hepatic injury .

  27. 结果:润肠通便浓缩丸对正常及便秘模型小鼠大肠蠕动均有明显促进作用。

    Result : This pill can obviously promote the peristalsis of large intestine of normal and constipation mice models .

  28. 血府逐瘀浓缩丸防治43例冠心病冠脉内支架植入术后再狭窄的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Effect of Concentrated Xuefu Zhuyu Pill on Restenosis of 43 Cases Coronary Heart Disease after Intracoronary Stenting

  29. 目的研究呼畅清肺浓缩丸提高肺炎支原体感染大鼠免疫功能的作用及机制。

    Objective : To study the effects and mechanism of Huchang Qingfei pellets on immune function in rats infected with mycoplasma pneumoniae .

  30. 结论:3%交联羧甲基纤维素钠作崩解剂使于氏萎胃宁浓缩丸崩解时间符合药典规定。

    Conclusion : The disintegrating time of Yushi Weiweining concentrated pill accords with The Chinese Pharmacopoeia when CCNa is used in3 % .