
  • 网络piezometer;Piezometer tube;Pressure Tube
  1. 采用多普勒激光测速仪和测压管分别对阶梯溢流坝面典型速度场和阶梯表面压力进行详细测量。

    The typical velocity field and the pressure on the step surface of the stepped spillway are measured using the Laser Doppler Anemometer and the piezometer tube respectively .

  2. 从动脉测压管采血行血电解质及血糖测定的研究

    A study on collecting blood sample from arterial piezometer to determine both blood electrolytes and blood glucose

  3. 自桡动脉测压管弃去2.7ml的肝素盐水和稀释血后,取3份血样,每份1ml,依次为A、B、C组,为实验组。

    After 2.7 ml of heparin saline and diluted blood had been discarded , 3 blood samples ( 1ml each ) were obtained from the radial arterial pressure tube successively as A , B and C test groups .

  4. 结论经耻骨上膀胱穿刺尿动力学检查适用于不能经尿道置管的BPH患者,可减少检查带来的痛苦并排除测压管对检查结果的影响。

    Conclusion Suprapubic bladder puncture could be applied to patients who were failed to be catheterized via urethra , and decrease pains and avoid the compact of catheter on the results of urodynamic examination .

  5. 应用瑞典CTD-SYNECTICS公司生产的PCPOLY-GRAFHR八道胃肠功能监测仪及胃肠测压管测定胃窦十二直肠消化间期移行性复合运动波Ⅰ相、Ⅱ相、Ⅲ相的持续时间,收缩波强度。

    Duration of migrating motor complex ( MMC )ⅰ,ⅱ and ⅲ in stomach sinus and duodenum at interdigestive phase and intensity of systolic wave were measured with PC POLY-GRAF HR gastrointestinal functional monitor ( CTD-SYNECTICS Company , Sweden ) and gastrointestinal manometry .

  6. 北江大堤减压井、测压管管理工作存在问题分析

    Management on relief wells and piezometric pipes in Beijiang embankment

  7. 气压变化对测压管水位的影响分析

    Analysis of influence of atmospheric pressure change on piezometric level

  8. 持续生理盐水冲管对桡动脉测压管通畅性的影响

    Effect of continuous normal saline flush on patency of arterial pressure monitoring lines

  9. 小尺度水力学模型中的测压管毛细现象

    Piezometric capillary phenomenon in small - scale hydraulic model

  10. 对测压管和渗压计的观测成果进行了具体分析;

    A concrete analysis is carried out on piezometers and percolation gages measured data .

  11. 分析了土石坝测压管水位滞后性的原因和测压管水位的定性分析方法;

    The reason of hysteresis quality and qualitative analysis of piezometric level is analyzed .

  12. 测压管退管速度对静态尿道压力测定的影响

    The influence of pulling speed of urethral tube on the static urethral pressure profile

  13. 测压管水位的混合模型研究

    Study on Hybrid Model of Piezometric Level

  14. 突扩管流动的测压管水头线研究

    Study on the Piezometer Tube Water Head Line for the Pipe Flow with Sudden Enlargement Pipe

  15. 测压管若干问题的讨论

    Some problems about piezometric tube

  16. 大坝扬压力(或大坝测压管水位)等技术参数是监测坝体安全的重要指标,历来均用人工观测。

    The hydraulic uplift pressure is an important technical parameter for dam safety , and was monitored manually before .

  17. 首先进行了单丁坝水槽实验,采用测压管和旋浆流速仪对实验水槽中水流的水位以及流速场进行了详细的测量。

    Water surface profile and velocity field of flow in flume are measured by manometer tube and propeller current meter respectively .

  18. 从整体来看,测压管分布曲线沿程降低,只是变化幅度不同。

    As a whole , the distribution curves of the piezometric tubes decreased along the path and the change range was different .

  19. 经桡动脉测压管与股动脉采血血气分析结果的对比研究

    Comparative Study on Blood Gas Analysis between Samples from the Radial Arterial Pressure Tube and Those from the Femoral Artery after Extracorporeal Circulation

  20. 为了防止测压管嘴被微细颗粒堵塞,在管嘴处以低流速向床内注入气体。

    To prevent clogging of the pressure tap by fire solids gas is bled into the bed at low velocity at the taps .

  21. 测压管与被夹紧件处于自由状态,密封面能紧密贴合,使密封可靠。

    Because the pressure measuring pipe and the clamped parts are free , the sealing surfaces can joint closely and make the seal credible .

  22. 浸润线是尾矿坝的主要监测项目,一般采用测压管进行人工监测。

    The saturation line monitoring , which is done by manual usually with piezometric tube , is the main investigation item in tailings dam .

  23. 应用高分辨多导胃肠功能检查仪和四通道测压管,对大鼠远端结肠进行多位点的结肠压力测定;同时测定一定时间内钡球在回盲部以上消化系统的分布情况。

    For all rats , the distal colonic pressure was measured at multiple points and the distribution of amberlite pellets above ileum and cecum was also measured .

  24. 文章结合工程实践,利用已有测压管的动态观测资料,对蚌埠闸水文地质参数进行了反演计算,对渗流参数的合理选用提供了一种较准确的估算方法。

    The essay gives inversion calculation on Bengbu lock hydrogeological parameter using obtained dynamic state observed materials , this will give an accurate evaluation method to replenish the geological prospecting works .

  25. 针对土石坝渗透参数和测压管水位间复杂的非线性关系,应用最小二乘支持向量机于土石坝渗透系数的反演。

    In view of complex nonlinear relationship between dam seepage parameters and piezometric tube level , the least squares support vector machine is applied to the back analysis of seepage parameters .

  26. 在此基础上,利用某混凝土宽缝重力坝的坝基扬压力测压管的水位观测资料,采用改进的遗传算法进化反演混凝土坝与坝基的渗透系数。

    According to the observed data of uplift piezometric water head , the permeability coefficients of a concrete gravity dam body and its foundation are inversed by a developed genetic algorithm .

  27. 分析了刘家峡黄土心墙坝测压管实测水位变化规律,研究了黄土心墙坝在非恒定渗流下的稳定性。

    The law of observed water level change in piezometric tube is analyzed in this paper . Furthermore , the stability of soil core wall dam on the unsteady seepage is studied .

  28. 同时,在坝基厚度改变情况下,分别探索了渗流量、砂环直径、测压管水头、管涌破坏时间等的变化规律。

    Meanwhile , in the case of the change of foundation thickness , the law of seepage amount , sand ring diameter , piezometric head , piping breach time etc were respectively explored .

  29. 首先讨论了用埋测压管方式进行动态压力测量的可行性,然后利用这一方法对置于非定常自由流中的60°三角翼进行了动态压力测量。

    In this paper the feasibility of using the tubing to measure dynamic pressures is discussed . Then the dynamic pressure distributions on a 60 ° delta wing in unsteady free stream are measured .

  30. 土石坝渗流压力观测常常采用测压管方式实现,测压管水位的滞后效应是资料分析不可忽视的一个重要因素。

    The open-hole type is generally used to monitor water pressure in the body of earth-rock dam , the lag effect of water level in the hole can 't be ignored in data analysis .