
  • 网络measure space;measurable space
  1. 设(X,A,μ)是一个有限测度空间。

    Let ( X , A. μ) be a finite measure space .

  2. 广义测度空间(X,ψ,μ)中的集合的性质与结构

    Properties and Structure of Sets in Signed Measure Space

  3. 关于Fuzzy测度空间中依测度收敛问题的研究

    Research of Convergence in Measure on the Fuzzy Measure Space

  4. 距离空间上B-值测度空间的弱拓扑

    Weak Topology on the Space of Banach Space Valued Measures on the Metric Space

  5. Lagrange三角多项式插值于布朗桥测度空间下的平均误差

    Average error of Lagrange trigonometric polynomial interpolation on the Brownian bridge measure space

  6. 并利用Matlab技术,实现了在P一M模糊测度空间中进行CSI测评的构思。

    The idea of testing and evaluating the CSI in the P-M fuzzy measure space is realized by the Matlab .

  7. 设(Χ,A,μ)是一个全有限测度空间,H为由A生成的模糊σ-代数。

    Assuming that (Χ, A , μ) is of a total finite measurement space . H is a kind of fuzzy σ - algebra stemming from A.

  8. 关于在P&M模糊测度空间构建CSI测评体系的研究

    The Study of Testing and Evaluating the CSI in the P-M Fuzzy Measure Space

  9. 紧Hausdorff测度空间上的Riemann积分理论

    Riemann Type Integrals on Compact Hausdorff Measure Spaces

  10. 非原子测度空间上的Fredholm复合算子

    Fredholm Composition Operators on Non-atomic Measure Space

  11. 假定X是Heinonen和Koskela意义下的非紧致度量测度空间,X的闭子集F和紧致子集E不相交。

    Suppose that X is a non-compact metric measure space , E and F are two disjoint closed subsets of X and E is also compact and that X is proper and φ - convex .

  12. σ-有限测度空间的Loeb空间

    The Loeb spaces of σ - finite measures spaces

  13. 给出全有限测度空间(X,,μ)中生成的模糊σ-代数上的模糊数值测度,模糊σ-代数上的不相似度量。

    Using A from the complete limited measurement space A to create fuzzy , which is a blur numerical value measurement in algebra , the author puts forward blur , which is a dissimilarity measurement in algebra .

  14. 如果(Ω,∑,μ)是σ~-有限正测度空间,μ是纯原子测度且x同构于一个对偶空间,则l1(μ,x)同构于一个对偶空间。

    If (Ω,Σ,μ) is a Positive o-finite measure space ,μ is Purely atomic and X isomorphic to a dual space , then L_1 (μ, X ) isomorphic to a dual space .

  15. 模糊数测度空间上模糊值函数的模糊值积分的Fubini定理

    Fubini Theorem of Fuzzy-Valued Integral of Fuzzy-Valued Functions with Respect to Fuzzy-Valued Measure

  16. 以一种自然的方式定义了σ-有限测度空间的Loeb空间,并研究了其若干性质。

    The Loeb Space of σ finite measure space is defined in natural way . Some properties of it are studied .

  17. 在紧Hausdorff测度空间上建立了Riemann型的积分理论,证明了函数可积的充要条件是该函数几乎处处连续。

    The theory of Riemann type integrals is established on compact Hausdorff measure spaces . It is proved that a function is Riemann integrable if and only if it is continuous almost everywhere .

  18. 模糊测度空间上Egoroff定理的注记

    Some Notes on Egoroff ′ s Theorem on Fuzzy Measure Space

  19. 本文在一般测度空间(T,J,μ)中证明模糊值测度关于μ的Radon&Nikodym导数(R-N导数)的存在性和唯一性。

    In this paper , the existence and uniqueness of Radon-Nikodym derivative with respect to μ for a fuzzy valued measure are proved in the measure space ( T , μ) .

  20. R.Tessera在度量测度空间中也给出了性质A和数量性质A的概念。

    R.Tessera has given a definition of property A and a quantitative property A for metric measure spaces .

  21. 非倍测度空间上极大交换子有界性的新证明

    New proof for boundedness of the maximal commutators with non-doubling measures

  22. 无限维测度空间上的微分演算(Ⅰ)

    Differential operations on infinite - dimentional measure spaces ( I )

  23. 近似空间与测度空间及广义粗集与不可测集

    Approximate Space and Measure Space , Generalized Rough Sets and Unmeasured Sets

  24. 测度空间中近可加函数的稳定性

    On the stability of approximately additive functions in Measure Spaces

  25. 一般测度空间中算子方程支配系统的最优控制

    Optimal control for the systems governed by operator equations in general measure space

  26. 关于数学母结构和测度空间的注记

    On Annotation of Mathematical Parent Structure and Measure Space

  27. 完备概率测度空间上连续随机算子的公共不动点定理

    Common fixed point theorems of continuous random operator on complete probabilistic measure space

  28. 拟可加测度空间上积分性质的注记

    A Note on Integral Properties of Pseudo-additive Measure Spaces

  29. 测度空间上平板几何多速中子迁移方程

    The multi-velocity neutron transport equation with a slab geometry in spaces of measures

  30. 群上的能量有限测度空间的完备化

    The Completion of the Space of Complex Measures of Finite Energy on Groups