
  • 网络test Method;Measurement Method;time reversal test
  1. 测验法证明,该模型结构良好,维度有效。

    And the test method prove the model to be well of construction and effective with these dimensions . 2 .

  2. 本文选取162名听觉障碍中学生为被试,采用测验法对听觉障碍中学生阅读理解模式进行了研究。

    Adopting test method and the Chinese Reading Comprehension Process Test of Hearing Impaired Secondary Students ( developed by researcher ) tested 162 hearing impaired secondary students and obtained related data .

  3. 该研究采用测验法,考察数学学习不良(MD)儿童的早期数学认知能力,包括计数、数守恒、时空概念、逻辑、计算和操作等方面。

    This study is on the mathematical cognition of MD , that includes count , quantity conservation , space-time conception , logic conception , calculation and manipulation .

  4. 1996和1997连续两年对该群体进行了细条病抗性鉴定。采用t测验法、复合区间定位法及多性状复合区间定位法对细条病抗性基因(QTL)进行了定位分析。

    Resistance to BLS of each line in the population was tested in both 1996 and 1997 . The methods of t test , composite interval mapping and multiple trait composite interval mapping were used to map genes ( QTLs ) underlying resistance to BLS .

  5. 本研究采用的是问卷法和测验法。

    The questionnaire and exam are employed in the study .

  6. 心理测验法在心理学研究中是一种常用的方法,但是,这种方法的应用价值受到诸多条件的限制。

    Psychological tests are more useful methods in the research of psychology .

  7. 近似正态分布资料的快速测验法

    Some Quick Tests which Assume nearly Normally Distributed Data

  8. 指导大水域施肥的生氧量生物测验法的研究

    Studies on the oxygen evolution bioassay method for guiding artificial fertilization in large water bodies

  9. 方法:采用心理测验法,对五年制288名学生进行了调查研究。

    Way : Survey of 288 students in five-year , by the way of psychology test .

  10. 研究的方法是观察法、实验法、心理测验法、调查研究法;

    The approaches such as observation , experiment , psychoanalysis , investigation were taken into the research .

  11. 方法采用测验法和问卷法对233名老年人的日常问题解决及基本心理能力等变量进行考察。

    Methods Primary mental abilities tests and everyday problem solving questionnaires were administered to 233 old person .

  12. 犯罪行为决策的研究方法主要采用心理物理法、过程追踪法、访谈法、投射测验法和犯罪统计法等。

    The research methods include psychophysical method , process tracing , interview , projective testing , and crime statistics , etc.

  13. 对适应性行为进行评估的方法主要有测验法、行为观察法、功能性评估、生活质量评估和社会技能测量。

    Approachs of mental retardation assessment include interviews , behavioral observations , functional assessment , quality of life assessment and sociometric techniques .

  14. 采用生氧量生物测验法研究了水中K+含量与净产氧量的关系,并用电位分析法测定了部分水体中K+的含量。

    The relationship between the K + contents and the net outputs of oxygen was studied by means of oxygen evolution bioassay method .

  15. 方法采用临床测查和心理测验法对217名社区老人的视敏度、加工速度和工作记忆进行考察。

    Methods Visual acuity , processing speed and working memory of 217 old community persons were determined by clinical measure and cognitive test .

  16. 采用心理问卷测验法,对我国7名男子体操世界冠军的个性心理特征进行研究。

    By the method of psychological questionnaire , the present paper makes a study on the personality of the seven male gymnastic world champions .

  17. 方法:本研究采用分层整群抽样的调查法和心理测验法,对521名调查对象实施了月经健康问卷、状态特质焦虑问卷、流调中心用抑郁量表、艾森克个性问卷调查。

    Methods : The study adopted stratified sampling method . 521 students were subjected to questionnaire of MHQ , STAI , CED-S and EPQ .

  18. 运用测验法研究了高三学生所感受到社会支持与其焦虑水平之间的关系。

    The article researches the correlations between social-support and anxiety of the students of Grade Three in senior middle school on the method of phychological test .

  19. 【方法】用婴幼儿智能发育测验法对253名参加早期教育的儿童进行智能发育测查并进行分析。

    [ Method ] With measuring the mental development for children , the mental growth situation of 253 children with early education were analyzed and investigated .

  20. 采用谈话及测验法对高校文科生学习数学、运用数学思想和方法等情况进行了个案调查,并对高校文科数学教育的改革提出了一些建议

    By talking and testing , this article surveyed the studying situation of college students whose major was liberal arts , and thought deeply about their education

  21. 本文采用测验法和数理统计法,对我校九一级和九二级男生的“达标”情况进行了全面的分析研究。

    This article has analysed the " reach mark " result of first and second year male students of our college by test and statistics method .

  22. 实验一采用测验法和实验法,探讨外显自尊与内隐自尊的关系,结果显示两者相关不显著,这说明两者是相互独立的结构。

    The results show that there is no significant relationship between them . It shows that the two are independent of each other in the structure .

  23. 利用自编计算机程序和故事测验法,分别从表情识别、情绪归因和情感觉知敏感性三个方面进行研究。

    A self-designed computer program and story tests were used to test three indices such as facial expression recognition , affective attribution and sensitivity to affective perception .

  24. 运用镶嵌图形测验法和问卷调查法研究体育专业学生的认知方式与体育教师教学风格的关系。

    Through Embedded Figure Test and the questionnaire survey law , this article studied the relations of PE majors ' cognition way and the teacher 's teaching style .

  25. 该研究采用测验法对中学生学习动机、成就归因、学习效能感与成就状况之间的因果关系进行了探讨,并建立起因果关系模型。

    The present research studied the relationships between learning motivation , achievement attribution , learning efficacy and achievement of middle school students , and constructed the path-analysis model .

  26. 采用自控诉阅读技术和内隐记忆测验法,探索了刻板印象对印象形成过程中信息加工的影响。

    The self-paced reading technique and implicit memory test were used to explore the influence of stereotype on the encoding of different types of information in the process of impression formation .

  27. 1980年,NLSY79对调查对象采用了军人资格测验法。此项测验也被国防部用来测试新人的智力情况。

    In 1980 , participants in the NLSY79 took the Armed Forces Qualification Test , or AFQT , which is used by the Pentagon to determine the intelligence of all recruits .

  28. 以此为指导,研究并试验了档案袋法、行为观察法、活动法、学生自我评价法、测验法和学期或学年报告法等过程与结果并重的评价方法;

    Based on it , the thesis did researches and experiences about portfolio assessment , action observation , activities , self-evaluation to students , testing , and terms or semesters ' report .

  29. 本研究以24名小学教师和98名小学生为研究对象,采用访谈法与测验法探讨了小学教师对学生注意问题的知觉准确性及其影响因素。

    24 primary school teachers and 98 pupils from Hebei province were tested and interviewed to analyze the accuracy and the influencing factors of primary school teachers ′ perception of students ′ attention problems .

  30. 本研究以北京市两所普通幼儿园3~6岁共122名儿童为被试,运用测验法对英语语音意识、字母知识、口语词汇之间的关系进行了考察。

    With 122 preschoolers between the ages of 3 and 6 from two general kindergartens as subjects , the study explored the interrelationship between the phonological awareness , letter knowledge , and oral vocabulary .