
yì shí xīn lǐ xué
  • consciousness psychology
  1. 集体无意识(心理学)民俗方法学的研究对象是常识性知识。

    The subject matter of ethnomethodology is common sense knowledge .

  2. 自我意识的心理学研究理论进展

    Theoretical Advances of Psychological Research on Self Consciousness

  3. 法律意识的心理学分析

    A Psychological Analysis on Law Consciousness

  4. 这些问题的解决需要我们意识到心理学在软件工程中的重要性,用相关学科的知识增强我们的工程基础,并与认知工程建立联系。

    To solve them will require recognizing the important role of psychology in software engineering , augmenting our foundations with appropriate knowledge , and building links with cognitive engineering .

  5. 自我意识是现代心理学研究的焦点之一。

    Self - awareness is the focus of psychological researches .

  6. 本文将纳税人意识纳入经济心理学中范拉伊模式的框架下进行研究。

    This paper analyzes taxpayer 's consciousness under the structure of Van Raaij Model .

  7. 探讨当前意识研究的心理学背景具有重要的学科建设意义。

    A review of the psychological background of consciousness study is of great significance in academic construction and development .

  8. 无意识问题是心理学的一个基本问题,也是运动心理训练有待研究和解决的问题。

    Unconsciousness is a basic issue in psychology , which needs to be studied and resolved in sports psychological training .

  9. 品牌意识是消费心理学中的一个重要概念,在我国,关于品牌意识的研究还相对较少。

    Although brand awareness is an important concept of consuming psychology , but studies in brand awareness in China are not yet abundant .

  10. 为此,思想政治教学应有意识地运用心理学原理和技术,促使学生树立起正确的思想道德观念、使学生的道德认识信念化,形成良好的道德行为习惯。

    Therefore , in ideological and political teaching , teachers should make the use of psychological principles and techniques to help students have correct ideological and ethical ideas and form good moral and behavioral habits .

  11. 心理学中的文化意识在跨文化心理学、文化心理学、文化建构主义心理学中经历了3次重大衍变。

    The cultural consciousness in Psychology has three forms .

  12. 分述意识在哲学、心理学、精神病学及医学中的特定含义;

    Specific meaning of consciousness in philosophy , psychology , psychiatry and medical science were explained separately .

  13. 随着生物医学模式的转变,自我意识的研究成为心理学研究的热点。

    With the transformation of the biomedicine model , the study on the self-consciousness become hotspot of the psychological research .

  14. 例如,许多建筑在人类学、意识的事实(心理学)、内心直观和外在经验上面的哲学,便属于这类实证科学。

    Under this head we must also class the philosophy which proposes to build upon'anthropology ' , facts of consciousness , inward sense , or outward experience .

  15. 宗教经验是宗教意识的主要内容之一,宗教意识是宗教心理学着重研究的对象。

    Religious experience is one of the main contents of the religious consciousness which is the subject of religious psychology .

  16. 然而,在这种情况下,我们所讨论的无意识,不是语言学上的无意识;,不是心理学上的无意识。

    In this case , however , the unconscious in question is not a linguistic unconscious ; it is not a psychological unconscious .