
  1. 德国和意大利刑法典同时在总则和分则中对亲告罪的相关内容进行了规定。

    At the same time , the criminal codes in Germany and Italy defined the related contents of the crimes to be handled only upon complaint .

  2. 斯托斯起草的《瑞士刑法预备草案》和菲利起草的《意大利刑法草案》分别为保安处分的“二元论”和“一元论”立法奠定了基础;

    《 Switzerland criminal law preparatory draft 》 and 《 Italy criminal law preparatory draft 》 laid the ground work for " dualism " and " monism " of Security measure .

  3. 从18世纪意大利古典刑法学家贝卡利亚在其著名的《论犯罪与刑罚》中提出死刑的限制与废除以来,国际上关于死刑的存废问题成为刑法学家们争论的焦点。

    Criminal law from the 18th century Italian classical scholars Beccaria , in his famous " theory of crime and punishment " in the proposed restrictions and abolition of the death penalty since the international abolition of the death penalty as criminal scientists debate .

  4. 其次,介绍了意大利因果关系的学说,并对意大利刑法典中的因果关系立法进行了分析,指出其立法是对客观的因果关系的经典表述。

    Secondly , the writer introduces the causality theories of Italy and legislation in the Italian criminal code , and points out that the legislation of the criminal causality is the classical statement of the objective causality .