
  • 网络Metal Decoration
  1. 意念与装饰的结合&谈现代金属装饰艺术

    Combination of Idea and Decoration-On Modern Metal Decoration Art

  2. 可代替传统的金属装饰和金箔装饰,是一种方便实用的装饰材料。

    Can replace the traditional metal decoration and gilded decoration , is a convenient and practical decoration materials .

  3. 低密度非金属装饰材料表面金属化的工艺研究

    Study on surface metallizing of loose nonmetallic decorative materials

  4. 升扬金属装饰材料有限公司。

    Shen young metal embellishment Material Corp.

  5. 随着建筑装饰领域新技术,新材料的不断更新与应用,建筑金属装饰网这一新型材料,带来了业界的广泛关注。

    With the improvement and application of the new technology and new materials in architecture field , metal decoration net catches the eyes in overseas as high-tech products .

  6. 本企业竭诚为各写字楼、商场、酒店宾馆、夜总会、车站、会所及众众花苑小区提供各种金属装饰产品,并以创新的概念,为所有建筑物创造完美的装饰效果。

    LOMSDA will supply all kings of metals products for office buildings , markets , hotel , night club , station , and communities , we will offer perfect result with creative idea for all buildings .

  7. 在购物过程中,她们对超短裤和阿迪达斯(Adidas)一款金色金属片装饰的夹克衫表现出了特殊的兴趣。

    During the shopping trip , the women showed special interest in short shorts and an Adidas jacket with gold lame trim .

  8. 用木头石头或金属来装饰表面。

    Decorate the surface of by inserting wood , stone , and metal .

  9. 而且,“请不要告诉我,已经到了应该买金属丝装饰的时候了。”这句话只会使两股力量和谐。

    And that please-don 't-tell-me-it 's-tinsel-time moment only serves to reconcile the two forces .

  10. 用光亮金属片装饰圣诞树

    Decorate a Christmas tree with tinsel

  11. 用金属或装饰性的铰链连到门上的装置。

    A device ( usually metal and ornamental ) attached by a hinge to a door .

  12. 贱金属制装饰性香烟盒

    Ornamental cigarette box of base metal

  13. 他喜好金属的装饰功能,寻求在形状与颜色之间取得平衡。

    He enjoys the decorative aspect of the metal and seeks to balance shapes and colors .

  14. (指金属)装饰有或镶饰有不同(特别是贵重)金属做成的波纹状图案。

    ( of metals ) decorated or inlaid with a wavy pattern of different ( especially precious ) metals .

  15. 外部的一圈走廊作为公共区域与私密区域的过渡,走廊外面使用大片的穿孔金属板装饰,金属板上带有一些开口。

    External circulation is used as a buffer between public and private realms and articulated through layers of perforated metal and small openings .

  16. 本实用新型提供了一种外壳用塑料金属镀膜装饰的保温瓶,由瓶胆、瓶塞、外壳等构成。

    The utility model provides a vacuum bottle with a plastic outer casing decorated by a metal plating film , which is composed of a bottle liner , a bottle plug , the outer casing , etc.

  17. GKD建筑装饰金属网的装饰性与功能性

    Decoration and Functions of GKD Building Decorative Metal Mesh

  18. 微晶玻璃/金属复合新型装饰材料的研究

    The Study on the Glass-Ceramic / Metal Composite New Decorative Material

  19. 金属制品表面装饰图案的新方法

    Innovation Of Metal Surface Decoration On the Protection of Librarianship system protection

  20. 珐琅制品:把一种玻璃质釉料烧附在金属表面作装饰的金属制品。

    Enamelwork : Metal objects decorated with an opaque glaze fused to the surface by intense heat .

  21. 目前,由金属制成的装饰牙套成为美国时尚青年的新宠,但口腔科专家近日向佩带者发出警告说,谨防口腔疾病!

    America 's dentists are alarmed by a trend for mouth adornments which encase teeth in precious metals and jewellery .

  22. 我公司的氟碳防腐涂料具有超常的耐候,具有仿铝板,仿瓷、仿金属等多种装饰效果。

    I Fluorocarbon companies with anticorrosion coating extraordinary Weathering has fake aluminum , tile-like , fake metal and other decorative effects .

  23. 根据新的方案,自由塔的基座由混凝土和钢铁制成,外墙将用一种金属制品来装饰,而顶部则是一个玻璃塔。

    The redesign calls for a concrete and steel pedestal , clad in ornamental metalwork , and topped by a tower of glass .

  24. 13世纪下半叶,一种在金属胎上装饰瓷釉的手艺从阿拉伯传入中国。

    A kind of handicraft of decorating enamel on the metal was introduced from Arab into China in the late half of the13th century .

  25. 这种金属复合轻质装饰瓦不仅具有很好的防热和防雨效果,而且还具有很好的建筑装饰效果。

    The metal composite light decoration tile is not only provided with great heat prevention and rain prevention effects , but also provided with a great architectural decoration effect .

  26. 她努力想把这个品牌和它曾经有过的比较调皮的元素再次联系起来,包括模仿篮球运动衫设计的紧身背心,底端是箭头形状的金属亮片条纹装饰,以及夏威夷冲浪服风格的印花。

    And she sought to reconnect the label with the more playful elements of its past , including tanks that were styled after basketball jerseys , sequined tuxedo stripes that ended with the point of an arrow , and a floral print that resembled something from Hawaiian surf wear .

  27. 千万别这麽装模作样的.用木条或金属条做成的装饰性花样。

    An ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal .

  28. 装饰碗,贱金属制,户内装饰用

    Ornamental bowl , of base metal , for indoor decoration

  29. 锤纹漆和桔纹漆主要用于保险柜、件柜、脑机箱及家用电器等金属外壳的表面装饰。

    Hammer finish and orange-peel finish are principally used for decoration of metallic body such as safe , filing cabinet , computer cabinet and family appliance .

  30. 我们正在制造金属罐,礼品装饰盒,茶叶铁罐,茶叶球童、币空罐、干罐、克力罐、化妆品铁罐。

    Also , we do the job of tinplate printing , molding , lid making and can making . We are manufacturers of Metal Tins , Decorative Gift Tins , Tea Tins , Tea Caddies , Mint Tins , Cookie Tins , Chocolate Tins , Cosmetic Tins .