
  • 网络Tax category;Tax Classes
  1. 面向银税类行业应用的嵌入式Linux软件开发平台

    Embedded Linux software development platform for bank and taxation trade application

  2. 目前,此开发平台已成功地应用于ATM自动柜员机、嵌入式税控收款机等银税类终端产品的开发。

    Now , the software development platform apply to ATM , POS and so on .

  3. 第三、第四部分是对房地产具体税类的分析。

    Third , fourth part of the property tax category specific analysis .

  4. 所得税类区分为企业所得税与个人所得税两种。

    Income tax is divided into enterprise income tax and personal income tax .

  5. 财产税类的改革及其政策选择

    On Reforming Property Taxes and Its Policy Choices

  6. 目前该显示模块设计已在银税类终端产品上得到应用。

    The display circuit design has used in the bank and taxation terminal product .

  7. 相信随着银税类产品需求的日益增长,该应用平台将会有着十分广阔的市场前景。

    With the increase of demand , there is a widely market of the application platform .

  8. 与网店征税密切相关的税种主要有流转税类与所得税类。

    Those which are closely related to web shops taxation are mainly turnover tax and income tax .

  9. 本文依据我国税收收入能力测算的原则,对地方税种分为流转税类、所得税类和其他税种类分别进行测算。

    According to the way how to choose the estimation model , we divided the local taxes into turnover tax class , income tax class and other tax class , and estimated their taxable capacity .

  10. 第三章是房地产流转税类,第四章是房地产保有税类,分别介绍了房地产流转税和保有税的税制要素以及税种特征,并对其进行横向的国际比较。

    Chapter ⅲ is the type of property transfer tax , real estate tenure tax category is the fourth chapter , briefed the property tax elements and the characteristics of tax elements , and its horizontal international comparisons .

  11. 对内融资的手段主要有整顿传统税收和征收新式商业税两类。

    The measure of inner financing mostly included two kinds , neatening the traditional agriculture tax and collecting new type of commercial tax .

  12. 你说的a类税和b类税。

    When you mention A-level taxing and B-level taxing .

  13. 我们的研究结果表明,对于像中国股市这类市场结构和市场制度处于变化之中的新兴市场,如果试图通过调整证券交易税税率这类显性的交易成本来影响市场波动性,其效果是有限的。

    Our research indicates that the effect of adjusting transaction cost like securities transaction tax on market volatility is limited for a emerging stock market such as China 's stock market .

  14. 争论的焦点是所谓的递延所得税资产&这类资产在上述四个南欧国家被视为核心资本,但欧洲央行(ECB)并不认为它是优质资产。

    At issue are so-called deferred tax assets , which are accepted as core capital in the four southern European countries , but which are not regarded by the European Central Bank as high quality .

  15. 土地使用税属于资源税类。

    Land used tax attribute resources tax .

  16. 遗产税属于财产税类,是个古老的税种,已有四百多年的历史,目前全世界大约有一半以上的国家和地区开征遗产税。

    The estate tax belongs to property tax , which boasts of four hundred years old . At present , the estate tax is collected by more than half of the countries and regions around the world .

  17. 增税应以消费支出税类为主,资本收入税类、劳动所得税类的增税空间很小。

    Adding tax should be mainly based on consumption tax and there is not space for government financing on labor tax and capital tax .

  18. 建立内外企业统一的符合国际惯例的企业所得税为主体的主体税类;

    Establishing the main class of tax whose main body is income tax of enterprise , which is inside and outside and conforming to the international practice ;

  19. 在开放的世界经济中,资本的跨国流动日益活跃,商品税作为现代三大税类之一,必然会对国际投资产生相应的影响。

    Commodity tax , one of three kinds of taxes , is bond to influence the international investment activities as the world economies become opener and the transnational movement of capital become more active than before .

  20. 具体说来,慈善组织可享受的税收优惠包括收益税、消费税、行为税和所得税四大类;捐赠人亦可享受遗产税等税收优惠。

    Specifically , charitable organizations can enjoy four main categories of tax benefits , including profit tax , consumption tax , behavior tax and income tax ; the donators can also enjoy the tax benefits of estate duty , etc. .

  21. 本文依据税收法律的本质特性和税收运动规律,将税权分为国家税权、政府税权和公民税权三大类。

    The thesis divides the taxation powers into country power government power and citizen power by the essential characteristic of taxation law and the movement regularity of taxation revenue .

  22. 通过完善消费税和清费改税,建立起以消费税为主体的收入型辅助税类;

    According to perfecting consumption and consumption tax in transition , establishing the income assistant class of tax whose main body is consumption tax ;