
  • 网络tax information
  1. 基于J2EE框架的税务信息服务系统设计

    Design of Tax Information System Based on J2EE Platform

  2. 浅谈税务信息管理系统中信息安全策略与管理

    On the Information Security Policy and Management of Tax Information Management System

  3. Internet税务信息资源概述

    Approaching the Internet Information Resource in Tax Field

  4. 要充分挖掘金税工程积累的税务信息数据,必须先实现数据集中,利用中间件的基本工作原理,提出了用MQ中间件实现税务数据集中的方法。

    In order to find the information data of tax that accumulated by The Golden-Tax project , we must implement the integration of data . The article tells the basic theory of Middleware and tells how to implement tax data integration by using MQ .

  5. 电子税务信息系统建设研究

    The Study of Constructing the Information System of Electronic Tax

  6. 第三章:深入分析电子税务信息资源整合中存在的突出问题。

    Chapter three analyzes serious problems in integration of E-Tax and CRM .

  7. 建立税务信息综合查询系统的目的是为了整合税收业务的数据。

    Comprehensive tax information inquiry system is built to integrate the tax business data .

  8. 集群技术在税务信息集中的应用

    Clustering technology for centralizing taxation information project

  9. 并且我们在税务信息太原理工大学硕士学位论文决策树生成系统系统中的数据上应用该系统也取得了比较满意的分类结果。

    We have applied them on the revenue information system and got some satisfied results .

  10. 应当大力解决税务信息不透明不共享的问题。

    Lack of transparency and a failure to exchange tax information should be vigorously addressed .

  11. 税务信息集中应用比较广泛,涉及多个层面,在国内外也比较常见,其实现方式包括数据同步、处理集中、设备集中、应用集中等。

    Taxation information integration applies extensively , involving multiple levels , and is common in and abroad china .

  12. 现代信息技术迅速发展,各种税务信息系统广泛投入使用,税收数据分析工作也有很大的进步。

    With the rapid development of the modern information technology , different tax information systems are widely put in use .

  13. 研发税务信息系统安全建设一般要遵循的途径是:合理的规划,周密的设计,严谨的实施。

    Research and development of security construction of revenue information system generally follows : rational planning , careful design and precisely implement .

  14. 本文目的是研究税务信息系统信息安全保障方面的有关问题。

    The purpose of this paper is to study the relevant problem pertain to information security assurance problem of the tax information system .

  15. 人们对财务信息、税务信息及个人收入等信息更加关注。

    People pay more attention to finance ( information )、 tax administration information and personal income information in this commercial economy ( society ) .

  16. 根据金税工程三期的要求,对税务信息系统的安全问题作了较详细地探讨。

    This paper discusses the security of tax information system in detail according to the demand of The Third Period of Golden Tax engineering .

  17. 第一章是对税务信息系统安全的背景及发展作了简单概述,指出建立完整健全的安全保障体系对税务系统的重要性,并简要概括了本文研究的重点内容。

    The first chapter gives a simple summarize of background and development of the tax information system , which the concepts and approaches relating to information security among the course .

  18. 税务信息系统安全直接关系到税收信息化建设的成败,必须引起税务机关和每一位税务人的重视。

    With a view to the fact that security of revenue information affects the success of informationization construction , tax department and every tax staff should attach enough importance to the security of revenue information system .

  19. 第一章绪论主要介绍了税务信息管理系统的研究背景以及其在我国税务信息化进程中的发展现状,对本论文的研究目的以及研究内容进行了初步的介绍。

    The research background of TIMS and the development status of taxation informationization in our country are discussed in the first chapter of introduction . The research purpose and content of this paper are also primarily introduced .

  20. 芬兰也有类似的做法,人们可以电话问询或亲自前往有关部门要求得到税务信息,而爱尔兰的员工有权要求提供按性别分类的同级别工作的薪酬信息。

    There are similar approaches in Finland , where people can request tax information by phone or in person , while in Ireland employees have a right to request pay information broken down by gender for the same level of work .

  21. 然而,由于税务信息经常是被税务行政机关所占有,所以对于税务信息的所有权人的纳税人和税务行政机关及其他纳税人之间的人格身份所享有的权利如何配置,是保护的关键。

    However , due to tax information are often occupied by the tax administration authorities , how to configure the personality rights of the identity between the owner of tax information for taxpayers and tax administration agencies and other taxpayers is the key point to the protection .

  22. 文章侧重于叙述整个税务信息管理系统的设计与实现,从全面到局部,重点介绍了系统的结构,以及贯穿整个系统的设计思想和实现策略。本文共分为七章。

    The paper focuses on the design and the realization of the whole system , from the whole to the part one . It emphasizes the architecture , the design idea and the realization of the whole system . Totally , the paper is divided into seven chapters .

  23. 通用的多级税务管理信息系统的设计和实现

    Design and Realization of universal multi-level tax management information systems

  24. 基于数据仓库的税务地理信息系统构建

    Construction of a Tax Administration GIS Based on Data Warehouse

  25. 涉外税务审计信息系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Realization of TAX Audit MIS

  26. 税务系统信息集成的研究和实现

    Research and Realization of Taxation Information Integrated System

  27. 本论文题目为葫芦岛市地方税务局信息网站开发。

    The subject of the thesis is The Information Website Development of Huludao Local Taxation Bureau .

  28. 基于集群计算思想建立的集群系统可以为市级税务部门信息处理大集中提供服务器平台。

    The clustering system , based on clustering calculating methods , is used by taxation information centralizing in cities to establish the serving platform .

  29. 其次分析问题,主要从技术层面、管理层面和体制层面对县级税务部门信息孤岛问题成因进行解析。

    Many reasons can induce the information island in Department of prefectural revenue , this paper analyze the question from three aspect , including technology , management and system .

  30. 诸如,如何利用信息技术实现税务资金信息的最优化流转,并在庞大数据信息流中得到关键信息以帮助政府相关部门高效决策。

    To use information technology to achieve the optimal tax transfer of financial information , and data in the massive flow of information to get critical information to help relevant government departments and efficient decision-making .