
  • 网络Tax education;Taxation education
  1. 突变评价法在全国税务教育办学水平评价中的应用

    Catastrophe Evaluation Method and It 's Application

  2. 随着税务教育培训任务的日益加重,优化税务培训机构的基建管理也迫在眉睫。

    With the aggravation of training task , it has become more and more urgent to optimize the management of infrastructure construction in tax training organs .

  3. 迄今为止,近8年的税务教育培训在各级施教机构的努力下取得了一定的成绩,但同时也存在一些问题。

    To this day , the education and training of the taxation has achieved some successes upon the educational organizations at all levels making great efforts for almost 8 years , but still the education and training mechanism exists some problems .

  4. 六员培训是税务教育培训工作中至关重要的一件大事,是关系到税务干部队伍建设和税收工作发展的一项系统工程。

    The training of " six kinds of personnel " in tax departments is the essential issue in tax training work and also a systematic project which relates to the construction of the team of tax civil servants and the development of taxation .

  5. 论文对教育统计和教育评测的各种技术和方法进行研究,比较了各种教育统计和教育评测技术的优劣,基于Visualc++环境下设计并实现一个税务业务教育培训统计与测评系统。

    A tax training education statistics and evaluation system is designed and implemented on Visual C + + .

  6. 税务公务员教育培训是税务人才开发的主要内容,是提高税务人才素质的基本途径。

    Civil servants ' training of taxation system is the main contents of tax talents development .

  7. 为适应税收管理的需要,必须通过各种途径系统地开展税务干部教育培训工作。

    In order to adapt to the tax administration , it is necessary to train the tax personnel systematically .

  8. 第五部分:完善湖北省地方税务系统教育培训工作的对策建议。

    The fifth part : to perfect the local taxation system in hubei education training work of countermeasures and Suggestions .

  9. 举例来说,五角大楼被称为国防部,减税叫做税务优惠,教育补助金券(vouchers)叫做机会奖学金(opportunityscholarships)。

    For instance , the Pentagon is called the Department of Defense , tax cuts are called tax relief , and vouchers become opportunity scholarships .

  10. 其他议题包括在这本书包括审计,税务,会计教育,在好几个国家。

    Other topics covered in the book include auditing , taxation , and accounting education in several countries .

  11. 首先论述了远程教育的有关问题,然后以税务干部远程教育系统为例,论述了一个通用远程教育系统的分析、设计与简要实现方法。

    The problems about longdistance education are first discussed , then with the example of longdistance education system for revenue officers , the analysis , design and simple realization methods of a generalpurpose longdistance education system are discussed .

  12. 第三,本文认为税务稽查培训教育对提升稽查人员专业知识技能十分重要,稽查人员工作考评与激励对调动稽查人员工作积极性作用巨大。

    Thirdly , the author believed that the training and education on tax inspectors is important to improve their professional knowledge and skills , and the system of evaluation and incentive on tax inspectors is also important to enhance their working enthusiasm .

  13. 软件服务领域:电信、电力、金融、税务、社保、教育、医疗、企管、电子、商务。

    Software service scope : telecommunications , power , finance , taxation , social insurance , education , medical treatment , enterprise management , electronics and business .

  14. 首先概括了税务系统思想政治教育工作的特点,包括:教育方式呈现多元化;教育重心呈现两极化;教育对象呈现年轻化。

    First summarized the national tax system the characteristics of the ideological and political education work , including : present diversified education mode ; Education center of gravity of polarization ; More education object .

  15. 通过对税务系统思想政治教育工作特点的概括引出了当前我国税务系统思想政治教育工作中存在的主要问题。

    Through the generalization of national tax system of ideological and political education work led to the current national tax system in our country the main problems existing in the ideological and political education work .

  16. 近十余年来,湘潭市地方税务局一直在开展税务公务员的教育培训工作,也取得了可喜的成绩。

    Over the past decade , Xiangtan local taxation bureau has been conducting education and training of the tax civil servants , and has made gratifying achievements .